"Gesellschaft in Balance:
Dokumentation des 1. Weltkongresses für Matriarchatsforschung
2003 in Luxemburg",
The new book title give above, edited by Heide Göttner-Abendroth, is now available. The work contains 25 articles by diverse scholars who presented papers at the First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies in Luxemburg.
One of the contributions in the book is a paper by James DeMeo, presented at the Congress and entitled "Saharasia: Die Ursprünge patriarchaler authoritärer Kultur in Verbindung mit prähistoricher Wüstenbildung".
Gesellschaft in Balance: Dokumentation des 1 Weltkongresses fuer Matriarchatsforschung 2003 in Luxemburg. edited by Heide Goettner-Abendroth, 311.pp, Edition Hagia, Kohlhammer, 2006.
Available from:
International Academy HAGIA
Weghof 2
D-94577 Winzer / Germany
Email: akademieHagia@aol.com
An English-language version of this new book is under preparation, for publication sometime in 2007.
Here is information on the original 2003 Congress:
While this new book is not yet listed on internet, here is a list of other books by, or edited by Dr. Göttner-Abendroth:
In German Language
In English Language