The following post was sent by Acharya S, better known for her critical writings about Christian fanaticism. She also pulls no punches about Islam. For those who cannot yet appreciate such strong sentiments, following her short essay I give a list of topical articles as currently posted to "thereligionofpeace" website, which systematically tracks Islamic butchery and fanaticism around the world (materials which rarely get into the "politically corrected" mainstream news), as well as documenting the suicidal appeasement mentality within the West. By their count, there have already been over 7800 individual Islamic terror attacks carried out around the world since 9-11-2001, a mix of both "slow-jihad" and "fast-jihad" terrorism directed against infidels and fellow Muslims lacking sufficient fanaticism. The website also shows pitiful photos, of for example the Australian woman claimed to have been smuggling pot given 20 years in an Indonesian dungeon while "good Muslims" who beheaded three Christian schoolgirls got far less, and probably will be pardoned soon enough, as were the jihadis who committted the Bali massacre. This same website also shows photos of two boys caught in a homosexual act, now being hung by the neck in Iran, along with a typical street scene from rural Turkey... of a man leading his wife down the street with a chain around her neck, much as others might walk their dog. Other heart-breaking images which nobody in the mainstream media dares to show you. My recommendation: Read Acharya's article, and her weblinks, which give a lot of excellent information. Her larger blog is a good one to visit, assuming you wish to be critically educated about what's happening in the world. Then, if you have the stomach for it, or need convincing, review the actual articles listed below as taken from "thereligionofpeace" website, along with the pics. A strong dose of the awful truth, as we collectively slouch towards World War IV. J.D.
From: Acharya S
24 March 2007
Subject: The Truth About Islam
We hear so much folderol these days about Islam being a "peaceful
religion." The fact is that Islam is anti-human and anti-woman - the
most anti-human and anti-woman ideology on the face of the earth today.
We need merely repeat a number of quotes from the Koran itself in
order to prove these points. Anyone who claims the opposite is either
ignorant or willfully dishonest - and there are far too many people
making such erroneous or deceptive assertions.
Let's start with the idiocy that Islam is "peaceful." In the first
place, the record speaks for itself: Horrendous barbarism and atrocity
repeatedly carried out in the name of Islam, wherever it can be found
worldwide over a period of many centuries. Let us examine one of the
worst examples of modern history: The horrors perpetrated in
Bangladesh. No civilized human being could possibly participate in
such atrocities.
3 million deaths and 200,000 rapes - these are the fruits of a
"peaceful religion?!"
Fast forward to the millions of foaming-at-the-mouth ranters killing
and threatening people worldwide over some cartoons - cartoons that
accurately lampooned this hideous ideology. These are the fruits of a
"peaceful religion?"
The list of atrocities done in the name of Islam is VERY LONG and
includes the ongoing torture of women. Let's proceed with the fallacy
that Islam is "peaceful." Here is a quote from the Koran that puts to
rest that lie once and for all:
"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal
rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate." Q 9:73
I repeat, anyone asserting otherwise is simply ignorant or a purveyor
of falsehood, to say the least.
The treatment of women within Islam is absolutely ABYSMAL - and is
contrived to be so, through the manmade set of "laws" found in the
Koran, a book with the psychotic qualities of the Bible but none of the
"entertaining" stories. It is as if the writers of the Koran set out
to chronicle the most atrocious concept of God ever developed. Here is
what the Koran says about women:
"Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to
the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good
women are obedient." Q 4:34
Please read the other quotes at:
This article ranks no. 1 in the world when "quotes from the koran" is
googled, along with a number of other keyphrases.
In my opinion, the spread of this fanatically violent and misogynistic
ideology is a great threat that we all need to take very seriously. It
does not bode well for the civilized world that the purveyors of
barbarism are freely trampling over the term "truth."
Sharia Law practically means: stoning of women for "honor" offences including for the "crime" of having been raped; beheadings for apostasy or blasphemy, hand/foot amputations for "lesser" offences; public hanging of homosexuals and outspoken women; incessant war against infidels and especially Jews; black slavery; female sexual slavery; FGM [female genital mutiliation]; no democracy; no human rights; everyone down on their knees; Mullahs as Gods; non-Muslims as dhimmis or outright slaves; no music except for drums and vocal wailing (ask "Cat Stevens"); no dancing; public floggings for "sexual crimes" such as flirting or speaking with an unrelated person of the opposite sex; all women under the veil; prison rape-brothels run by the Mullahs; and so forth. Oil blackmail by Islamic despots who have been made fat and rich from the oil trade, soon to be followed by nuclear blackmail. It is perhaps the most cruel and violent system of human life and social organization which has so far been invented, and it came to the world from those populations once only living in the desert "dead heart of Arabia", but now lording over gigantic sums of oil-wealth, and spreading their vile doctrines all around the world.
