Wednesday, February 25, 2015
"World On Fire"! Islamic Genocide, Child Abuse, Sexual Violence, Rape of Women: Anomaly or Mainstream?
"World On Fire"!
Islamic Genocide, Child Abuse, Sexual Violence and Rape of Women:
Anomaly or Mainstream?
More Islamic outrages in the last two weeks than I could list in ten of these emails. If interested, start reviewing the posts at those websites listed on the OBRL Links page, left-side column under the heading "Middle-East, Islamofascism, Jew-Hatred, Contemporary Issues":
Sweden: Rape Capital of Islamified Europe
I'll leave my admittedly-provocative question in the header of this essay as an open question, for the reader to decide for themselves, even though one would have to be living on Mars over the last couple of years to not know about the horrific totalitarianism, genocidal murdering, mass rapes of both Muslim and non-Muslim women, the mass-murder of children in schools, and adults, etc., all at the hands of Islamic groups such as Boko Haram, Islamic State, the al-Qaeda Talibans, and generally elsewhere across the Islamic world.
Here's a review of news items gathered from just the recent weeks, and a few reminders from prior years. Those on the Left who claim the existence of a larger "moderate Muslim" population may be correct in a minor way, just as there were anti-war Germans in Hitler's Germany, and anti-war Japanese or anti-communists in the Soviet Union, during the times of their mass-murdering. But that minority mattered not, as the larger majorities ruled and got exactly what they wanted: Psychopath leaders, totalitarianism, mass-slaughter of all who opposed them, plus war and destruction visited upon their neighbors, with eventual blow-back into their own national borders.
Saharasia writ large across the landscape, rooted in a most severe sex-repression, Islamic style -- which means, Muslim men have social permissions to murder any man, and kidnap women, and little girls and boys, into sexual slavery, with the only exception being if they are already Muslims under the protections of the totalitarian Islamic ummah.
Comfortable illusions versus the unpleasant reality. Decide for yourself.
UK Child sex scandal council hires hardcore jihadists to 'mentor' abusers (and to Hell with the thousands of young British girls who were subjected to Muslim kidnapping, rape and forced prostitution)
Female ISIS captives endure 'brutal and abnormal' sex
This article hardly touches the issue, but is a start. Sexual psychopaths form the core of Islamic male leadership, and as terrorist footsoldier functionaries, across much of the Islamic world, and as having emigrated into the Western democracies.
Yazidi women tortured, raped, sold into sexual slavery under ISIS control
US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens anally raped before murdered
Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti: Men May Marry Girls Under 15
It is not just the chaotically-violent Islamic State, but more "secure Islamic territory", the core mainstream of Islam, where pedophilia is fully approved.
Islamic "Honor" Murders of Young Women and Girls in the USA
The most alive and beautiful among them...
Inside Pakistan school where 132 children were gunned down by Taliban
VIDEO: Boko Haram massacre - mows down civilians lying face down in a dormitory, leader says they are being killed because they are 'infidels' (non-Muslims)
Hamas' New Army of Children
This is exactly what the Japanese Empire did in the years leading up to their invasions of China and other SE Asian nations, and what the Hitler Youth, and Young Pioneers were trained to do. It is a cultural marker for larger sadism and child-hatred among populations bent upon war.
Terror trainees: New ISIS video shows terror-training and hate-indoctrination of kids as young as 5
A Month of Islam in Europe: January 2015
300,000 Muslim Immigrants Imported into USA from Islamic Sharia "Hot Spots" by Obama Admin. in last three years alone. More than all the Hispanic immigrants, legal and illegal, combined.
Magicians know, while the right-hand is getting all the attention, the left-hand does the deceptive tricks.
Two-Thirds of European Muslims are Sharia Fundamentalists - 5 Year Study
A "tiny band of extremists"? Or a tiny band of dissenters to Islamic violencc?
Norwegian Muslims Approve of Sharia Stonings of Women, homosexuals, etc., but claim it is "not extremist"
80% of Palestinians Support Random Murder of Jewish Civilians
"Death to Israel, Death to America". Believe it.
