Thursday, May 18, 2006

Follow-Up on the Farber-Harper's AIDS Criticism Article

Subscribers to OBRL News will reference the items sent out about a month ago, regarding Celia Farber's excellent article "Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science" which appeared in Harper's magazine.  For those who are new to this issue, the article summarized a considerable body of evidence on the subject that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, and that AIDS "medications" are often horribly toxic, creating the very symptoms which are then attributed to an illusory and unproven "infectious HIV". If all this is new to you, then you'll just have to jump in and start swimming, or consult the list of AIDS Criticism books as offered through Natural Energy Works:

Following Farber's article, the "AIDS Empire Struck Back", notably with an article authored by several King-Pins of the AIDS "medicine" and "testing" cartel, including Robert Gallo.  A series of rebuttal articles have since appeared, dismantling the Gallo, et al, item, and they are now accessible by internet from this webpage:

I will repeat the summary of it below, but go to the links for the longer and more explicit rebuttals.  Of particular importance would be the article by Giraldo and de Harven, "HIV Tests Cannot Diagnose HIV Infection".

James DeMeo

PS.  Thanks to Tom DiFerdinando for bringing this to my attention


Terrified that an open and honest scientific debate might crumble the foundations of his fame, the "discoverer" of HIV, Robert Gallo, has lent his name to a "rebuttal" of an investigative article by journalist Celia Farber, published in the March 2006 edition of Harper's Magazine.

On March 13,
The New York Times reported on the rapidly gathering public debate.

In April, Roberto Giraldo and Etienne de Harven, members of The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, published a reply to the "rebuttal", HIV tests cannot diagnose HIV infection.

South African journalist Anita Allen characterized the Gallo "rebuttal" as
unreadable and unpublishable.

letter from India notes the extraordinary censorship that stifles any open discussion of the harmful effects of antiretroviral drugs and characterizes the Harper's article as a "turning point in the history of AIDS journalism."

Also taking note of the growing controversy, 
The New York Observer quoted one of Farber's more trenchant observations concerning AIDS "journalism": Everybody who was wrong got journalism awards. Everybody who was right got all but driven from the profession.

In a
letter, Frank Kelly, President of the The Catholic Association of Scientists and Engineers, has stated that Farber's article "...will give the public the chance to judge between the latest positions of the two scientific groups that have been going after one another hammer and tongs for years. I hope that a Congressional Committee or the Pontifical Academy of Sciences or some other eminent disinterested body will look into the whole thing."

Just days after the appearance of the Harper's article, mathematician Rebecca V. Culshaw presented the HIV/AIDS Orthodoxy with another challenge. In an article entitled
Why I Quit HIV, she details her disillusionment with the statistical modeling techniques which serve to buttress the orthodox theories of HIV/AIDS.

Bloggers have not failed to note the storm of controversy. Truthseeker offers a series of articles, at
New AIDS Review. A student, Daniel Black, notes with fascination the "staunch opposition" which Farber's article has so quickly engendered. The Evolutionary Middleman highly recommends Farber's article to his readers. He equally highly recommends Rebecca Culshaw's article.

An abridged version of Farber's article is available at "
mindfully". The full version with rebuttals, etc., is also now posted to the Harper's website. A brief biography of Celia Farber is available at the AIDS Wiki. For a lengthy documentation of why Robert Gallo might fear a public airing of his record, see Science Fictions.

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