Sunday, November 19, 2006

Update on OBRL-News and Activities

Update on OBRL-News and Activities

Dear Friends,

The item posted below may be our last specific "OBRL Blog" posting.  From now on, to get the OBRL-News items, please visit our various internet sites, or subscribe to OBRL-News or OBRL-Quarterly Newsletters, as organized through Yahoo Groups.  You can access a subscriber link to those Newsletters towards the bottom of our main internet homepage:

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Thanks, and see you at Yahoo.

OBRL Staff


From: James DeMeo <>
Subject: [OBRL-News-Bulletin] Update on OBRL-News and Activities

Update on OBRL-News and Activities

19 November 2006

Dear OBRL-News Subscribers,

As you will have noted, OBRL-News has been quiet
over the last month, and several persons wrote to
ask about it. The reason is, I've simply been
too swamped with other work to make the usual
re-posting of news materials.

Some months back, several persons indicated they
wanted OBRL-News to convert into a discussion
group, where they could respond to some of the
more controversial articles. So I set up a
special "OBRL-News Blog", which allowed for
posting of photos, and had comment sections
openly available to everyone. It took quite a
bit of my time to set that up, and really looked
nice as compared to the rather primitive "text
only" nature of the standard OBRL-News postings,
which continued in parallel manner. However,
nearly nobody took advantage of the Blog comment
section. I don't know the reasons, but am
considering to end the Blog, while keeping the
OBRL-News as it originally was.

If you have interests in the news items, you are
encouraged to go to the OBRL "links" page, and
access them from the selected news sources and
intelligent news blogs from around the world,
which appear on the lower left side of the

Here are the primary ones from which I would
recommend, and which contain regular news
reports on the rise of Islamo-fascism and terror
incidents which rarely are reported:

Surely there will be things at these websites I
do not agree with, particularly the last one
which is run by conservative Christians. But
they have contacts across the Islamic world, and
all will inform you about matters which never,
ever get into the ordinary newspapers.

I wish I could report on the world situation in a
more positive light, but in fact it appears yet
more war is on the horizon, as the forces of
Islamofascism re-organize for "final solution"
genocide against Israel, with the Iranian
dictator sabre-rattling for open war and soon to
have his atomic bombs, while the world mostly
sleeps -- or worse, joins in with the horrid
Muslim propaganda machine, to proclaim the West
is guilty of creating war, merely for daring to
fight back against the likes of Bin Ladin, his
Iraqi facilitators, or the various Jihad
brigades. Their propaganda is fantastic and
quite successful in gaining supporters even among
their victims. Even among the so-called
"conservative war-hawks" there is a sleepy
reluctance to acknowledge the nature of the
threat, that it comes from Islam itself, not from
a splinter-branch, but Islam, only Islam, always
Islam. And so, the worst of the hate-speech
propagandists, who openly call for Jewish and
American extermination in native Arabic and Farsi
within mosques, are tolerated in our midst. As
if Goebbels and the Nazi Party or SS headquarters
would never be bombed during WW-II, because
somehow they might classify Nazism as "a

I will nevertheless resume some kinds of posting,
of major important items, as time permits. For
one example, here is a MUST SEE videotape on the
problem. It is a large download, and this one
actually, amazingly, got onto the liberal CNN.
Even if you have only a slow 56k dial-up modem, I
encourage you to get it, let your computer run
during an off-hour. Ignore it at your peril.

* Additional Film-DVD Recommendation
As a balance against some of the more depressing
Saharasia-related items being posted out, here's
a very uplifting and soul-warming film which also
is highly recommended:
"Christmas In the Clouds", a romantic comedy,
among Indian peoples at the Sky Mountain Resort
on an unnamed reservation in the West.
This one also is very unlikely to appear at your
local cinema, given the absence of the usual
psychopathological Hollywood themes. You can
get it from Amazon, using the link below, but
possibly at other outlets as well:


So what about the research work activity at OBRL?

