Sunday, May 17, 2020

Dynamic Ether in Space - Orgone Motor Update, New Videos and hopeful ending of Lockdown Lunacy

OBRL Newsletter, May 2020

From James DeMeo, PhD and the
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL)
Ashland, Oregon, USA

Update on Research and Activities at OBRL:
Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space, and other books
New Videos In Process - Orgone Motor Update
Hopeful Ending of Lockdown Lunacy

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Update at OBRL - New Videos and more...
The last months of "lockdown lunacy" (see below) have been counter-productive to my research, even while it has been a disaster for most private businesses subjected to it. While lab research was essentially halted, time was spent towards editing videotapes of prior OBRL conferences, seminars and research projects, which we hope to make available sometime before the end of the year, for a small fee on Also the video archive of original interview tapes from the old Digne Marcovicz archive, used to make the film "Viva Little Man" will also be edited and made available as well. There is no time-line on this process at present, as we are doing all the video editing work on our in-house editing system. Prior years allowed to convert those old videotapes of various formats (u-matic, VHS, Hi-8, Digital8) into digital files. Today we also have a higher quality HD 1080p videocam, which records in digital to sim-cards. But that older material records a significant part of my past research, with lectures on orgonomic subject material by my associates in the USA, who spoke about their work at prior OBRL seminars. Once made publicly available, these videos will educate and be much appreciated by all.

Preliminary Report on the Orgone Motor Question
A two-pronged line of investigation was started at OBRL in 2018, one following the line developed by Wilhelm Reich in his last years, precise details of which were never published. A second line developed by Townsend Brown, on "electrogravitics" has also been followed, showing relationships to the line developed by Reich. Investigations along these two lines have progressed slowly, but steadily. To best understand this preliminary report, the reader should acquaint themselves with the papers on the OR motor question as found in the publication Heretic's Notebook, available from Natural Energy Works (, as well as to obtain the laboratory notebooks of T.T. Brown as made public by his heirs.

As of early 2019, improvements to one of the KS 9154 spinner motors as used by Wilhelm Reich in his original experiments, confirmed its standard 2-phase operation at 12 Volts, 60 cycle AC, with a rotational velocity of ~3400 rpm when the full 12 volts was applied. However, under a special configuration, the same motor could be made to rotate at 1 volt AC or lower, at a velocity of ~900 rpm, consuming 0.06 watt. Indications suggest a triggering voltage after which rotation may proceed at lower energy consumption. A standard 1.5 V DC battery with an oscillator circuit may substitute, with proper connections to natural sources. Efforts continue towards obtaining rotation at these lower voltages, as obtained from the atmosphere, from high-vacuum, and from orgone accumulators. No "free energy" per se has been obtained, but the possibilities are suggested.

A 100 KV DC power supply was constructed, and used to power a special version of the T.T. Brown gravitor. Various configurations and materials were used to discern the most reactive elements and geometry, tested on a freely-moving rotating arm with counter-balance, with radius of 2'. One rotation per ~3 second was obtained, computing to a forward velocity of around 4' /sec. or ~2.7 mph, or ~4.4 kph. This reproduction produced a velocity at the higher end of prior efforts by other contemporary experimenters, but slower than what Brown obtained using much higher voltages. Ordinary air-ionization effects were present, but appearing as secondary effects.

Videos of these early tests will be made public at some point in the near future.

The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space:
Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science
My newest book on the Dynamic Ether of Space, the product of many decades of study and historical research, continues to gain interest among dissident physicists, engineers, university students and experimenters. It presents historical evidence for positive results from the early ether-drift experiments, with a parallel discussion on Wilhelm Reich's  ether-like orgone (life-energy), and a discussion of the implications of such a cosmic energy continuum. Two of those implications suggest fundamental errors in the theory of "black holes" and in Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.


Are "Black Holes" a fantasy-world illusion?

