Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sexual Slavery in the West

Slavery is not just in the Muslim world, though it certainly is illegal in the West. This appears to flourish as the sexual impotence and frustration of males with excess cash persists, in a social condition where impovershed women from foreign lands which keep them down in a low status seek a better life, but get ensnared by the pimps, and then the cops and politicans in the West turn a blind eye to the problem. Liberalism also contributes by pushing to legalize all sorts of vices, but does not address the underlying causes of those vices. So the demand remains high, and measures towards legalization insure a worsening of the overall problem. J.D.


Revealed: The gangs busing sex slaves between towns
By David Harrison

Hundreds of sex slaves from Eastern Europe are being shuttled between different towns and cities, often several times a week, by criminal gangs determined to cash in on multiple "markets".

Many women, some as young as 15, are moved between several places in successive days, depending on where the traffickers think there will be a high demand for sexual services. These include venues for rock concerts, football matches and other big sporting events.

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Little or none of the money goes to the terrified victims, who are routinely beaten and raped by their pimps, forced to hand over their passports, and have no idea where they are being taken.

They end up in cheap hotels or seedy flats in unfamiliar towns and cities where they are forced to service up to 30 clients a day. An "alarming" number are found in market or spa towns and quiet suburbs, according to a senior police officer.

The plight of the "shuttle girls" was discovered during the first nationwide police crackdown on the Eastern European sex traffickers who abduct or deceive young women, bring them to Britain and force them into prostitution.

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