Monday, June 05, 2006

New Book with Article by James DeMeo

New Book with Article by James DeMeo

Unlearning the Language of Conquest: Scholars Expose Anti-Indianism in America

Edited by Four Arrows (Don Trent Jacobs). University of Texas Press, Austin, 2006.

With 17 Chapters by as many American scholars on questions of Indian life and contributions to American Society, exposing many misconceptions and falsehoods.

The article by Dr. DeMeo is:

Chapter 8: "Peaceful Versus Warlike Societies in Pre-Columbian America: What do Archaeology and Anthropology Tell Us?"

The article contains a basic recounting of the Saharasia discovery, along with some new materials. As per the closing sentences:

"The debt of American society to the Indigenous Peoples of this land is large, and a more scientifically grounded appreciation of their culture -- which reveals the largest region of Planet Earth where the larger percentage of humans lived peacefully so late into the historical period -- can only make the world a better place."

Order directly from the University of Texas Press, at the provided weblink.

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