Sunday, September 29, 2019

UPDATE on New Book: The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science

UPDATE on New Book:

The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space:
Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science

The book is now available for quick shipping direct from our on-line bookstore

It is also available from all the different international Amazon websites, and with free international shipping via

More details about the book are found on the prior posting on Yahoo, or repeated here:

Thanks to all who already purchased!

James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA

Published Articles, Reports, Videos and Books


Thursday, September 19, 2019

New Book on Cosmic Ether / Orgone Energy, Now Available.

New Book on Cosmic Ether / Orgone Energy, Now Available.

The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space:
Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science
by James DeMeo, PhD

My new book "The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space", is now available for purchase. The book covers are reproduced above, but more complete information can be obtained from our on-line bookstore, where a description of the contents, as well as a downloadable PDF Preview are found. Go here to review and purchase (see the upper left column):

The copies are en-route and should be here in the next week to ten days, with shipping out to customers before the end of September. International customers, PayPal will not calculate your shipping charges, for which we must bill you separately after you order.

Thanks for your interest, and your purchase, which helps fund my research into these fascinating subjects.

James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
and Natural Energy Works

The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space provides over 100 photos and graphical illustrations, with references, index, glossary and two Appendices. It is developed for the educated layperson and student, but most scientific professionals will find it eye-opening and refreshing.

The Cosmic Ether Changes Everything!

The historical ether-drift experiments of Michelson-Morley, Dayton Miller and others yielded positive results for an ether wind and light-speed variations of 5 to 18 kilometers per second. Academic bias and erasure has misrepresented these facts for over 120 years, to the point that few dare question today. Scientist James DeMeo reviews the original documents and archives, exposing the facts which demolish nearly all of the post-ether astrophysical theories, including Einstein's relativity, the "big bang", "black holes" and quantum magic. Cosmic ether exists and moves in a creative gravitational spiral vortex, as the long-sought prime mover and life-energy. A must-read item for the professional scientist, educated layperson and student, in ordinary language with minimal maths.


Table of Figures ......................................................... x
Table of Tables .......................................................... xii
Acknowledgments ..................................................... xiii
Author's Introduction ................................................ 1

Part I: Cosmic Ether as Theory and
Experimentally Confirmed Fact

The Matter of Space, Light Waves and Motion ........ 25
Positive Results of Michelson-Morley ...................... 45
FitzGerald, Lorentz and Morley-Miller ..................... 57
Millers Positive Ether Experiments, 1921-1926 ....... 79
Which Way Drifting? Miller's Mis-Step ................... 115
Sagnac and Michelson-Gale ...................................... 131
Michelson Returns to the Ether ................................. 141
Recent Confirmations of Ether ................................. 167

Part II: The Empire Strikes Back: Erasure,
Mystification and Falsification of History

Einstein Rising ......................................................... 193
The Shankland, et al. Hatchet Job on Miller ........... 213

Part III: Into New Territory: Additional Evidence
for a Material, Motional and Dynamic Ether

Ether and Cosmic Life-Energy ................................ 229
Direct Evidence for the Dynamic Ether ................... 265
Implications and Consequences of Ether ................. 297
Conclusions .............................................................. 337

Appendix 1. Model to View Earth-Ether Motions ... 347
Appendix 2. Newton's Letter to Boyle 1687 ........... 349
References ................................................................ 361
Web References ...................................................... 375
Newspaper Clippings ............................................... 376
Glossary ................................................................... 378
Index ........................................................................ 381
About the Author ...................................................... 389

Go here to review and purchase (see the upper left column):


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