Turkey: Justice vs. Islamist Justice
Saudi Arabia court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith
Desert war-lord psychopaths, lifted up by petro-dollars to steer the world into catastrophe.
The Palestinians' EU-Funded Campaign Against Israel
Jew-hate on the rise across Europe, and not just among Muslim immigrants. An old sickness in the Old World. What happens when all the Jews flee Europe? Christians are next.
PBS: America's "Most Trusted Institution" and its Coverage of Islam
Islamic-Leftist propaganda lying with a smiley face and gentle voice.
Muslim Mass-Immigration into USA Poses Serious National Security Threat
What could possibly go wrong?
ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon'
In centuries past, Islamic raiders attacked coastal villages of Europe, murdering men, kidnapping women and children, and burning all else to the ground. Millions died or were enslaved. Those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.
More On "No-Go Zones": Displacing What Is Disagreeable
Aussies cracking down. Lindt Cafe terrorist had 40 different charges of sexual assault against him, but none were prosecuted!
U.S. (Obama foreign policy) Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists
Obama and friends, architects of the "Arab Spring", with more of the same in planning.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Additional Confirmations on Saharasia
Additional Confirmations on Saharasia
A publication from 2006 recently came to my attention, providing additional proofs for the massive c.4000-3500 BCE climate shift which dried out the large Saharasian Desert Belt region (North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia), and some of the social changes which attended that climate change from lush forested grasslands, into hyperarid hardpan deserts and sand dunes.
Nick Brooks, "Cultural responses to aridity in the Middle Holocene
and increased social complexity", Quaternary International 151 (2006) 29-49.
This paper by Brooks was an excellent bit of work, but did not go into issues such as child treatment, status of women, sexual and family factors, nor the degeneration of social conditions into slavery or caste systems, and other factors so clearly related to social violence and warfare-conquest. Those were covered in detail within my Saharasia publications. Brooks did not cite my prior work, possibly due to not knowing about it.
However, Brooks' more recent study is interesting for several reasons beyond the basic confirmation of my determined chronology of the Saharasian climate transformations, as well as how that transformation elicited severe social changes in the Old World regions so affected.
For example:
1. Brooks documents a chronology for climate transformations within many of the same sub-regions of what I call the Saharasian Desert Belt, with dates that are very close to my own. The timing of climatic changes from wet to dry in the Sahara Desert are reflected roughly identically across Libya, Egypt, Mesopotamia and South Asia (Indus-Sarasvati region), the latter taking place most strongly later in the process. This aspect was thoroughly documented in my book Saharasia, in an archaeological-historical reconstruction spanning the period roughly from c.10,000 BCE to c.1900 CE. An analysis of social impacts of Saharasian desertification was also undertaken using standardized and peer-reviewed cross-cultural data from 1170 different world cultures, in a quadruple-blind control procedure that generated the first world maps of human behavior as derived from global ethnography. Numerous maps were generated of cultural-social factors revealing a Saharasian geographical pattern mirroring the Saharasian Desert Belt.
My findings were published in a major book, Saharasia, with additional summary papers in peer-reviewed history or anthropology journals, or as book chapters, going back to the original doctoral dissertation of 1986.
James DeMeo. "The Origins and Diffusion of Patrism in Saharasia, c.4000 BCE: Evidence for a Worldwide, Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in Human Behavior", World Futures, 30:247-271, 1991
James DeMeo. "A 'Saharasian' Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern in the Global Cross-CUltural Data on Human Behavior", World Cultures, 14(2):111-143, 2003
James DeMeo. Saharasia: The 4000-3500 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World. 2nd Revised & Updated Edition, Natural Energy Works Press, 2006, 2011.
2. Additional teleconnections with similar dates of desertification are identified by Brooks in the Peruvian region of South America, indicating long-distance climate teleconnections from the Saharasian Desert Belt to distant world regions. I previously wrote about these long-distance influences in more modern contexts, in two papers, where the primary desert region of Saharasia was contrasted against all other desert regions around the world, as secondary deserts which formed in climatic response to primary Saharasia:
James DeMeo. "Desert Expansion and Drought: Environmental Crisis (The Desert-Drought Map)", Journal of Orgonomy, Vol.23, No.1, pp.15-26 May 1989
James DeMeo. "The Desert-Drought Map", Pulse of the Planet, Vol.1, No.2, 1989, p.82
Slowly the world of classical science is catching up to ideas firstly pioneered by Wilhelm Reich, and later corroborated by myself in this large global study of desert-formation and human behavior, which was by itself also a solution to what Reich termed the "Riddle of the Origins of Human Armoring".
