Thursday, August 20, 2015
End-of-August Seminar, and Books
End-of-August Seminar, and Books
1. Seminar
We still have seats available for the 29-30 August Weekend Seminar:
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
Contact us through the above weblink, or by return email if you are interested to attend.
2. Books
I wanted to continue with the introduction to my research in orgonomy, for those who are newly subscribed or viewing my outreach messages. Firstly I should emphasize, I am not an MD, nor an orgone therapist, unlike the majority of professionals in the field. However, some of the work I have done goes fully in the direction of social orgonomy, in social criticism of factors which result in the spread and perpetuation of human armoring. For example, my historical and cross-cultural research on the issue of male and female genital mutilations, and a global cross-cultural research project I initiated and which, after 7 years of digging into ancient texts and ethnographic data archives, resulted in the Saharasia discovery. I received the doctorate, or PhD, from the University of Kansas, Geography Department, for that work, which turned out to be the largest systematic global cross-cultural survey which had ever been undertaken, using a "quadruple-blind" analytical method and passing the dissertation and several mainstream journal peer-review criques. I believe nothing has surpassed the scope and depth of that work since. That was my Saharasia research, and I'll speak about that later on.
Aside from social orgonomy, digging into the parallel "origins of violence" and "origins of armoring" questions, I've been focused upon natural scientific investigations not only of Wilhelm Reich's discoveries, but a number of other innovative scientists of the 20th Century. Aside from Reich, there was the work of Giorgio Piccardi, Frank Brown, Dayton Miller, Nikola Tesla, and other lesser-known scientists, all of whom had the theme of a life-energy, or an energetic medium in space which influenced not only light-waves, but also weather, biology, geophysics and atmosphere. In addition to those academic university investigations, I got my education and training in orgonomy by contacts with those who had known and worked with Reich years earlier, and so have stayed on the same track ever since. I was also privileged to have contact with Reich's daughter Eva, on many occasions, and to have early on obtained copies of Reich's "banned and burned" materials. This led into personal experimental investigations of Reich's findings, with numerous verification studies.
I was the first university student to be awarded a graduate degree for investigations of Reich, in 1979, with a Master's degree for a 2-year field testing of Reich's cloudbuster device, demonstrating that it really did work, and wasn't the product of a "deranged mind" as the "skeptic club" slanderers were typically saying.
More on that later also.
For now, my research papers on all these subjects are available for review on-line.
There are three places on Internet where I have listed them. One is at my personal research website, for the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL), at OBRL overall had around 3-million visitors before the webcounter company went belly-up. (We are currently looking for a new webcounter company as an alternative.) Here is the specific webpage with the listing of my publications (and lectures).
Another listing of my research publications is on the large website: is host to around 24 million professional scientists and academic professors, where much to my surprise about 20,000 of these professional visitors came to read and download my published articles, over the three years since I signed up. This indicates to me, a very good appreciation for both Wilhelm Reich's and my own work in orgonomy.
Then also there is the website, with far fewer members, but a friendly place.
These latter two sites, Academia and ResearchGate, may require visitors to have a registered presence on their system before one can gain full access.
I have allowed downloads of my research papers through these three avenues, but not my published books. I ask that everyone interested in Reich and orgonomy to purchase my books, as this is what pays the bills. There are no authorized e-book downloads of any of my books, so if you have got those, it is 100% sure they are pirate editions. Please purchase my books for yourself and friends or family, to self-educate on new findings and replication studies in orgonomy, and as a simple way to support what we do at OBRL. Help our independent publishing efforts to remain economically solvent, or no new publications could be forthcoming, and the free downloads of the published papers would be ended. You can find my own books for sale on Amazon and other on-line bookstores, by simply doing a search on my name as author, "James DeMeo". They are also available at street-side bookstores by special order. Or, they can be ordered directly from our on-line bookstore, Natural Energy Works:
Thanks for your attention and support.
