Sunday, March 23, 2008

Network Solutions Censors Wilders, but Hosts Hezbollah Terrorist Site

If you tried to go to the UK website I recommended recently for the Wilder's Fitna movie, you will notice it has been hacked.  Firstly it was censored by Network Solutions, then a mirror website was set up in the UK, then that was hacked and hijacked to a Muslim jihad website, then modified to make it look like the whole movie was a spoof.  But now comes more steam-pressure into the impending social explosion, about a short film that so far nobody has seen.  Network Solutions, we learn, hosts the website of the terror-group Hizbollah!

I just confirmed, the website (English version at, but I won't link to them) is web-hosted and sponsored by the same Network Solutions which censored the Wilders film.  You can confirm it for yourself by checking the Geek Tools "whois" website:

So for Network Solutions, an American company, it is perfectly acceptable to host a website put up by one of the most bloody terror organizations on the planet, which has launched wars and massacred American, European and Israeli civilians over decades, and advocates violent murder, misogynistic crushing down of women and non-Muslims, and a totalitarian Islam, but totally unacceptable if you dare to criticize any of that.  It doesn't get any more irrational, self-destructive or hypocritical.

While Geert Wilders continues to be identified as a "right-winger" in the newspapers, that does not appear to be the case.  Whatever his politics, I am confident the Wilders film cannot be anything more dramatic than has already appeared in the film Obsession.

Obsession was ignored, treated with silence by contrast, but it did have a powerful influence, as for the first time many people got to see mainstream Islamic hate-preachers which make the Rev. Wright of Trinity Church look like a timid peace-nik Quaker.  That kind of thing is common in the Muslim world, not a minority attitude at all. The Islamo-fanatic mullahs would wave swords from their pulpits and scream "kill the jews" to the response of a roaring, jumping-up-and-down fist-shaking, dead-faced mob in the mosque.  Such is the ugly situation of Islam which the mostly-liberal and Islam-loving MSM does not want people to see.  While they accuse Wilders and the conservatives of being "Hitlerites" and such, factually we see the sword-waving, murder-rhetoric and now bald-faced censorship, flowing overwhelmingly from Islam and it's left-wing supporters.  The Muslims certainly do ACT upon that rhetoric, in their state-sponsored terrorism and misogyny, which is exported internationally via the mullah-mosque system, and through foreign policy.  And they are getting full support from the craven internet companies, who would sell us all into slavery if it would allow them to cuddle even closer with the totalitarians of the world, and boost their quarterly earnings report.  Little Men all.

The Wilders film, which nobody has seen, is "smoking out" every fascist freedom-hater and Islamofascist terror supporter on the planet.

Now, Google is censoring Fitna.  Try a search for "fitna the movie".  It will yield various links attacking or discussing the film, including various pretender sites which are dedicated to attacking Wilders ... but the original Wilders websites don't come up.  Now, there are also calls emerging for a similar banishment and censoring of Hirsi Ali's film Submission from internet.

Where will it end?

Here's the original website in the USA, censored out of existence by Network Solutions:

And here's the hacked one in the UK -- still has the spoof message.  Or, it could be this whole website was a spoof:

One of the torrents websites has claimed to have the Fitna movie up, but -- beware -- you might be getting some Islamo-virus, made to "Punish Those Who Listen To Insulters of Islam".  So I won't provide any links to that.

Again, if any of this bothers you, register a protest with Network Solutions.  Here is some updated info on their contacts:

Network Solutions
Abuse coordinator:
Telephones: 1-800-333-7680, 1-800-361-5712, and 1-888-642-9675
outside the US 1.570.708.8788

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