For the skeptic, I should also point out, the Saharasia findings have been subjected to extensive constructive, and some destructive criticism. But the basic findings and methodology had already been immersed in the acid of focused scientific critique and analysis, well before the first peer-reviewed publications appeared. I presented my findings before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, to the Association of American Geographers, to the Arid Lands Society, and at some smaller academic venues and conferences. Not once has any serious flaw in the data or methodology ever been identified, nor has any fact-based criticism emerged into public discussion.
The findings nevertheless stirred up a lot of animosity within some sex-negative and/or politically-inspired circles. Elsewhere, it caused befuddlement in how a new method of geographic analysis was applied to answer ancient historical, ethnographic and psychological questions related to human behavior. In so doing, it violated many sacred cows and bibliographies of the Old Guard, and hence was for a long time placed in a prominent position on the Index Expurgatorius of modern scientism. Even many "Reich followers" find it too perplexing to fit into narrow world views based upon lingering mystical attitudes, or "politically correct" ideas of multiculturalism, supposing that all human cultures are the same. No so. While some human societies more decidedly relaxed, sex-positive and peace oriented, unfortunately too many others are deeply suffering from extreme sexual disturbances, beating their children and wives often in ritualistic manners, and producing large numbers of extremely violent psychopaths as a consequence. And, they are still today found in highest concentration across the Saharasian Desert Belt. (Heresy!)
The world of Natural Science is catching up to the findings in my Saharasia, as new generations of scientists and scholars can't help but ask some of the same questions, and stumble over the same findings as were raised and observed in my original field work, or dug out from old texts in libraries, all showing similar geographical patterns and time-lines, and described firstly in the early 1980s.
I subsequently had multiple invitations to submit summary papers in specialized scientific literature, but no mainstream academic press was willing to publish the book with the full attention to detail as I demanded. So it was self-published, and now is into the third printing with a newly updated 2nd edition containing an all-new Appendix article "Update on Saharasia", which goes into more recent findings in archaeology which support the overall discovery.
For additional information, see the Saharasia book and "Update" article, and these prior reports:
New Evidence Supporting Saharasia
More Confirmation on Saharasia
New Confirmations on Saharasia
A hat-tip to Marinus van der Sluijs, for bringing this important paper of Brooks to my attention.
James DeMeo, PhD
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Orgonomy Conference, Riolo Terme Italy, 30-31 July & 1-2 August, 2015.
Orgonomy Conference, Riolo Terme, Italy
30-31 July & 1-2 August, 2015:
Conference on Wilhelm Reich,
Riolo Terme, Italy
Sponsored by the Italian Association for Orgonomy
Various lectures will be given over the four days by approximately 7 different professional speakers, with Italian and English language translations provided.
Dorothy Burlage, PhD
James DeMeo, PhD
Jorgos Kavouras, MD
Roberto Maglione, MSc
Richard Schwartzman, MD
James Strick, PhD
Armando Vecchetti, MBiolSci
Riolo Terme is accessible via the large airport at Bologna, Italy
Click on the Conference weblink for lecture schedules and other necessary information.
Also contact:
Sunday, February 08, 2015
New Evidence for "Official Adjustments" in Global Temperature Data, to Support Global Warming Fraud
New Evidence for "Official Adjustments" in Global Temperature Data, to Support Global Warming Fraud
There has been so much information published in recent years exposing the fraud of "human-caused" "global warming" , I have not felt to post it out, as opinion polls show most people are getting at least some of the new information and rejecting that fraud, currently being additionally fraudulently misidentified as "climate change" -- so the advocates of CO2-warming theory can try to blame any kind of climate or even weather changes upon human industrial-era activity.
