Released: 27 March 2016
CORE Network Success - "Miracle March II" West Coast Rains & Snow
Preliminary Report
Here I will detail some past and present efforts by the CORE Network USA, applying Wilhelm Reich's method of cloudbusting to end a most serious drought situation.
Background History - Severe Drought of the Late 1980s.
Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, California and the West suffered from a serious drought problem of many years duration. Several cloudbuster operators had tried to affect an end to that prior drought, working from isolated locations along the West Coast. The results from those efforts were often quite good, and constituted some of the only rains to enter California throughout the period from November 1990 through January 1991. However, the quantities and distribution of those rains were minimal and regionally isolated, and the drought persisted. By February 1991, with open discussions on the severity of the situation, a more comprehensive and organized plan was developed among skilled West Coast cloudbuster operators, following Reich's original theory and approach.
A series of coordinated operations was planned undertaken in both early and late February, at different West Coast locations, ranging from Southern Oregon south to San Diego, and from the Pacific Coast east into the Sierras. The new operational procedures involved significant dor-busting and rain-draws at the different locations, moving from the peripheral areas towards the core of the drought zone. This more organized method proved to be a major success, particularly the late February operations which were followed by a major atmospheric breakthrough, triggering copious rains across nearly all of California throughout the entire month of March. The newspapers at the time heralded those excellent rains, which went against the mainstream weather forecasts, as the "Miracle March". During that excellent rainy epoch, lakes and reservoirs filled, forest fires were extinguished, dry landscapes were replenished, and the air became clear, crisp and healthy.
That particular CORE-cloudbusting project was the first such major team effort using the cloudbusting methods of Reich at different locations, to occur since Reich's passing in 1957. It drove home the point that under such severe widespread drought conditions, coordinated operations from different locations worked far better than only uncoordinated, isolated and/or single-site efforts. That cooperative effort constituted the origins of the CORE Network of cloudbuster operators adhering closely to Reich's original methods, a group which continued in similar work, on and off, over the subsequent years. A report on the 1991 operations leading to that "Miracle March" was later published in the Journal of Orgonomy, "CORE Report #26: California Drought of 1990-1991", V.26, No.1, p.49-71, 1992. A copy of that paper is available on the internet, here:
While the original bioenergetic reasons for that drought were never fully clarified, it did appear related to the expanded nature of a large dry zone and dor-layer known to exist over the open Pacific Ocean adjacent to Southern California and Baja Mexico. Another related possibility was a long-duration consequence from the April 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, plus several West Coast underground atomic bomb tests at the Nevada Test Site, episodically throughout the 1980s and early 1990s. Those events were observed to trigger atmospheric oranur reactions with subsequent widespread atmospheric stagnation and drought conditions. Numerous reports on those atmospheric and also geophysical reactions to underground atomic bomb tests and nuclear power plant accidents were routinely reported in the journal Pulse of the Planet.
Development of the CORE Network USA
Following the cooperative 1990-1991 operations on the West Coast, the CORE Network was formed, and subsequently undertook additional major drought-breaking efforts. It has expanded to include serious workers in orgonomy both in the Central and Eastern USA. Its members have included natural scientists at the PhD-level, with past or current university posts, several MDs, professional engineers, perceptive and long-time professional weather watchers, and students in training. It is a prerequisite that everyone have a good background knowledge of Reich's over-arching discoveries, a serious concern for a healthy environment, a good history of responsible work, and no "playing around" to impress others. All adhere to Reich's original methods and approach, with no compromises on essentials. CORE Net members take the view that cloudbusting is not "weather modification" in the sense of "do-make", or "forcing", but rather that we are Nature's assistants, working to remove dor-stagnation obstacles that block natural atmospheric pulsation and rains. A short statement on this essential difference between cloudbusting and mechanistic weather-modification, written in 1993, is given here:
CORE Network operators also give each other constructive critique, monitor CORE operations in progress within a rapid-notification network alerting others to new atmospheric developments, as well as potential hazards. Post-facto analysis and documentation of the results of operations is also undertaken. Review and oversight are as central to the CORE Net as are the actual operations, and it functions in a work-democratic manner. CORE Net members have been involved in successful overseas drought-breaking projects in the USA, Africa, Israel and Europe.
The Current West Coast USA Drought
What began in c.2010 as a serious drought across the Southern tier of US states, from Southern California through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, slowly shifted north towards the West Coast region. Severe drought conditions thereafter enveloped the entire West Coast, starting earliest in California but gradually pushing north into Oregon and Washington. By this time, several of the California operators had retired from this work, with only one functioning station in Northern California, and another in Oregon. Efforts from those two stations produced good results with widespread rains over their particular regions, but drought conditions generally returned just as quickly. And there were very few of the big breakthrough rains as had been the case in March 1991. This was so, even though forecasters were constantly speaking about anticipated benefits from a Pacific El Niño which never materialized.