-- James DeMeo
10 Feb 2006
[OBRL-News-Bulletin] Ordinary Muslims Overwhelmingly Support Sharia Law
as posted 25 March 2007
Go to the website for links to the following articles
Australia's Muslims Endorse Rape Sheikh, Terror Supporter...
Iran to Try Brits on 'Espionage'...
Egypt Pressured on Police Rape and Torture of Blogger...
Osama Lauded by Top Sunni Cleric in Lebanon...
US Congress Tries to Protect Flying Public from CAIR...
Islam Expert: Dutch Must Either Fight or Die...
Quebecois Uprising: Threat of Voter Masks Nixes Veils at Polls
Bangladeshi Woman Tortured, Murdered for Refusing Marriage
Former CAIR Director Goes to Bat for Treasonous Sailor...
Canadian Moderates Threatened with 'Slaughter'...
Farrakhan Supports Nuclear Iran, Heralds 'Allah's Chastisement'
French Court Tells Muslims to Move On...
Slavery in Mauritania (World Yawns)...
4-Year-Old Daughter of Bomber Vows to Follow in Footsteps...
7,000 French Jews Apply for Asylum in U.S...
Christian Teacher Beaten to Death by Muslim Students...
German Judge Cites Qur'an - Denies Divorce to Abused Wife...
'Rape Sheikh' Critic Needs Police Protection...
Moderates Counter CAIR's Legal Attack on Airline Passengers...
Sudan Vows to Stone Women for Adultery...
14-20 Year Sentences for Beheading 3 Christian Girls...
Man Rips Out Wife's Eyes for Refusing Sex...
Jihadis Advocate 'Anti-War' Propaganda Campaign...
'Freedom Fighters' Use Children in Car Bombing...
Catholic Church Raises Money for Mosque...
Christian Children Kidnapped, Forcibly Converted in Nigeria...
Aging Western Women Seek Arab 'Boy-Toys'...
Christians Forced to Pay 'Jizya' in Iraq...
CAIR Says its Critics are 'Racists'
Kidnapped Reporter Witnessed Decapitation...
Student Extremists Take Over Australian Mosque...
Will Georgia Shooting be CAIR's Next Windmill?...
Open Season on Buddhist Women - Five More Murdered...
Terrorists Target Booksellers...
Allah Answers Cricket Fans' Prayers - Drops Coach...
Australian Girls Sexually Assaulted by Muslim Student...
Poll: Iraqis Say They are Better Off Without Saddam...
Half of Israeli Arabs Back Hezbollah Attacks on Israel...
Wahhabi Cleric Probed for Tax Evasion (Aus.)...
Three Children Killed in Attack on School...
Radicals Enforce Sharia by Bombing Music, Video Shops...
Norway On-Board with Hamas...
Utah Killing Spree Looking a Lot Like Jihad...
India: Muslim Group Wants Female Writer Beheaded...
UK: Bomber Claims Blast Just Meant as a 'Muslim Protest'...
Indonesian Muslims Attack Christians School...
US: Extremists Apply to Be School Bus Drivers...
Florida Bus Driver Canned for Muslim Joke...
Intimidation: 'Flying Imams' Go After Passengers with Suit...
UK: Sharia Law for Bike Thieves?
British School Turns Pigs into Puppies to Spare Muslims...
More Islam in Obama's Past...
Two Men, One Woman Shot and Stoned to Death for Adultery...
Muslims Pressure University to Cancel Anti-Semitism Lecture...
Woman Takes Sauna in Full Hijab...
Cricket Player 'Blacks Out' Beer Logo on Uniform...
'Sunni' Iraqi Woman's Rape Story Falling Apart...
Mohammed Confesses to 9/11...
Sudan Found Guilty in USS Cole Attack...
ISNA Warns Jews Not to Trust Christians...
Nine Buddhists Massacred by Thai Islamists - Includes Children
US: Muslim Cashiers Refuse to Handle Pork Products...
CAIR Ejects Christian Network from Press Conference...
UK: Honor Killing Victim 'Testifies' in Father's Trial...
Egyptian Blogger Loses Appeal - Father Demands Execution...
'You Christian Pig. You are Dead.'
Australia's Muslims Flex Political Muscle, Want Open Immigration...
UN Accuses Sudan of 'Gross Violations' in Darfur...
Hard-Line Clerics Urge Muslims to Cheat on Taxes...
CAIR Slams Republicans (But Not Hamas)...
Radical Muslims Behead a Migrant Worker in Thailand...
Sharia Creeping into Europe...
Five Buddhists Murdered by Thai Muslims...
