Saturday, August 03, 2019

Lectures from ESTC Conference Available for Viewing

Lectures from ESTC Conference Available for Viewing

My two lectures at the Energy, Science and Technology Conference (ESTC) from early July are now available for download purchase, with free previews, from the following website.

There are three preview videos at that site, viewable without charge.
Also an end-of-conference open discussion period is available to view from here:

Regarding the photograph, my new book "The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space: Correcting a Major Error of Modern Science" is still in the proof-reading stage (copy shown in the attached photo), and will become available for purchase in the next several weeks. Note that my lecture on the orgone accumulator and water structuring is already available on my YouTube channel without charge,
However, that item is much shorter than the one being offered by the ESTC conference.

Take a look at the free items and go from there as you desire. Another announcement will go out regarding the new book, anticipated in the next two weeks.

Thanks for your interest.

James DeMeo, PhD
Director Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory
Ashland, Oregon, USA


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