James, a very competent friend sent me these comments on the report on 9/11. What do you say?
----- Original Message -----
From: MK to GVH
GVH, the guy, it was the same writer in all articles, debuked the easy ones. He did not hit on why 3 towers fell when only two were hit. He did not hit on what happened to the black boxes in all 4 planes (none found because they might have been drones?). He did no hit on what happened on the plane over Pennsylvania, why it crashed (it was not the lets rumble guy on the cell phone to his wife, an impossibility). He did not hit on what hit the Pentagon. No plane was ever found. What happened to all the money and gold and silver in the towers? Why did we attack Iraq and Afghanistan when it was supposedly Saudis who piloted the planes? He never mentioned that Osama was a CIA agent.
He never mentions that it was the perfect excuse for unending wars. Etc. Etc. ETc. It smells to high heaven. MK
Dear GVH,
"Very competent"? While it is not my responsibility to educate anyone, out of respect for our prior email exchanges, I'll say the following:
Your friend apparently did not bother to review that weblink I provided, given his quick and off-the-cuff reaction. He strung together at least ten separate malicious falsehoods and dirty accusations, all in one short paragraph. I'd ask you to please yourself look at that website, and don't take his word for anything (nor mine either) -- just give it a complete review. Firstly, there is an entire section on WTC#7, the building which your friend says was "not hit"... at least, I think that's what he is saying. His language leaves much to be desired, but I assume he means, "He (the website author?) did not address why 3 towers fell but only two were hit by aircraft". In fact, the debunking website has a substantial amount of documentation on that very subject. See here:
This weblink on WTC#7 was not hidden; it is listed on the left side along with other topics, very easy to spot. So why would your friend ignore it, when sending you his email? Whatever his problem may be, the debunking911.com website provides a very cogent analysis of the collapse of WTC#7, with graphic images and movies from 9-11, showing that structure had tremendous damages which occurred as significant debris from one of the collapsing Twin Towers smashed into its side, creating severe fires, a large gash and structural damages. The firefighters struggled to contain those intense fires over many hours, finally backing off as the structure began to collapse. Today, however, we know the typical movies shown of this by the "Truther" disinformation squads are deliberate fraud, because they exclude critical seconds of the collapse sequence at the beginning, and never show photos of the intensive damages to the side and bottom parts of the structure facing the Twin Tower debris piles. Instead, the Truthers usually expose their fanaticism by claiming the Jewish landlord was behind some kind of deliberate "controlled demolition" which is then extended to include the claim that even the Twin Towers were brought down by "controlled demolition", and the jet aircraft dismissed as "drones" and such. It is a miserably insane and paranoid theory, overall. But the anti-Semitic canard about the Jewish landlord, lying at the core of their "theory", is also exposed and debunked at the debunking911.com website. Other frauds and lies by the Truthers are too numerous to mention here, but are well-documented with examples such as the best-selling author Meyessan deliberately mis-quoting eye-witnesses on the airliner crash into the Pentagon -- nobody ever said it "was a cruise missile" but rather that the airliner came in "like a cruise missile", deliberately being aimed at the Pentagon, and not some accidental crash. And contrary to his loud claims, there was plenty of aircraft debris all around the Pentagon lawn, and inside the destroyed parts of the building. It was repeatedly photographed and identified, traced back to the specific airliner which crashed, with the information posted to numerous internet sites. If you haven't seen those photos, you owe it to yourself to do so, as perhaps more than anything those photos show the outrageous lying by the Truthers. In fact, I have a whole slew of websites debunking 9-11 conspiracy, by many different individuals and groups, posted on the right-hand side of the OBRL Links page:
You might specifically review the one detailing the racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Islamofascist nature of these self-proclaimed "truth-squads".
The OBRL bookstore also carries a slew of books on such subjects, hard factual books by serious professionals overflowing with exceptional documentation and personal eyewitness and interview material.
And a lot of related material was posted to OBRL-News over the last six years, accessible via the OBRL-News Archive
As to the other subjects mentioned by your friend, specifically the black-box flight recorders and other things, the homepage for this debunking911.com website has a useful search function, which brings up multiple links addressing most every question you might have -- and by my knowledge, at least two of the flight recorders were recovered. Specifically from the Popular Mechanic's debunking book (see the links) there are photographs of the Twin Tower metal framework buckling and bending, glowing red-hot from the interior flames just prior to the collapse, and, and, and, and, and. Virtually all the strung-together outrageous assertions of your "very competent" friend lack a factual foundation, and if there is any "smell" it is of his own ignorant fanaticism.
He doesn't say it outright, but his ten malicious accusations and questions suggest he believes, as most Truthers do, that "Bush did it" (or maybe Mossad?). He also repeats the incredible nonsense claim that OBL was "a CIA agent". Do you really believe that? How different is that from the claim that all our top political leaders and UN officials are "shape-shifting reptilian space aliens?" Not much. The CIA and FBI bungled many things regarding 911, as has the Bush administration and the Clinton administration before it -- on that, we could all make a list. But bungling, muddle and incompetence are not evidence for conspiracy-to-murder. The fact is, OBL was funding terror attacks against American targets over many years, out of his own substantial pockets, going back many years before 9-11, denouncing the "evil Jews and Americans" in typical Islamo-fascist words, with death-fatwas for many years, planting bombs and killing many people, not only Americans. The major policy shift implemented by the Bush administration after 9-11 was to no longer treat terror attacks as criminal actions using INTERPOL and only the FBI to hunt down individual perpetrators. The new policy properly identified such mass-terrorism as Acts of War, perpetrated against America by individual terrorists and terror groups, but also by terror-sponsoring nations who give them funding, sanctuary and logistical support. One can agree or disagree with that policy shift, but disagreement with it is no license to distort the facts about 9-11, or to white-wash the permanent Islamofascist Jihad-war of conquest against the entire world, ongoing now for nearly 1400 years.
Your friend's response is typical of so many things these days, where people simply refuse to look at anything which would undermine their favorite political position and world-view -- which as we know from Wilhelm Reich is mostly shaped by pent-up emotions. We see it in religious fanatics, but also in political fanatics and atheists. Nobody is immune as the emotions shape our thinking process, either well or poorly depending upon our emotional condition. From the findings of Reich, we can view political extremism with the same functional understanding as we view religious extremism, and both are properly viewed by ordinary people with suspicion. The 9-11 "truth squads" are especially exemplary of this problem, and are inhabited in their inner sanctums by hordes of America-haters, Jew-haters, Muslim-apologists, Ultra-leftists, Right-wing populists, etc.
My experience is, no matter how often and substantially one may refute the talking-points of the 9-11 Truthers, they simply ignore what you say, repeat the original accusation like a broken record, and then divert attention to a new accusation without addressing the first thing which was just rebutted. That, more than anything, indicates the basically suppressed emotional underpinnings of their position.
James DeMeo
James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Center
Natural Energy Works
Ashland, Oregon, USA