One of the implications, discussed in the book in great detail, is how black holes become fully unnecessary in a universe filled with a dynamic and gravitational ether. Only within the false universe of "empty space" do black holes become necessary, existing only in the minds of those who believe in them, like Medieval demons and devils were once "required" to explain human irrationality and violence. A few existing images (ie, M87) have been massaged by computer enhancements to show what astrophysics expects to see, but mostly one only sees "artists' renditions" as in the image below, which comes from the pen of an artist, and not from any of the great large telescopes. Fantastic graphics are seen on Sci-Fi movies also, showing big black holes which, in reality nobody has ever seen. Sometimes there are real collections of stars forming a vortex motion, as with Saggitarius-A near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy - but that doesn't prove out any such black hole, as it could be a gravitational vortex or superimposition in open space as Wilhelm Reich wrote about decades ago. Like Galileo, his books were banned and burned.

Artist's imaginary rendition of a "black hole".

Einstein's Relativity Deflated

Just like invisible "black holes" that have only very sketchy evidence for their existence, the Einstein theory of relativity with its invisible "space-time gravity wells" also remains in a metaphysical never-never land of unseen and unproven illusions. "Artist's renditions" are the best you can find anywhere, to visualize what is supposed to exist, but which nobody has ever seen or made a photo of. Virtually ALL of the claimed "proofs" for Einstein's relativity can be more easily and simply understood by a light-affecting gravitational cosmic ether in space. That includes starlight bending near to the surface of the Sun, and gravitational bending of light from distant galaxies, the so-called "Einstein Rings" which should be re-named as Ether Refraction Rings. Their probable true cause is from aggregations of a higher density of light-refracting cosmic ether surrounding closer cosmic objects, or as in open cosmic space. Likewise for the perihelion shift of Mercury, now best understood as due to the faster moving gravitational vortex of cosmic ether near to the Sun, and how Mercury moves closer into that faster region, giving it a slight "kick in the pants" during its perihelion. The same also with the changes in atomic clocks at different altitudes, or in orbit around the Earth, the consequence of a thinning of ether-density at higher altitudes, with a complement change in inertia, and not from a "change in time".

None of Einstein's postulates or claimed "proofs" in modern times, are unequivocal, meaning that only Einstein's relativity can explain them. Einstein's metaphysical illusion has no independent proof for its existence which cannot be equally or better understood from the viewpoint of a substantive, gravitational and dynamic cosmic ether in space. Such a cosmic energy medium has been proven out in multiple experiments over decades, including as identified by the early ether-drift experiments of Michelson-Morley, by Morley-Miller, and by the nearly erased and forgotten scientist Dayton Miller, who did the most extensive ether-drift experiments ever, and got systematic positive results. The older Galilean Relativity remains with us, unchallenged, as it is in harmony with a gravitational cosmic energy medium. Einstein's Relativity is not.

Einstein once famously declared that "Reality is an Illusion", which summarizes his metaphysical viewpoint. He also wrote how the proof for cosmic ether as obtained by Dayton Miller would cause his relativity theory to "collapse like a house of cards", and he upheld the virtue of metaphysical speculation over empirical experimental evidence. Sorry Albert, none of those claims are true, and you were Wrong. My book gives all the quotes on this, along with a history of how positive evidence for the cosmic ether was defeated politically, but never scientifically.

The Dynamic Ether of Cosmic Space is the product of over 40 years of investigations into this subject, including the parallel discovery of Wilhelm Reich's cosmic orgone energy continuum. With precise details, numerous graphs, photos and references, it is a very good read during the remaining (hopefully short or already ended) Lockdown hysteria. Get the book, for an engrossing read during the remaining period of lockdown hysteria, and learn what else you've been misled about. I'll be very glad when the world breaks free from this Covid psychosis, going back to more "normal crazy". Available from here: and also from Amazon, B&N, etc.

Hopeful Ending of Lockdown Lunacy

I expect some will disagree with what I say here, while hopefully most will have already come to similar conclusions.