Good wishes to all,
James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL
Ashland, Oregon, USA
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Weekend Seminar on:
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Greek Translation: ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΣΥΣΣΩΡΕΥΤΗ ΟΡΓΟΝΗΣ. Δρ. Τζέιμς ΝτεΜέο
For our Greek friends, this title may be ordered at low or zero shipping costs to Greece, using the weblinks below.
ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ ΣΥΣΣΩΡΕΥΤΗ ΟΡΓΟΝΗΣ. Οι Ανακαλύψεις και τα Θεραπευτικά
Εργαλεία του Βίλχελμ Ράιχ σχετικά με την Ζωική Ενέργεια για τον 21ο
Αιώνα μαζί με Οδηγίες Κατασκευής.
Δρ. Τζέιμς ΝτεΜέο
Πρόλογος απ;ό την
Ιατρό, Εύα Ράιχ.
Απαγορευμένα και Καμένα από
την Αμερικάνικη Υπηρεσία
Τροφίμων και Φαρμάκων!
«Η Οργονική Ενέργεια Δεν Υπάρχει» δήλωσε ένας δικαστής ενός
ομοσπονδιακού δικαστηρίου των ΗΠΑ το 1954, βασισμένος σε δημοσιογράφους
και δυσφημιστές της Υπηρεσίας Τροφίμων και Φαρμάκων, διατάσσοντας την
καταστροφή όλων των δημοσιεύσεων που περιείχαν την απαγορευμένη λέξη
«οργόνη». Ο Δρ. Ράιχ, αργότερα, σύρθηκε στη φυλακή όπου και πέθανε.
Πρόκειται για ένα άθλιο σκάνδαλο και παρ’ ολ’ αυτά, τα στοιχεία για το
Δρ. Ράιχ συνεχίζουν να αποκρύπτονται ή να διαστρεβλώνονται.
αυτό το βιβλίο, ο πρώην Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου και Φυσικός επιστήμονας
Τζέιμς ΝτεΜέο αντλεί υλικό από τις εκτεταμένες προσωπικές του έρευνες
και πειράματα για να παρουσιάσει τα δεδομένα σχετικά με τις ανακαλύψεις
του Ράιχ, εστιάζοντας στον αμφιλεγόμενο Συσσωρευτή Οργονικής Ενέργειας,
που στην πραγματικότητα αποτελεί μια αξιόπιστη μορφή Ενεργειακής
Ιατρικής η οποία χρησιμοποιείται σε όλο τον κόσμο. Εδώ, ο αναγνώστης θα
μάθει πώς να κατασκευάσει και να χρησιμοποιήσει με ασφάλεια κουβέρτες
και συσσωρευτές οργόνης, θα βρει λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τα Ζωντανά Νερά
των φυσικών θερμών πηγών και των θεραπευτικών ιαματικών λουτρών που
είναι φορτισμένα με οργόνη και πολλά άλλα σχετικά ζητήματα.
Μάθετε πώς να συγκεντρώνετε και να ασχολείστε με την οργονική (ζωική)
ενέργεια που φωτοβολεί με γαλάζιο χρώμα χρησιμοποιώντας απλά υλικά που
μπορεί να τα προμηθευτεί κανείς εύκολα. Η ατμόσφαιρα παρέχει μια
ατελείωτη ποσότητα αυτής της ενέργειας. Περιλαμβάνει πολλές φωτογραφίες
και διαγράμματα και δύο ερευνητικά άρθρα στο παράρτημα, βιβλιογραφία,
ευρετήριο όρων και παραπομπές στο διαδίκτυο.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Blue glowing flower Hepatica and Orgone Lumination
Blue glowing flower Hepatica and Orgone Lumination
Here's a photo of a blue-glowing hepatica flower, typically described as an "electric blue" -- newer findings from the OBRL laboratory on the fluorescence of orgone-charged water suggests these blue colors are actually a luminating orgone energy phenomenon... which may be why the bees in our garden seem absolutely excited when the blue flowers come into bloom. Other flowers like lobelia show a similar electric blue glow.
This subject material will be discussed in detail at the forthcoming OBRL seminar of 29-30 August . Seats are still available:
Weekend Seminar on
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich.