Radicals Urge Western Muslims to Press for Sharia...
Iranian Imam Questions Violence, Converts to Christianity...
Lesbian Clambake Getting Islamists Hot and Bothered...
Cleric Blames Drought on 'Lack of Faith in Allah' - Muslims Urged to 'Out-Breed' Aussies...
Converts to Christianity Face Ostracism in France...
California College Students Accused of 'Desecrating Allah'...
France: Hamas Front Group Wins Lawsuit against Jewish Org...
Pakistan's Top Nuclear Scientists in Taliban Custody...
'Praying and Chanting' During Madrid Bomber's Last Moments
Mothers in Court for Aiding Rape of Daughters by Qur'an Teacher...
13-Year-Olds Tie the Knot in Malaysia...
Beheading Demanded for Man who Called Muslims 'Killers'...
Radio Host in Trouble for Calling Islam 'The Religion of Peace'...
Turkey Blocks YouTube...
Sunnis Turn Shia Foot Pilgrimage into a Shooting Gallery...
South Carolina Honor Killing?...
'Desperate Housewives' too Hot for Islamists to Handle...
Glimmer of Hope for Baghdad...
Muslim-Owned 'Hitler' Diner Found in Kosovo...
Islamists Hoping to Re-Conquer Spain?...
Nigerian Muslims Set Fire to Chapel...
Former U.S. Sailor Involved in Terror (Happens to Be Muslim)...
US: A Little Georgia Jihad on the Way?...
Muslims Outraged Over 'Human Rights Abuse' on Soccer Field...
Taliban Leader Caught Fleeing, Dressed Like a Woman...
Religion of Peace Kills Buddhist Worker, Sets Body on Fire...
Have American Muslims Found Loophole for Sharia Courts?...
'Allah Akbar' Rings Out in Australian Courtroom...
Suicidal Sunnis Slaughter 115 Shia Pilgrims in Attack...
UK Imam Defends Murder of British Hostage on Video...
NJ: Med. Student Gives Stripper a Hand...
Hindu Women Raped by Muslim Gang in Pakistan...
Australian Terror Suspect Sought Paradise, Jihad...
US: Muslim Reformers Advocate Universal Human Rights...
Gang-Rape VICTIM Sentenced to 90 Lashes in Saudi...
NC SUV Jihadi Calls Judge a 'Moron'...
70-Year-Old Buddhist Man Shot to Death by Islamic Radicals...
Terrorists Vow to Kill or Capture Prince Harry...
Mideast Scholar: Mutually Assured Destruction an Incentive Rather than Deterrent for Iran...
Religious Extremists Target Internet Cafes with Malice...
Islamists Force 9-Year-Old Boy into a Bonfire...
Arab Media 'Sanitized' in Translation to English...
Rockets Chase Jews from Homes, Islamic Jihad Vows More
'Heretic' Dealt with (Religion of Peace Style)...
Utah Killer Given Islamic Burial...
Islamists Destroy African Church...
CAIR Admits Terror Connections
Thai Radicals Murder Two Teenage Buddhist Girls...
6 Iraqi Sunnis Stand Up for Peace (quickly gunned down)...
Israelis Embark on Humanitarian Mission for Somali Muslims...
12% of Canadian Muslims Believe Terror Justified...
Bali Bombers Say Everyone Has a 'Right to Live'...
'Fill' Copenhagen with Islam...
Clerics OK Divorce by Text Message...
Life Returning to 'Normal' for Egypt's Christians Following Riot
Arab Militias Spreading Genocide to Chad...
Islamic Group Claims Credit for Murdering 3 Prostitutes...
Hard-Liners Chip Away at Indonesian 'Secularlism'...
Hamas Turns Former Jewish Settlement into Terror Camp...
Malaysian TV Show Banned after Comparison to Muhammad Wife
Ahmadinejad: Zionists are 'Incarnation of Satan'...
Italy: Man Keeps Wife Under Lock and Key...
'Islam Itself is the Problem. Islam is a Violent Religion'...
Muslim Communities Shelter Terrorists in Thai South...
Norwegians Threaten to 'Squeal Like Pigs'...
UK Police Grill Students Over Cartoons...
Canada: Concerns Over Cleric's Support for Terror, Islamic State
US: MN Cabbies Stand Firm on Enforcement of Islamic Law...
Radical Muslim Pleads Not to be Returned to Muslim Country...
13-Year-Old Among Jewish Women Gang-Raped by Muslims
Moscow Thwarts Religion of Peace Bomb Attack...
4th Victim Dies in Medina Attack, May Have Been Infidel...
Arabs Describe Destruction of Jewish Holy Sites as 'Joyful'...
... and on it goes...