Sunday, August 26, 2007
New Website Debunking 9-11 Conspiracy Troofers
authentic analysis, debunking the wild claims of the 9-11 "Troofers",
or exposing their frequent lying.
Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy theories and Controlled Demolition Myths
Definitely worth reviewing.
I've maintained for years that the leadership of this "movement" was
composed of unreformed ultra-leftist America-haters, closeted
neo-Nazi populist types, friends of Islamo-fascists, Jew-haters and
other assortments who are quite happy to deceive by outright lying,
or lies of omission. They've been caught at it repeatedly, but get
away with it because their deception resonates with those who already
are on the America-hating, Muslim-apologizing bandwagon for other
reasons. Don't expect the average fanatic who finds their message
agreeable to worry about bothersome things, such as facts.
This new website provides even more evidence than the already long
list of books and debunking sites as posted to the OBRL "Links" page
over several years, here:
I was especially impressed with the new analysis of the WT7 collapse,
showing photos of the huge gash and structural damages to that
building, which happened during the collapse of the Twin Towers.
Well, there is much, much more, so go and review it at your leisure.
Thanks to Acharya S. for the head's up on the
website. You can review her website and blog here:
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