29-30 August, Ashland, Oregon, USA
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Weekend Seminar, August 29-30, Ashland, Oregon, USA
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
For New Italian Subscribers: Il Manuale dell'Accumulatore Orgonico
For New Italian Subscribers: Il Manuale dell'Accumulatore Orgonico
Here, I continue to introduce my work in orgonomy over the last 40 years, through my major books and published papers.
In the last postings, I detailed the 3rd Revised and Updated edition of my Orgone Accumulator Handbook, in the original English, plus German and Spanish translations. Now comes the Italian translation, followed by the Greek edition tomorrow.
Il Manuale dell'Accumulatore Orgonico: Le scoperte e gli strumenti terapeutici di Wilhelm Reich per il XXI secolo basati sull'energia vitale, con gli schemi di costruzione.
autore James DeMeo, Prefazione di Eva Reich
See below for details and a cover image.
Purchase of my books will firstly educate you about Reich's original discoveries, secondly about new studies verifying Reich's findings including authentic new scientific developments in orgonomy, and thirdly will help to fund my research and other educational activities at OBRL.
Also for those in distant lands, you can purchase these and my other books through Amazon or at low or zero shipping costs. Weblinks are provided below.
Please share this announcement with your Italian-speaking contacts, and thanks for looking and purchasing.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA
Il Manuale dell'Accumulatore Orgonico: Le scoperte e gli strumenti terapeutici di Wilhelm Reich per il XXI secolo basati sull'energia vitale, con gli schemi di costruzione.
autore James DeMeo, Prefazione di Eva Reich
Terza edizione riveduta e ampliata con nuove sezioni sull'Acqua Vitale e l'Etere Cosmico dello Spazio. Con molti riferimenti web per informazioni aggiuntive. ~270 pagine.
Bandito e Bruciato dall'FDA!
"L'energia orgonica non esiste" dichiarò nel 1954 un giudice americano della corte federale basandosi sulle calunnie dei giornalisti e dell'FDA, ordinando la distruzione di tutte le pubblicazioni che contenevano la parola proibita "orgone". In seguito il dottor Reich fu trascinato in prigione, dove morì. Uno scandalo peggiore dello "Scope Monkey Trial" (Processo delle scimmie) mentre i fatti che riguardano Reich vengono ancora oggi celati o travisati.
In questo libro, l'ex professore universitario e scienziato naturale James DeMeo attinge alle sue vaste indagini e sperimentazioni per presentare i risultati concreti riguardo alle scoperte di Reich, focalizzandosi in modo particolare sul controverso Accumulatore di Energia Orgonica, che è una forma affidabile di Medicina Energetica usata in tutto il mondo. Qui il lettore imparerà a costruire e usare in modo sicuro le coperte e gli accumulatori orgonici; in più troverà ulteriori dettagli sulle Acque Vitali cariche di orgone tipiche delle sorgenti calde naturali e delle acque termali terapeutiche, e molte altre questioni correlate.
Imparate a concentrare e adoperare l'energia orgonica (vitale), caratterizzata da un bagliore blu, usando dei materiali semplici e prontamente disponibili. Una quantità illimitata è liberamente disponibile nell'atmosfera. Nel manuale sono incluse diverse fotografie e diagrammi, più un articolo di ricerca in appendice, la bibliografia, l'indice e i riferimenti a svariati link.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Weekend Seminar, August 29-30, Ashland, Oregon, USA
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
Sunday, August 09, 2015
For New Subscribers: Manual del Acumulador de Orgon
For New Subscribers: Manual del Acumulador de Orgon
Here, I will continue to introduce my work in orgonomy over the last 40 years, through my major books and published papers.
In the last posting, I detailed the 3rd Revised and Updated edition of my Orgone Accumulator Handbook, as well as a new German-language translation of that edition.
Today, I provide a few details and access materials for a new Spanish translation of that same 3rd Edition.