Now here comes a new independent analysis which throws a monkey-wrench into the gears of the "climate change" schemers, and further proves how the "hockey stick" graph of claimed recent global warming by Homo Industrialus was fabricated by data massaging, and then promoted by those who stood to profit either monetarily, politically or ideologically. It supports the prior criticisms of other scientists who have dared to challenge the "official science" behemoth of "CO2-Driven Global Warming".
The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever
When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records - on which the entire panic ultimately rested - were systematically "adjusted" to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.
Two weeks ago, under the headline "How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming", I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog,
had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming.
This was only the latest of many examples of a practice long recognised by expert observers around the world - one that raises an ever larger question mark over the entire official surface-temperature record.
Following my last article, Homewood checked a swathe of other South American weather stations around the original three. In each case he found the same suspicious one-way "adjustments". First these were made by the US government's Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). They were then amplified by two of the main official surface records, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC), which use the warming trends to estimate temperatures across the vast regions of the Earth where no measurements are taken. Yet these are the very records on which scientists and politicians rely for their belief in "global warming". ...
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
New book: "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists", by J.DeMeo
Thursday, February 05, 2015
No-Go Zones for non-Muslims, Yes They Do Exist
No-Go Zones for non-Muslims, Yes They Do Exist
Here are a few comprehensive reports, on the situation of Islamization of the Western liberal democracies, as facilitated by Left-wing politicians.
European 'No-Go' Zones: Fact or Fiction?
Part 1: France
A 120-page research paper entitled "No-Go Zones in the French Republic: Myth or Reality?" documented dozens of French neighborhoods "where police and gendarmerie cannot enforce the Republican order or even enter without risking confrontation, projectiles, or even fatal shootings."
In October 2011, a 2,200-page report, "Banlieue de la République" (Suburbs of the Republic) found that Seine-Saint-Denis and other Parisian suburbs are becoming "separate Islamic societies" cut off from the French state and where Islamic Sharia law is rapidly displacing French civil law.
The report also showed how the problem is being exacerbated by radical Muslim preachers who are promoting the social marginalization of Muslim immigrants in order to create a parallel Muslim society in France that is ruled by Sharia law.
The French government has for years formally listed what is today 751 different Islamic no-go-zones, what they call "Zones urbaines sensibles" or Sensitive Urban Zones.
Britain is no better off, and like the French, mostly in denial about the situation.
European 'No-Go' Zones: Fact or Fiction?
Part 2: Britain
Here's part of the deadly consequences to women and children, of this blinkered attitude towards unfettered Islam:
UK - Hundreds More Muslim Rape Gang Cases, Covered Up by Liberal-Left Authorities and Media
Sweden's Leftists have a solution, to protect their favorite rapine theocratic totalitarians: Silence the political opposition who dares to bring up the subject:
The "anti-fascist" Left of Germany is hardly any different, having joined forces with Islamic factions against political moderates of all varieties. A Gatestone Institute report on the Islamization of Germany is forthcoming.
This kind of riotous and illegal actions taken up by elected authorities who are supposed to enforce the laws, is not too different from what Hitler's brownshirts did against anti-Hitler factions in the 1930s -- a few years before they just began imprisoning all opposition, or killing them dead in the streets.
Here's a good summary on the subject:
Here's a report on the situation in the USA, not quite so severe given our geographical distance from Islamic Saharasia:
Islam Experts: No-Go Zones Looming for America
However, consider the following report, about the current degeneracy of American foreign policy.
U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
New book: "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists", by J.DeMeo
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
NEW BOOKS on Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy, Now Available
NEW BOOKS on Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy
and a few of older ones, from the
Natural Energy Works /
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL) Press
Now Available
1. Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, by James E. Martin. - Details Below
2. In Defense of Wilhelm Reich, by James DeMeo - Details Below
3 Orgone Accumulator Handbook, by James DeMeo (New 3rd Revised Edition, in English plus all-new translations into German, Spanish, Italian and Greek) - Details Below
4. SAHARASIA: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World - Details Below
5. Heretic's Notebook: Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich, Edited by James DeMeo - Details Below
6. On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy, Edited by James DeMeo - Details Below
7. Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather Coincidental to Experimental Operations with a Reich Cloudbuster, by James DeMeo - Details Below
8. Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres: Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification, by Roberto Maglione - Details Below
The True Story of How a Communist Spy Team, Government Hoodlums and Sick Psychiatrists Destroyed Sexual Science and Cosmic Life Energy Discoveries,
by James Edward Martin
Softcover, fully indexed, with an Appendix presenting newly uncovered documents from FDA and FBI files, photos, 420 pages.
