Defending Wilhelm Reich's Work on Genitality,
and the Rights of Heterosexual Youth
In the context of private discussions on-going among orgonomic professionals who accept the factual nature of Dr. Wilhelm Reich's concepts on genitality and sex-economy, I would like to introduce the excellent work of Dr. Stuart Brody, Professor of Psychology currently at the University of West Scotland, and his various associates. For years, they have been pioneering a line of investigation similar to Reich's, thereby providing a substantial support for Reich's original findings.
Brody's (et al) research provides a powerful confirmation of Reich's original clinical findings and uncompromised views on the superior psychic and somatic health benefits of heterosexual genitality ("Penile Vaginal Intercourse" or "PVI" as Brody calls it), as compared to all other forms of sexual discharge (homosexuality, bi-sexuality, masturbation, oral-anal climaxes, whippings, group-sex, poly-sex, sex with prostitutes, rape, etc.). This is of course a serious challenge to the Kinsey-oriented modern "sexual science" which is sustained mostly by powerful interest groups lobbying through governments for legal standing on a variety of sex-pathological fronts. Brody's research also challenges some conventional views about "AIDS", that it is generally not transmissible by heterosexual genital intercourse, and also shows female vaginal orgasm is a higher indicator of woman's health than clitoral climaxes, just as with men the ejaculatory reaction does not constitute an "orgasm" per se, and when obtained by non-genital activity imparts only a shadow of the health benefits of PVI, or genital heterosexual intercourse. For full details on this, read Reich's Function of the Orgasm. It is still a light-year ahead of most of what's found in the modern textbooks.
Here is a list of what I feel are the most critical of Brody et al's research papers, with weblinks where the abstracts or full papers may be downloaded from internet. A review of the titles alone is illustrative (organized chronologically, most recent first):
Brody, S., & Klapilova, K., Lucie Krej_ová (2013). More Frequent Vaginal Orgasm Is Associated with Experiencing Greater Excitement from Deep Vaginal Stimulation
Journal of Sexual Medicine 2013;10:1730-1736
Brody, S. & Weiss, P. (2011). Simultaneous penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm is associated with satisfaction (sexual, life, partnership, and mental health). Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8, 734-741.
Brody, S., & Weiss, P. (2011). Heterosexual anal intercourse: increasing prevalence, and association with sexual dysfunction, bisexual behavior and venereal disease history. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 37(4):298-306.
Costa, R.M., & Brody, S. (2011). Anxious and avoidant attachment, vibrator use, anal sex, and impaired vaginal orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine,8(9):2493-500.
Brody, S. (2010). The relative health benefits of different sexual behaviors. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 1336-1361.
Brody, S., Houde, S., & Hess, U. (2010). Greater tactile sensitivity and less use of immature psychological defense mechanisms predict women's penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 3057-3065.
Costa, R. M., & Brody, S. (2010). Immature psychological defense mechanisms are associated with lesser vaginal orgasm consistency and greater alcohol consumption before sex. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 775-786.
Costa, R. M., & Brody, S. (2010). Greater frequency of penile-vaginal intercourse without condoms is associated with better mental health. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, 1-2.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2009). Overestimation of heterosexually attributed AIDS deaths is associated with immature psychological defense mechanisms and clitoral masturbation during penile-vaginal intercourse. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 20, 869-875.
Weiss, P., & Brody, S. (2009). Women's partnered orgasm consistency is associated with greater duration of penile-vaginal intercourse but not of foreplay. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6, 135-141.
Brody, S., & Costa, R. M. (2008). Vaginal orgasm is associated with less use of immature psychological defense mechanisms. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5, 1167-1176.
Brody, S., & Kruger, T.H.C. (2008). Penile-vaginal intercourse decreases weight gain. Medical Hypotheses, 71, 812-813.
Costa, R. M., & Brody, S. (2008). Condom use for penile-vaginal intercourse is associated with immature psychological defense mechanisms. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5, 2522-2532.
Brody, S. (2007). Vaginal orgasm is associated with better psychological function. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, 22, 173-191.
Costa, R. M. & Brody, S. (2007). Women's relationship quality is associated with specifically penile-vaginal intercourse orgasm and frequency. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 33, 319-327.
Brody, S. (2006). Penile-vaginal intercourse is better: Evidence trumps ideology. Sexual & Relationship Therapy, 21, 393-403.
Brody, S. (2006). Blood pressure reactivity to stress is better for people who recently had penile-vaginal intercourse than for people who had other or no sexual activity. Biological Psychology, 71, 214-222.
Brody, S., & Krüger, T.H.C. (2006). The post-orgasmic prolactin increase following intercourse is greater than following masturbation and suggests greater satiety. Biological Psychology, 71, 312-315.