The cause of this drought appeared quite similar to that of the situation in 1990, being a combination of an expanded Pacific dor-layer and dry zone just off the coast of Southern California, along with a fairly recent serious nuclear power plant accident in March 2011 at Fukushima, Japan, with multiple massive radiation releases. North Korea also began a program of underground nuclear bomb tests as well, notably in 2009 and 2013. Downwind nuclear radiation effects from the Fukushima accident were recorded as distant as Hawaii and the West Coast of North America.
The central core of the drought was in Southern California, as revealed in various drought monitoring websites. This was too distant to be significantly influenced by cloudbusting efforts isolated in Northern California or Oregon. Also, the primary large cloudbuster once used at multiple locations in the successful 1991 operations had serious mechanical problems, making road-trips to new locations impossible. In spite of significant efforts by several well-connected and professional volunteers, fund-raising efforts to pay for repairs, upgrades and other necessities to bring the status of CORE Net equipment back to top levels were unsuccessful. Significant efforts were also made to solicit the interests and support of local and state government officials, and those in the various water-resource and irrigation bureaucracies. All these efforts failed, and our various outreach efforts were greeted with a loud silence. Wealthy "donor angels" also could not be found. Only a few individuals without financial resources or abilities to assist with logistical necessities contacted us, which were greatly appreciated, even if nothing came from those contacts. Basically, we were on our own.
CORE Net Efforts of 2014-2015
The typical drought pattern of this period was, Pacific storms approached the West Coast, but dorish conditions over Southern California caused them to deviate to the North-East, where they made landfall only in Washington State or British Columbia, Canada. Effective CORE Net cloudbusting operations have the ability to energize the Pacific storms as they approach the West Coast, and with the reduction of the coastal dor-barriers, they may naturally move onshore at more southerly latitudes. This more natural pattern can then benefit the entire West Coast of North America, sometimes producing a "big result" that ends or significantly reduces serious droughts with above-average rains. This was accomplished in the 1991 "Miracle March" effort, and on a few other occasions thereafter, where a more natural pattern developed only days or a week after ambitious cloudbusting operations began. Such was the plan for the current drought, and CORE Net operators had reasonably good expectations they could produce a similar result once again, assuming our own needs for better equipment and assistance could be satisfied.
By the Summer of 2014, the drought situation had rapidly deteriorated. CORE Net took on several new members in California, including south to San Diego. Efforts went forward to rebuild and repair existing equipment, and to build new cloudbuster apparatus. Lacking donors, the individual CORE operators dug into their own pockets to pay for considerable expenses, out of concerns to do something of help to nature and the community.
Over the 2014-2015 Winter rainy season, new methods were tested out. Nobody had the ability to put large cloudbusting equipment on the road, for dor-busting operations in some of the driest places where the atmospheric blocking seemed the worst - such as in the Southern California Central Valley. But preliminary operations and continued repair and upgrading efforts went forward slowly, with optimism.
CORE Net also learned of another effort undertaken in the Southern California region near Bakersfield, by a team of novice cloudbuster operators who had little experience with the challenges posed by California droughts. Efforts towards contact and communications with this group, to bring them into the CORE Net for cooperative work and training, proved fruitless. The Winter season of 2014-2015 nevertheless ended with slightly improved rainfall and snowpack totals in the Pacific Northwest and parts of California, revealing an interesting pattern: All locations with a cooperating CORE Net cloudbusting station experienced either above normal precipitation percentages, or amounts that were the highest for their particular region. The Bakersfield team, due to its decision to "go it alone", by the weather data had little to show for their efforts.
CORE Net Efforts of 2015-2016 - Breakthrough!
Over Summer 2015, further efforts were made for repairs and upgrading of CORE Net equipment. By October of 2015, a new round of CORE Net operations commenced, but with a significantly improved network and additional serious cloudbusting equipment. As in 1991, and in a preliminary manner in Winter 2014-2015, operations were again possible from Oregon south to San Diego.
October-November operations were brief, and followed by regional rainfalls and some light snows here and there. A more concerted effort in December was followed by a significant temporary breakthrough, with excellent rains and heavy snow in Oregon, and Northern and Central California, notably in the high mountain areas. As previously witnessed, regions near to operating CORE Net stations had the highest rainfall or snowpack quantities. Snow accumulations around the higher-altitude Oregon and Shasta stations ranged up to 3.5 feet of accumulated depth by mid-January of 2016, the highest quantities witnessed in around 8 years. Newspapers also reported the heaviest snowfalls in five years in the mountains of Northern California. Lake Tahoe received an amazing 9.6 billion gallons of runoff rainwater in 24 hours. Lower elevations experienced excellent rainfalls across most of Central and Northern California, and much of Oregon and Washington. This early excellent result, stimulating a return of natural atmospheric-energetic pulsation and rains, was briefly described in a published report "Research Project: CORE: Western Drought Emergency " in the OBRL Newsletter and Year-End Report #28, for 2015 (p.36-37).