Manual del Acumulador de Orgon: La Energia Vital de Wilhelm Reich, Descubrimientos y Herramientas de Curacion Para El Siglo XXI Con Planos Para Su Construccion.
autor James DeMeo, Prologo Eva Reich
Purchase of my books will firstly educate you about Reich's original discoveries, secondly about new studies verifying Reich's findings including authentic new scientific developments in orgonomy, and thirdly will help to fund my research and other educational activities at OBRL.
Also for those in distant lands, you can purchase these and my other books through Amazon or at low or zero shipping costs. Weblinks are provided below.
Please share this announcement with your Spanish contacts, and thanks for looking and purchasing.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA
Manual del Acumulador de Orgon: La Energia Vital de Wilhelm Reich, Descubrimientos y Herramientas de Curacion Para El Siglo XXI Con Planos Para Su Construccion.
autor James DeMeo, Prologo Eva Reich
Tercera Edicion Revisada y Aumentada, con Nuevas Secciones sobre el Agua Viva y el Eter Cosmico del Espacio. Con Muchos Enlaces Web para Informacion Adicional. ~270 paginas
¡Prohibido y Quemado por la FDA!
"La Energía Orgónica no Existe" declaró un juez de la Corte Federal de Estados Unidos en 1954 basándose en las calumnias de periodistas y de la FDA, ordenando la destrucción de todas las publicaciones que tuvieran la palabra prohibida "orgón". El Dr. Reich fue enviado posteriormente a prisión, donde murió. Esto fue un escándalo peor que el juicio "Scopes Monkey Trial" y aún así los hechos acerca del Dr. Reich continúan siendo ocultados y tergiversados. En este libro, el científico naturalista James DeMeo, que fue profesor universitario, extrae, de sus extensas investigaciones personales y experimentos, los hechos más relevantes acerca de los descubrimientos de Reich, enfocándolos especialmente en el controvertido Acumulador de Energía Orgónica, que es una forma genuina de Medicina Energética usada en todo el mundo. Aquí el lector aprenderá cómo construir y usar de manera segura las mantas orgónicas y los acumuladores, con detalles de las Aguas Vivas cargadas de orgón procedentes de los manantiales de agua termales y de los balnearios de aguas con propiedades curativas, y muchos otros temas relacionados. Aprenderá a concentrar y trabajar con la azul y luminiscente energía (vital) orgónica usando materiales simples y fácilmente asequibles, y que la atmósfera constituye una fuente de suministro inagotable. Este libro incluye muchas fotos y diagramas, un artículo de investigación como apéndice, bibliografía, un índice y referencias web.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Weekend Seminar, August 29-30, Ashland, Oregon, USA
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
Friday, August 07, 2015
For New Subscribers: Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch
For New Subscribers: Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch
With so many new members joining the OBRL list, I have been asked by some to better introduce my work in orgonomy over the last 40 years, through my major books and published papers.
Over the next days, in addition to a few other items, I will therefore make a series of short postings for those who don't know about my writings, including new works in both English and other world languages.
First off, I will introduce one of my more popular works, an updated and revised edition of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, in both English and a new German edition (Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch), presented below.
Your purchase of my books will firstly educate you about Reich's original discoveries, secondly about new research findings in orgonomy, and thirdly will help to fund my research and other educational activities at OBRL.
Thanks for looking and purchasing.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans, by James DeMeo
This is the 3rd Revised and Updated Edition at around 250 pages, with a much better color cover image of the blue-glowing Apollo 12 astronaut. It has 100 pages of new material not found in the older English editions. An introductory description is given at the Amazon website.
The new German language translation:
Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch: Wilhelm Reichs Entdeckung Der Lebensenergie. Rustzeug Fur Das 21. Jahrhundert Zur Selbstheilung Und Allgemeinen Verbes, von James DeMeo
Die dritte überarbeitete und erweiterte englische Auflage von 2010 in deutscher Neuübersetzung, mit vielen Aktualisierungen und einer Fülle an weiterem Informationsmaterial gegenüber der alten deutschen Ausgabe von 1994, einschließlich zusätzlichen Kapiteln über lebendes Wasser und den kosmischen Äther. Versand sowohl in den USA als auch international. ~270 Seiten.
Durch die FDA verboten und verbrannt!
