18-19 August, Saturday-Sunday, Summer 2007
Lancashire (near Manchester) UK
A Scientific Conference, Open to the General Public
Hosted by CORE (Centre for Orgonomic Research and Education)
as part of a larger 7-day event.
Also (see below) Professional
Please distribute to your friends and e-lists.
The Center for Orgonomic Research and Education (CORE) in Great Britain/UK will be hosting a 2-day Conference on New Research in Orgonomy in Summer 2007. New research findings on the natural scientific and social aspects of Orgonomy -- the new science of life-energy functions in nature, as developed by the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich in the first half of the 20th Century -- will be presented and discussed by diverse research professionals. The event will take place on the weekend of 18-19 August 2007 at the Chipping Village Hall, Lancashire (near Manchester), UK ( The Conference will be open to professionals, students and the general public.
When: Weekend of 18-19 August 2007
Times: From 10 AM until 6:00 PM, Saturday and Sunday.
Where: At the Chipping Village Hall, Lancashire, UK. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.
Topics and Speakers (List will be internet posted later on):
Audience Participation and Round-Table Discussion Each presenter will have time to respond to questions from the audience. A Round-Table Discussion will also occur, among Conference Presenters on special topics of interest (to be announced), towards the end of the last day of the Conference.
Other Activities This special Conference on New Research in Orgonomy is part of a larger event being organized by CORE, as part of a 50th Anniversary dedication to the memory of Wilhelm Reich, founder of the science of orgonomy.
The overall event includes the following two sections:
1. Orgonomy Today
Conference:Talks and Demonstrations on the
Science of the Life Energy
Exhibition of Equipment and Experiments
Monday to Friday, 13-17 August 2007
for further information contact Peter Jones: pffj(at)
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2. New Research in Orgonomy
Weekend Research Seminar: Latest Research in the Field
Saturday and Sunday, 18-19 August 2007
"CALL FOR PAPERS" Notice Below
for further information contact James DeMeo: demeo(at)
or Peter Jones: pffj(at)
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CORE: Centre for Orgonomic Research and Education
A Non-Profit Institute
The forthcoming New Research in Orgonomy Conference held this year in the United Kingdom, and hosted by Peter Jones and CORE (Centre for Orgonomic Research and Education), will focus upon new research findings in the field of social and biophysical orgonomy, and will include various lectures, with slides and demonstrations. The event will be open to the general public for attendance. While the overall Lancashire event will include five days of presentations and demonstrations devoted to the basics of orgonomy, the "life of Reich" and elaborations of his basic discoveries, this additional weekend section will be a meeting of working scientists and researchers in the field of orgonomy, presenting their original findings to their peers, and to the interested public.
Professionals and independent scholars who have research findings in the field of natural scientific or social orgonomy, and who wish to present at this New Research Conference, should submit their presentation ideas for consideration to Dr. James DeMeo (contact info below) with the following information: As soon as possible, the Title of your proposed presentation, along with your full name and institutional affiliation, and contact information. This should be followed by a one-page Abstract of no more than 500 words, suitable for photocopy reproduction and distribution at the Conference, again with the author's name, institutional affiliation and contact information. You will be contacted shortly thereafter. A sample Abstract is provided at the website links below, with more information. Proposed paper Abstracts must arrive no later than May 1st, but paper Titles may be submitted and reviewed in advance of the Abstract.
Poster Presentations are also possible, as an alternative (or in addition) to orally-presented papers. Displays should cover a maximum size of around 2 meters wide x 1.5 meters tall, with Poster title, author(s) and affiliations. Displays should have full descriptions of the work being presented, with as much detail and photos with captions as possible, including citations. Posters should be organized for easy reading from a distance -- type should be no less than about 1cm height. Poster presentations should follow all guidelines for Paper presentations, including submission of an Abstract. See the Conference Website for more details.
SAMPLE ABSTRACT (with details)
TITLE OF PAPER (or Poster), bold, with Subtitle if Desired.
No more than two lines.
Name of Author(s) with major academic degree, Postal Mailing Address, E-mail and
other contact information, website, professional status and/or institutional affiliation.
Body of Abstract, no more than 500 words, single-spaced in 12 point Times normal or similar typeface and no more than one side of one page maximum. Center your Abstract on the page, and give a 1.5" margin on both left and right sides of the page. You may bold or put words into italics for emphasis, as you wish. A small number of citations are permitted -- use any standard format but with full information so as to allow others to obtain them via libraries. Also provide the full url for any internet-posted versions of the citation. A small photo or figure may also be included on the same page, but files should be no larger than around 1 mb (we only have a slow 56k dial-up connection). Send items either as an email or attached Microsoft Word document. Be sure to spell-check your Abstract and proof-read it, as it will be photocopied and distributed to Conference attendees and internet-posted as a PDF exactly as you submit it. We will review your Abstract, but don't have the time to proof-read or correct them. Be concise and to the point, summarize the main points only, with a brief summary and statement of conclusions. If you are uncertain about your idea, please firstly submit your proposed paper Title, for discussion. This is a scientific conference, so expect to have your ideas openly but constructively evaluated and critically reviewed. Depending upon the number of presenters, everyone will have from 20 to 60 minutes to present their findings, with a short period for questions and responses afterward. Selected papers may also be submitted in absentia for reading by another Conference attendee, but these are limited to 20 minutes of reading only, and arrangements must be made in advance by the author for the reading.
Send all proposed Titles and Abstracts to:
James DeMeo, Ph.D. demeo(at)
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More information on this Conference will be periodically posted to the Conference webpage.
If you are interested in attending, send us a short email and we will put your name on a special list for notifications.
Mark your calendars and plan accordingly!