* Last month I was invited to give lectures and
seminars in three different cities in Germany --
Munster, Munich and Berlin -- all events went
well, and new contacts were made, with lively
exchanges and discussion on the lecture topics
(which can be reviewed at the OBRL "Lectures"
page). My personal thanks to Stefan Muschenich,
Peter Nasselstein, Klaus Heiman, Manfred Hinz,
and Bernd Senf for their invitations and
organizational efforts. The lecture titles are
given here:

* Last week, I gave an invited lecture on
"Climate and Soils: Their Influence Upon Human
Health and Society", to a special symposium on
Soils and Human Health, at the annual conference
of the Soil Science Society of America, held in
Indianapolis, Indiana. My thanks to Joseph
Heckman and Eric Brevik for their organizational
efforts and kind invitation. Abstracts of all
the presentations are given here:

* Work today at OBRL is focused the continuous
recording of our To-T readings, and pulses from
an orgone-charged GM neutron counter. This work
is described in a short Report posted to the OBRL
website some weeks back, here:

* We have upgraded the observatory with a new
telescope system, now able also to image solar
flares and prominences, as well as a better
tracking system for time-laps photography. The
old Starfinder 16" Equatorial telescope is being
sold, in case anyone is interested. Details are

* Several new publications are underway,
including Dr. Maglione's new book on "Healing
Atmospheres", my own work on "Greening Deserts",
and hopefully also "Pulse of the Planet #6".

* For 2007, there are several forthcoming new
conferences devoted to Wilhelm Reich's orgonomy,
including the Conference in Rangeley, Maine as
sponsored by the Wilhelm Reich Museum, and
another in Manchester, UK, which will include as
a part a weekend devoted to "New Research in
Orgonomy". Other conferences devoted to Reich
will occur in Valencia, Spain, and OBRL will also
host an Independent Study seminar devoted to
Orgonomic Science. More information on all
these events will be posted to the OBRL website
in the near future. For those interested to keep
abreast of new findings, and for students in
particular, these are "must attend" offerings.

* Next year, it appears we also will be called
back out into the field, to undertake
desert-greening and drought-abatement work,
against what is a multi-year phase of dramatic
expansion of the large Saharasian Desert Belt,
which is triggering droughts and heat-waves all
around its periphery, and amplifying El NiƱo
conditions in the Pacific. Projects may develop
in East Africa, Australia and/or the Northern
Mediterranean, by invitation and support from
local individuals and/or government authorities.
More details will be posted on these efforts as
time goes. You can review the desperate nature
of the current situations from these news
reports, which have prompted our actions to

* I would also encourage everyone to get the
"Google Earth" program, and take a look at the
region around the Aswan Dam in Southern Egypt.
There, you will see to the Northwest of Lake
Nasser, several giant lakes which were created
from exceptional overflow waters from the Nile
River, which were the product of our 5-year
Desert-Greening project in Eritrea, higher up in
the Nile River drainage basin. See the OBRL
Press Release for background on that important
I've also posted a copy of this satellite image, from
GoogleEarth as seen from 100 miles altitude, to this
Note the lakes together are much larger than the
entire Grand Canyon complex, and would swallow
up Manhattan Island in NY many times over. Keep
in mind, these lakes did not exist prior to the start
of our cloudbusting project in Eritrea, and no similar
lakes had existed in the open Sahara Desert since
many thousands of years previously. It was, and
remains to be, an amazing testament to Wilhelm
Reich's discoveries, and to the hard work and efforts
of the entire OROP Eritrea team.

* In the meanwhile, we are still seeking donations
towards support of these and other projects. If
you are in a position to assist these efforts
with a badly-needed infusion of cash, please do
so by mailing a check, or go online today using
your credit card via the OBRL donations page.
Please also consider making a bequest to OBRL in
your will, to help carry forward with our work
into the future. Thanks again for your support.

Kind regards,

James DeMeo

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Center
Natural Energy Works
PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
e-mail: demeo(at)

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