Die Orgonenergie gibt es nicht urteilte ein US-Richter 1954 nach jahrelanger verleumderischer Medienhetze zugunsten des FDA-Klageverfahrens und ordnete die Zerstörung aller Bücher und Veröffentlichungen an, in denen das verbotene Wort Orgon vorkam. Dr. Reich erhielt später eine Freiheitsstrafe und starb im Gefängnis. Ein Justizskandal, dessen Hintergründe, ebenso wie die Wahrheit über Dr. Reichs Leben und Werk, bis heute verschwiegen oder falsch dargestellt werden. In diesem Buch präsentiert der Naturwissenschaftler und vormalige Universitätsprofessor James DeMeo die Fakten über Reichs Entdeckungen zur Lebensenergie und bezieht sich hierbei insbesondere auch auf seine eigenen umfangreichen Erfahrungen und Forschungsarbeiten. Sein Hauptaugenmerk gilt dabei dem umstrittenen Orgonenergieakkumulator, dem weltweit genutzten Instrument einer wahrhaft energetischen Medizin. DeMeo vermittelt uns alles über die Herstellung von Orgonakkumulatoren und Orgondecken aus einfachen und überall erhältlichen Materialien, mit deren Hilfe die blauleuchtende, unbegrenzt verfügbare Lebensenergie aus der Atmosphäre konzentriert und genutzt werden kann. Wir erfahren außerdem wichtige Details zur sicheren Anwendung orgonakkumulierender Geräte in unserer heutigen Zeit und lernen Wissenswertes über Orgonenergiefunktionen in der Natur, wie z.B. im lebensenergiereichen lebenden Wasser natürlicher Heiß- und Mineralquellen, deren Heilkraft wir uns in unseren Kurbädern bedienen, und vieles mehr. Mit vielen Abbildungen, aus-führlichem Literaturnachweis und Stichwortregister, weiterführenden Internetverweisen und einem Anhang über den kosmischen Äther.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Weekend Seminar, August 29-30, Ashland, Oregon, USA
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
For New Subscribers: Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch
For New Subscribers: Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch
With so many new members joining the OBRL list, I have been asked by some to better introduce my work in orgonomy over the last 40 years, through my major books and published papers.
Over the next days, in addition to a few other items, I will therefore make a series of short postings for those who don't know about my writings, including new works in both English and other world languages.
First off, I will introduce one of my more popular works, an updated and revised edition of The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, in both English and a new German edition (Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch), presented below.
Your purchase of my books will firstly educate you about Reich's original discoveries, secondly about new research findings in orgonomy, and thirdly will help to fund my research and other educational activities at OBRL.
Thanks for looking and purchasing.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA
The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Wilhelm Reich's Life-Energy Discoveries and Healing Tools for the 21st Century, with Construction Plans, by James DeMeo
This is the 3rd Revised and Updated Edition at around 250 pages, with a much better color cover image of the blue-glowing Apollo 12 astronaut. It has 100 pages of new material not found in the older English editions. An introductory description is given at the Amazon website.
The new German language translation:
Das Orgonakkumulator Handbuch: Wilhelm Reichs Entdeckung Der Lebensenergie. Rustzeug Fur Das 21. Jahrhundert Zur Selbstheilung Und Allgemeinen Verbes, von James DeMeo
Die dritte überarbeitete und erweiterte englische Auflage von 2010 in deutscher Neuübersetzung, mit vielen Aktualisierungen und einer Fülle an weiterem Informationsmaterial gegenüber der alten deutschen Ausgabe von 1994, einschließlich zusätzlichen Kapiteln über lebendes Wasser und den kosmischen Äther. Versand sowohl in den USA als auch international. ~270 Seiten.
Durch die FDA verboten und verbrannt!