Opposing the 80-Year's War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists
by James DeMeo
Softcover, fully indexed with numerous illustrations and photos, 269 pages.
Wilhelm Reich's Discovery of the Life-Energy and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans,
by James DeMeo
3rd Revised and Updated Edition, softcover, fully indexed with Appendix on the
Cosmic Ether of Space, many photos and illustrations, 250 pages.
All-New German, Italian, Spanish, Greek Translations of this same 3rd Edition are also now available.
DAS ORGONAKKUMULATOR-HANDBUCH: Wilhelm Reichs Entdeckung der Lebensenergie. Rüstzeug für das 21. Jahrhundert zur Selbstheilung und allgemeinen Verbesserung der Lebensqualität, Mit vielen Bauanleitungen.
IL MANUALE DELL'ACCUMULATORE ORGONICO: Le scoperte e gli strumenti terapeutici di Wilhelm Reich per il XXI secolo basati sull'energia vitale, con gli schemi di costruzione
MANUAL DEL ACUMULADOR DE ORGON: La Energia Vital de Wilhelm Reich. Descubrimientos y Herramientas de Curacion para el Siglo XXI, con Planos para su Construccion.
(Greek characters won't reproduce in this email, but click the link below).
Also still available:
The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World
by James DeMeo
Revised & Updated 2nd Edition, fully indexed, softcover, illustrations, graphs and photos, with new Preface and Appendix Update on Saharasia, 464 pages.
Emotions, Protocells, Ether-Drift and Cosmic Life Energy, with New Research Supporting Wilhelm Reich
Edited by James DeMeo
Issue #5 of the Pulse of the Planet series, from OBRL.
Numerous articles by various scientists and scholars who have investigated Reich's works, with replication experiments, historical reports, and more. Softcover, illustrated, 272 pages.
Edited by James DeMeo
Issue #4 of the Pulse of the Planet series, from OBRL.
Numerous articles by various scientists and scholars who have investigated Reich's works, with replication experiments, historical reports, and more. Softcover, illustrated, 176 pages.
by James DeMeo
From a 1979 Research Project at the University of Kansas
Hardcover, with the Appendix Evidence for a Principle of Atmospheric Continuity, numerous photos and illustrations, 183 pages.
Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification
by Roberto Maglione
Softcover, with numerous photos and illustrations, 130 pages.
All our titles are available from the internet bookshop, Natural Energy Works
They are also available from Amazon and other international internet booksellers.
* Help support and keep Orgonomic Research alive by buying these titles. Each of the works above reflect many years of research and investigation by individual scientists and scholars, plus additional time and effort to write up those findings and present them to you in high-quality book editions. Orgonomy is not anything that has a large following or "popularity" within the general public, and because we avoid the methods of public hype and propaganda, sales of our titles tend on the low side, and information about their availability spreads mostly by word-of-mouth. (The same was true of Reich's own books.) We therefore rely upon the interested public which has benefited from Wilhelm Reich's research legacy, who remain interested in Reich's findings, to purchase these books and make them financially worthwhile. Without that kind of public interest and support, such books as these simply will not come to the awareness of sufficient numbers to justify their printing. The research reflected in these titles, which is timeless and of great scientific importance, nevertheless risks to decline away. So please consider to purchase them for your library, as well as for friends and students. Or, purchase them for a donation to your local public or university library.
* If you already have our books, consider making a direct donation to the OBRL Research Fund, to assist the continuation of our on-going laboratory work, field-research, historical investigations and publications. Or, visit the weblink above to purchase our publications.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director , Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
and Natural Energy Works
Ashland, Oregon, USA
The OBRL News & Quarterly Newsletters:
The new Newsletter #27, summarizing our work over 2014, is now available.
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