Potterat, J. J., Brewer, D.D., Muth, S. Q., & Brody, S. (2006). The protective effect of male circumcision as a faith lift for the troubled paradigm of HIV epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa. PloS Medicine, 3(1), (e64).
Brody, S. (2004). Sexual factors and prostate cancer. BJU International: British Journal of Urology, 93, 180.
Brody, S. (2004). Slimness is associated with greater intercourse and lesser masturbation frequency. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 30, 251-261.
Potterat, J. J., Brewer, D., Muth, S. Q., Rothenberg, R. B., Woodhouse, D. E., Muth, J. B., Stites, H. K., & Brody, S. (2004). Mortality in a long-term open cohort of prostitute women. American Journal of Epidemiology, 159, 778-785.
Brody, S. (2003). Alexithymia is inversely associated with women's frequency of vaginal intercourse. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32, 73-77.
Brody, S., Laan, E., & van Lunsen, R. H. W. (2003). Concordance between women's physiological and subjective sexual arousal is associated with consistency of orgasm during intercourse but not other sexual behavior. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 29, 15-23.
Brody, S., & Potterat, J. J. (2003). Assessing the role of anal intercourse in the epidemiology of AIDS in Africa. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 14, 431-436.
To wit: All other factors being equal, and within the context of our still relatively sex-negative Western liberal-democratic cultures (suffering under both puritanical-moralistic and licentious-pornographic variations of sexual disturbance) neither anal nor oral copulations leading to climax-discharge or ejaculations are comparable in health benefits to male-female genital intercourse with full orgasm. And full orgasm is only possible, as Reich detailed, when one can fully "let go" with a trusted and loved partner in a safe setting, and especially for the woman where the risk of unwanted pregnancy is eliminated through contraception. This is so, irrespective of other factors related to sexual anxiety which are still quite universal. Such anxiety is also at high levels (but masked) among the "fuck-freely" and "swinger" pornographic culture, which suffers from a great deal of orgastic impotence (from the Reichian definition) without much gratification... and this lack of gratification is what drives those groups into such frantic behavior. Likewise with masturbation, as it applies to adult populations, the clinical evidence supports Reich. It is basically harmless for children exploring their bodies. When chronic for older teens and adults, masturbation can become an avoidance mechanism for male-female pair bonding. Likewise, no amount of anal or oral sex can give the same gratification as heterosexual genitality. No matter what the sexual practices or techniques, Reich's genitality remains the gold-standard, and it is intrinsically heterosexual, closely identical to what Brody identifies in his clinical work as PVI (penile-vaginal intercourse).
I have already given additional details on the divergence of Reich's ideas from so much of modern "sexual science", which also appears true for Brody, et al's research findings. Modern "sexual research" is today governed more by political sentiments, and predominantly follows the degenerate views of Alfred Kinsey, a masochistic bi-sexual who preferred homosexual relations, and saw no problems with pornography, pedophilia or bestiality. Kinsey's "raw discharge" theory basically "equalized" every kind of sexual expression, no matter how self-centered, coercive, impotent or laden with sado-masochism. His discussions on "orgasm" had little to say about love or emotion, and were therefore completely at odds with Reich's findings and views which emphasized the emotional and gentle-loving context of sexual relations. Kinsey believed that any kind of sexual climax (for men, defined as ejaculation) was "an orgasm", and all were of equal value no matter how they were achieved, even in the sexual abuse of children. Kinsey actually used serial child-rapists as "informants" to obtain "data" on the "time to orgasm" for children between the ages of 6 months to 14 years old. He coached such sexual criminals in how to "gather data" so as to make it usable for his own research. These data are published right in his major books, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, for anyone with eyes to see. Those two very popular books also used extremely sloppy and statistically invalid data-sampling procedures, notably interviewing subjects from prisons, homosexual bars, seedy hotels used by prostitutes, and so forth, with his findings then generalized to ordinary heterosexual people across the USA. Even some of Kinsey's modern biographers have been forced, by the evidence and many public disclosures, to acknowledge these facts.
Unfortunately, Kinsey was lionized and carried forward into society as on a parade with cheering crowds. Publication of his ideas appeared in all the "top" mainstream media, with pop-enthusiastic interviews and his ideas written into public propaganda and new laws. Reich, by contrast, who opposed pornography and considered pedophilia a crime against children, and who also wrote about his observations on homoerotic sadism within the Third Reich, was isolated, shoved aside and treated like dirt. Reich was slandered as a pervert in the same mainstream media which cheered Kinsey, and finally was thrown into a prison cell. His books were burned by the same public media-mob that held Kinsey and friends in such high regard. Today, Kinsey's ugly ideas and past history have been largely cleansed by his own mainstream cheerleaders, while Reich is wrongly tarred and feathered as having supported such things as only Kinsey supported... the pornography, poly-sex, pedophilia and so on. And Reich was never a "member of the Frankfurt group" of Cultural Marxists, who championed the Kinsey agendas, and not Reich's more decidedly tame Sex-Pol agendas.