Die Orgonenergie gibt es nicht urteilte ein US-Richter 1954 nach jahrelanger verleumderischer Medienhetze zugunsten des FDA-Klageverfahrens und ordnete die Zerstörung aller Bücher und Veröffentlichungen an, in denen das verbotene Wort Orgon vorkam. Dr. Reich erhielt später eine Freiheitsstrafe und starb im Gefängnis. Ein Justizskandal, dessen Hintergründe, ebenso wie die Wahrheit über Dr. Reichs Leben und Werk, bis heute verschwiegen oder falsch dargestellt werden. In diesem Buch präsentiert der Naturwissenschaftler und vormalige Universitätsprofessor James DeMeo die Fakten über Reichs Entdeckungen zur Lebensenergie und bezieht sich hierbei insbesondere auch auf seine eigenen umfangreichen Erfahrungen und Forschungsarbeiten. Sein Hauptaugenmerk gilt dabei dem umstrittenen Orgonenergieakkumulator, dem weltweit genutzten Instrument einer wahrhaft energetischen Medizin. DeMeo vermittelt uns alles über die Herstellung von Orgonakkumulatoren und Orgondecken aus einfachen und überall erhältlichen Materialien, mit deren Hilfe die blauleuchtende, unbegrenzt verfügbare Lebensenergie aus der Atmosphäre konzentriert und genutzt werden kann. Wir erfahren außerdem wichtige Details zur sicheren Anwendung orgonakkumulierender Geräte in unserer heutigen Zeit und lernen Wissenswertes über Orgonenergiefunktionen in der Natur, wie z.B. im lebensenergiereichen lebenden Wasser natürlicher Heiß- und Mineralquellen, deren Heilkraft wir uns in unseren Kurbädern bedienen, und vieles mehr. Mit vielen Abbildungen, aus-führlichem Literaturnachweis und Stichwortregister, weiterführenden Internetverweisen und einem Anhang über den kosmischen Äther.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Weekend Seminar, August 29-30, Ashland, Oregon, USA
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
Islamic Sexual Slaves -- Price List Available
Islamic Sexual Slaves -- Price List Available
Kidnapped women led off to the Islamic State slave markets, at the point of machine-guns. Note the burqa-clad sadist-woman with machine-gun on the left, the Islamic version of the female Nazi concentration-camp guards. This is an older group of women, but girls between 8-15 years old fetch the highest prices.
The customers for such brutalized women include Middle-East oil sheiks and other psychopath rapists across the Islamic world. Islam permits only four wives, but as many sex-slave concubines as a man can afford. Plus the "temporary marriage" system set up to service men on the Islamic Haj to Mecca, a tissue cover for forced prostitution. Islamic slavery was always predominantly sexual slavery, of women, girls and boys. Combined with preferential female abortions, the fetish for sons, this creates a scarcity of available females within the Islamic world. To feed their never-ending demands for females, their young men are sent off to conquer, loot, murder and kidnap girls, boys and women from surrounding regions. And if the young jihadi male dies in the process, they have 72 virgin girls promised to them in paradise.
This is what lays behind the current invasion of Europe by hordes of young unattached Muslim males, being deprived of women at home, in their sexual prime, and with a head full of attitudes of Islamic superiority, ugly views of Western women as prostitutes and whores, free for the taking, and contempt for the host nations' laws and customs. Europe now sees the start of an unmasking of this situation, with exploding Muslim crime problems associated with insane and suicidal "multicultural" Eurabian policies put into practice decades ago. North America and Australia suffer similarly, but lesser so given their greater geographical distance.
Two documentary items:
Islamic State Circulates Sex Slave Price List
Sex Slavery and the Islamic State
"Islam is a peaceful religion" we are constantly told. Unless you happen to be a female, or non-believer, or softer male, etc.
Reich-followers, take note, and ask how much of sex-economy and sexual freedom will exist once our Western democracies are flooded with people who hold dear to the preachings of Muhammed, who told his followers to take any woman they wanted who was not already taken by other Muslim men. That's not ancient history for Islam, but a modern working principle. Sexual slavery exists across the Islamic world, not just in the Islamic State.
Here is what those same pitiful women look like, after being "processed" for the slave markets. Beaten, drugged, pubic hair shaved off, perfumed, their fate is sealed. They will be stripped naked before the mob of morally-corrupt psychopath males, and auctioned off like camels or donkeys, for rape and domestic servitude, with abuse by older embittered Muslim wives as well.
