Thursday, July 05, 2007

REMINDER - Open House Social at the Greensprings Center- Friday July 6th.



Social Gathering

OBRL Greensprings Center

July 6, Friday: Greensprings Center Open House Social Gathering 5-7 PM

Weather permitting, the OBRL Greensprings Telescope Observatory and/or Orgone Energy Darkroom will be open.

More information is given here:

As a preliminary to the Independent Study Seminar which starts this weekend, July 7th, there is an informal social gathering at the Greensprings Center. 

Where:  On route 66, approximately 20 miles east of Interstate 5, and one mile east of the Greensprings Inn -- look for the small "OBRL" sign on the north (left) side of the road as you head east.  If you wind up at Tub Springs, turn around, you've gone about 100 meters too far!

Some small snacks are provided, along with coffey and tea, but feel free to bring whatever items you might wish to share. 

See you there...

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