Citations and weblinks to original sources, documenting these facts, are found in my new book, In Defense of Wilhelm Reich. It is available now from the Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, and ebay websites, as well as from our own on-line booklist:
Workers in orgonomy and friends of Reich ignore these factors at great peril to society, as the roots of this problem go very deep into the human character, affecting social reform movements and political freedoms of every sort.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL
Author of:
In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists
Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World
YouTube Videos On the Experimental Life Energy Meter, New Model LM4
The Experimental Life Energy Meter (LM) is a hand-held device with an analog meter dial, which displays an increasing reading the closer the instrument electrodes come to living matter, such as a human, or a tree or leafy bush. It also responds to masses of steel or water, which are also known as substances which strongly attract the orgone energy.
Invented originally by Wilhelm Reich and called the Orgone Energy Field Meter, the newer Experimental LM was developed by Dave Marrett of Heliognosis, using solid state technology. It became available for experimental use about 8 years ago. Mr. Marrett subsequently developed the meter, through several iterations, towards greater sensitivity and utility, through versions LM-1, 2, and 3, the latter of which required a power-line source with electrical grounding for stability. That version remained available for about two years.
The new model LM4 is now available, and it is even better. It is fully portable, without the need for a wire connection to the power outlet, and runs on AA batteries. There is one built-in "blue square" electrode on the meter itself, and a receptacle for a glass tube or large flat plate electrode. The LM4 still has external jacks for output to a computer, and for alternative external electrodes. It can be used for measuring people, pets, plants, objects, soils, fruit, liquids, etc. With the data output port, one can hook the instrument to a computer using Labjack or Vernier software, or other DAQ programs, to produce an analog tracing of the strength of the human energy field, or the background atmospheric field intensity, along a time axis. The newer LM4 version of the meter, the LM4, is also more stable than prior versions.

In controlled experiments, a dying leaf will show progressively lower readings over time. A growing yeast culture will show increasing readings over time, radiating through the glass walls of a sealed vial in which the growth is occurring. The LM4 will detect the human energy field from a hand at a distance, without direct contact to the electrodes. On the most sensitive settings, the meter can detect a human energy field from one meter distance, or more, and unlike typical voltmeters, the analog dial readings remain constant with constant distance, and to not deteriorate after initial readings (as is the usual case with sensitive voltmeters). It does not detect or react to electromagnetic, static magnetic or electrostatic fields, revealing a completely new parameter related to life. Strong orgone blankets of multiple plys, for example, will give higher readings than those with fewer plys. Experiments with liquids or plants show results which are intuitively confirming of life-energy parameters, though testing of liquids or fruits require precise laboratory controls over the mass of the materials being evaluated. You cannot, for example obtain meaningful readings by comparing a large apple with a small one.
Several YouTube videos of the new meter in action are now available, including one in particular showing the increase in life-energy charge from a sealed glass vial of growing yeast. In my view, this is a serious new experiment demonstrating the existence of the orgone energy or life-energy, radiating from a closed system, outwards through the glass walls of the vial in which the yeast is growing. You can view that video here:
Measuring the Increase in Life-Energy Within a Closed Vial of Growing Yeast.
There's another giving basic instructions on operation:
Instructional YouTube Clip for the Life Energy Meter.
The LEM4 is now available and in stock, ready to ship, from Natural Energy Works:
See the upper part of the right-hand list.
While the LEM is the very best instrument for demonstrating the existence of human energy fields, and of the life-energy in the open atmosphere and surrounding both living and non-living objects and materials (similar to a "living cosmic ether") we still consider this to be an "Experimental" device, not suitable for clinical or health-diagnostic purposes. Users are invited to review the various documents and reports at these webpages, run their own experiments and report back to us their observations. There also are additional materials available:
1. Experiments With the Life Energy Meter:
* Measuring the Life Energy Phenomena in an Impatience Plant Leaf
* Measuring Bio-Organic Versus Commercially-Grown Apples
* Preliminary Tests with the Experimental Life Energy Meter (at OBRL)
* Liquid Comparison using the Experimental Life Energy Meter (at Heliognosis)
In controlled experiments dying leaf will show progressively lower readings.
2. The Experimental Life Energy Meter:
History, Operational Procedures and Suggested Experiments
Here is a general brochure on the Experimental Life-Energy Meter you can also download:
Happy Experimenting!
James DeMeo, PhD