The last months have been an extremely crazy, taxing and deadly time for people all around the world. We have seen the best and the worst of human behavior on display, with scientific/medical fraud and exaggerations fanning the flames of public hysteria on a virus which, by all rational analysis, appears no worse than ordinary seasonal flu. The Centers for Disease Control began fraudulently inflating the numbers of Covid19 deaths in mid-March.  Junk-scientists like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, who befuddled the world with their frightening but empty claims and posturing "expertise", laid plots for a global forced vaccinations and despotic tracking programs. Untested serums that no sane person should submit to, are now being prepared and distributed in a rushed manner, raising a very rational skepticism of the general public. Meanwhile, clinically tested and powerful immune-boosting remedies such as high-dose Vitamin C therapy, and hydroxychloroquine with supplementing vitamins, zinc and antibiotics get minimal press attention, or slander-lies being told, in spite of excellent track records and very low costs - they lost patent protections decades ago. On the other hand, risky vaccines and super-expensive patent medicines are now being advertised with big claims but little study or evidence.  Increasingly authoritarian MD-Hospital and Big Medicine "experts" appear everywhere, to bark out alarming predictions of death and doom, which is accepted without protest by mainstream media and political opportunists the world over, to "never let a crisis go to waste".
Ventilator hysteria came and went, as it was shown there never was any shortage of them, but 80% or more of the old folks put on to ventilators died on them. They were the primary victims, but not so much from a Chinese "super-virus".  It took awhile, but today many public health and medical experts, working on the "front lines" and not in Washington DC offices remote from where people were dying, have come out openly against all these trends, especially the crude hammering of the public by government edicts, lacking in legal or constitutional merit, demanded everyone stay at home, locked down, or put under ineffective masks and counter-productive antisocial "distancing".  The media reception of these independent voices has been horrid, filled with contempt, slander, or outright erasure of their testimonial videos from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so forth.  All what makes people healthy and facilitates herd immunity is basically forbidden from mention in mainstream media, and prohibited from enactment in certain states, in a perfect storm of ignorance, arrogance, despotism and junk science.

And let us be frank about it, all such bellicose totalitarian edicts came from Democrat Party Governors, Mayors and their administrative associates. What should have been a straightforward, scientifically developed set of plans to quarantine only the old and higher-risk groups degenerated into a wholesale world wide hysteria and panic, which only added to the numbers of dead. Some of the tyrant Democrat govs and mayors, while locking down their entire populations (in NY, NJ, PA, WA) actually ignored the best advice and demanded that elderly people with clear Covid19 sickness be taken into old-folks homes, where it spread quickly and resulted in massive deaths, as much as half of all Covid deaths in those states. By contrast, nations and states which did not lock-down and quarantine their entire populations wound up having fewer or no more deaths than the nations and states which had the most draconian and unconstitutional lockdown policies, and which in the process destroyed their economies and bankrupted many citizens into poverty. And yet, a cooperative left-mainstream media did all they could to facilitate the hysteria and lockdowns, and all what I write above.

Books will be written about how this self-imposed disastrous panic and hysteria, in response to what Communist China released upon the world, created a far more deadly situation than it otherwise would have been.

Over the last several months, I've scoured the international news to seek out the facts that led me to my current conclusions. Given the crisis nature of the unfolding catastrophe, it was impossible to sit back and gather information over months, to write up a scholar's article, before speaking out about what was apparent within days or weeks.  I felt it best to report on these issues as the information came to my attention, being posted to my Facebook page. If interested to review the facts which I currently stand upon, the reader is encouraged to review the various postings at that Facebook page, going back to mid February.  Here:

Thanks for your support and interest in my work.

Please consider to purchase the books from Natural Energy Works,
or to make a donation,
That is how the bills are paid and new research progresses.

Good wishes in these trying times,

James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA

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"The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it."
- George Orwell


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