Read my work Saharasia, for more details on how such vile practices began and spread.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
Weekend Seminar on:
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
New Facebook Page
New Facebook Page
With some trepidation and mixed feelings, I put up a Facebook page to provide another way for people to stay abreast of my work and OBRL events and offerings. If you like communicating by that method, you can now "friend" my Facebook page, which also offers another way for discussion on OBRL postings. You can then easily send those posts out to your own networks.
The postings on Facebook will mirror what already goes out by the OBRL Yahoo Group, as well as what's on the OBRL blog at Wordpress, which also provides a "Tweet" to Twitter whenever something is posted. Lots of choices.
Here are the various access links:
The new Facebook page, allows for sharing & comment
The OBRL Blog at Wordpress, allows for sharing & comment
Twitter notifications (weblinks to the OBRL Blog pages), allows for sharing
Yahoo OBRL News, can be shared by ordinary email, you must go to the OBRL Blog or Facebook pages if you wish to comment.
As always, comments must use real names.
Thanks for your interest, and don't forget the forthcoming Seminar in Ashland:
Weekend Seminar on:
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
Monday, August 03, 2015
Recently I learned of two interesting YouTube videos on the issue of protoplasm, as expressed in the structure and motions of slime-molds. For those who don't know, slime molds are large basic single-cell ameboid type creatures which are found mostly in wild nature, forests for example, oozing up from the ground, or inhabiting tree stumps or other rotting material. They appear as if millions of ameba had suddenly decided to join together into one amorphous mass, with a break-down in their individual cell walls. They have multi cellular nuclei, but no cell boundaries as such, constituting one large single-cell organism which can flow and pulsate, and move and grow, divide and then, return together again in one large mass.
One of these YouTubes was made by the Scottish scientist William Seifritz, recovered by the Alexander Lowen institute, as shown in the front part of the video. It is here -- thanks to Thanassis Mandafounis for sharing this item:
Another interesting YouTube on slime molds was made on the work of scientist John Bonner, here:
One must ask, what is the central organizing organ within these slime molds? What makes them move, without muscles, nor any brain or nerves by which to organize their structure. And they exhibit highly organized behaviors and movements, not just existing as a puddle of goo.
By viewing these videos, one gets clues related to the work of Wilhelm Reich on the existence of an organizing life-energy factor, which creates the pulsations, the stretching and bending, elongating movements as found within living nature, due to its own inherent motions and properties. Recall how Reich sought out the ameba as a model organism to test out his theories on vegetative life functions, that the "reaching out" into the world, or "contracting away" from the world, were governed not fundamentally by nerve-induced muscular actions, but instead by a singular life-energy with bioelectrical characteristics, which could flow in the two directions -- expansion towards the world, or contraction away from the world. Pulsation.
One sees this principle of pulsation very clearly at work in the slime molds, giant organized blobs of protoplasm, lacking in brains or nerves or muscles by which it could, or should by conventional thinking, possess those properties. They have them, nevertheless, and it remains a riddle in biology to this very day.
As Bonner concluded after 70 years of study, there is still much to be learned about these "lowly" creatures, which in turn impinges upon the motions and functions of all living creatures.
Weekend Seminar on:
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
Saturday, August 01, 2015
Tenth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water
The Tenth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water as described below is "where the action is" regarding new cutting-edge research in life-energetic and related phenomenon from a classical perspective. In some considerable measure, the presentations do show correlations and associations with orgonomic knowledge, much as water researchers Giorgio Piccardi and similar have done. My work in orgone biophysics, and regarding the ability of the orgone accumulator to induce measurable spectroscopic changes in water, have been openly welcomed over several years at these water conference. This year, there will be several speakers with interests in orgone energy, the bions, and cosmic ether, myself included. Along with at least one Nobel Prize winner. Top-notch scientific thinkers from around the world. I'll post more about this early October event later on, but their website gives details. Cheers, J.D.
Also don't forget our Weekend Seminar on:
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich
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