The breakthrough rains and snow of late December and early January were to be exceeded over the following months. CORE Net was not working continuously over this full period, only at selected times, episodically, when natural rainfall patterns appeared to revert back to the older drought pattern. Operations were never more than a few days work at any one location, but with coordinated patterns of usage at other stations, in a manner known from prior experiences to produce good results. For much of January, operations ended, in fact. Drought tendencies returned, and so by late February, more ambitious efforts were undertaken.
This latter set of late February and early March CORE Net operations was followed by the 2016 "Miracle March" rains currently celebrated in the newspapers. Billions of gallons of rainwater fell across Northern and Central California, lasting for 2 weeks. 35 billion gallons of water ran into Folsom Reservoir alone in 12 hours. Lake Shasta, California's largest reservoir is now filling so fast they are allowing excess water to drain away as downstream discharge, south into the Sacramento River.
Snowpacks in the California Sierras and Oregon ranges have been mostly excellent, above normals in Northern California, and the higher peaks were inundated with exceptional snowfalls guaranteed to keep the irrigation reservoirs full over the forthcoming natural summertime dry period.
Both of these two epochs of exceptionally good rains and snow followed specific sets of cloudbuster operations, taking down the dor-barriers to allow progressive pulses of Pacific Ocean storms to enter the West Coast. The most recent of these breakthroughs produced sequential storm pulsations moving east off the Pacific Ocean, each with a rainy-snowy epoch that only subsided in the last week, hopefully with more on the way. Overall this suggests a good natural pulsation may now be restored across a large portion of the drought region.
The newspapers once again herald the turn towards good rains and snow as another "Miracle March", even though the month was not quite finished at the time of publication.
This exceptional change in the weather was not specifically forecasted - only a general expectation of "El Niño's arrival" had been discussed by weather forecasters going back to 2014. They did not anticipate the recent weather change, though once it started, the forecaster's "now-casting" embraced the welcome changes. As before, the highest precipitation quantities continue to be generally observed near to each of the operating CORE Net stations. Precipitation quantities have increased, most noticeably in the Coastal Range, Sierras, Northern California and Oregon.
CORE Net operations continue, and we hope to see the water year finish with above-normal conditions across most of the entire West Coast. Unfortunately, there still are no experienced or cooperative cloudbuster operators in the worst-hit critical Southern California Central Valley region, which remains dry, and the entire CORE Net effort is proceeding on a shoe-string budget.
Going Forward...
This is merely a preliminary report, and a more detailed account is planned for a future date, with a more structured and objective analysis of these general observations, and a comprehensive analysis of official National Weather Service precipitation data. Meanwhile, CORE Net is openly soliciting donations to defray the significant expenses the individual operators incurred in the way of equipment repairs and construction costs. These collective expenses currently amount to around $20,000. Those wishing to help can do so by making a donation to the non-profit Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc., which has a PayPal donor page established for this purpose.
Donations are tax-deductible, and may also be sent by other methods.
Should any of our readers have the financial abilities to assist in funding a more ambitious effort across persisting extremely dry regions of the Southwestern USA, please get in touch. CORE Network is able to offer the services of its skilled operator-members in dry regions where drought has persisted, but the considerable expenses must always be covered.
Thank you for your interest, and support.
James DeMeo, PhD
Writing on behalf of the CORE Network USA
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Orgone Accumulator Handbook - Abridged Japanese Edition - オルゴンアキュミュレーター八ントブック
Orgone Accumulator Handbook - Abridged Japanese Edition
by James DeMeo
Japanese Translation by Fumiko Kuninaga-Shigeta
Abridged 1st Edition, 52 pages, illustrated.
ISBN: 9780989139090
Purchase in Japan, Guam from Amazon:
Purchase elsewhere (except USA) from Amazon in UK:
Purchase in USA from Natural Energy Works:
Or, check with your favorite online or streetside bookstore.
NOTE: This is a Japanese translation only, of the early 1990 Abridged 1st edition, and constitutes only an introduction to the subject. For more detailed information, get the Revised and Updated Edition of 250 pages, in English, Spanish, German, Italian and Greek.
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Orgone Accumulator Handbook, Abridged Japanese Edition,
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ライヒの外に、オルゴン・エネルギーに類似 ,
したものを確認した科学者がいただろうか ,
アキュミュレーターの建造と ,
実験的利用に閨する一船原則 ,
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オルゴン・アキュミュレーターを用いた簡単な実験と、 少し手のこんだ実験 ,
四、庭の植物の成長増進に関する実驍 ,
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層の実験用オルゴン・ブランケット製作 ,
実験用ろう斗状オルゴン・シューター(照射器)の製作 ,
実験用オルゴン・シューター棒作り方 ,
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