OBRL News/Blog Version
OBRL Quarterly Newsletter #16, September 2007
This is the infrequent, Quarterly Newsletter from the
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL) in Ashland, Oregon, USA.
Please responsibly re-post and distribute to other interested persons, groups and websites.
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Topical notices below:
1. Forthcoming Lectures and Seminars: Paris, Valencia, and Berlin
2. Report on Completed Lectures & Seminars of 2007
3. New Article on "The Suppression of Dissent..."
4. Abstracts of Presented Papers, from the 2007 Orgonomy Today Conference
5. My Recent Letter to New Scientist Magazine
6. New Book: Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres
7. Work In Progress At OBRL
8. About the Growing "Orgone" Nonsense on Global Internet
9. Please review our on-line Fundraising Letter...
10. Due to the high costs of printing and mailing...email is today our primary notification method.
1. Forthcoming Lectures and Seminars by James DeMeo, Ph.D.: Paris, Valencia, and Berlin.
* Paris, France: 26-28 October 2007
Friday evening lecture and Saturday-Sunday seminars with James DeMeo. English with French translation.
Friday PM Lecture: "Wilhelm Reich's Discoveries, with new research findings from the USA regarding the current global climate situation", presented by James DeMeo, Director of OBRL.
Weekend Seminars:
Saturday: Sex-economy, Origins of Violence, Early Peaceful Societies, Saharasia
Sunday: Orgone (Life) Energy, the Accumulator, Orgone Field Meter, Cosmic Superimposition, Drought and Dor, Cloudbusting.
The Friday evening Lecture will be free of charge, but a fee will be charged for the Saturday-Sunday seminars. More details to be provided at the weblink below in the near future.
* Valencia, Spain: 2-5 November 2007
Conference: 50 YEARS AFTER REICH. A LIFE MOVEMENT. James DeMeo will present one major lecture on Saturday morning, Nov.3rd, in English with Spanish translations, as part of this larger event. A special 6-hour seminar will also be given by James DeMeo, on Sunday Evening and Monday Morning, Nov.4-5. Other speakers include Morton Herskowitz and Michel Odent.
For more details, see here:
* Berlin, Germany: 7-8 November 2007
Wednesday PM Lecture: Neue experimentelle Bestätigungen der Reichschen Orgonphysik (New experimental corroborations of Reichian Orgone Physics) by James DeMeo
Thursday PM Lecture: Historische Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Gewalt: Die Saharasia-These (Historical Origins and Diffusion of Violence: The Saharasia Thesis), by James DeMeo
Times: 18.00 - 21.15 Uhr, in der Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft,
Badensche Str. 50/51, 10825 Berlin-Schöneberg
Nähe U-Bahnhof Bayerischer Platz
Admission is free, look for the room-number signs in the entrance hall.
2. Report on Completed Lectures & Seminars of 2007:
This year saw increased educational activity, with Dr. DeMeo giving seminars and lectures at a number of places and conferences. Firstly there was the OBRL Summer Guided Independent Study Program on General Orgonomy held at the Greensprings Center in early July. About 8 students attended that lively event, one all the way from Norway. Thanks to all who attended. A description of that event is still posted to the OBRL website, for those who might wish to attend next year, 2008:
Secondly, Dr. DeMeo was also one of many invited speakers at the Conference in Rangeley Maine, hosted by the Wilhelm Reich Museum. That event, which lasted 4 days over late July and early August, was entitled Wilhelm Reich in the 21st Century: 2007 International Conference on Orgonomy. A list of the presenters and description of that event, which drew around 100 participants from all over the world, is given here:
A big thanks to Kevin Hinchey, Mary Higgins, and other WR Museum friends and volunteers, for their gracious hospitality and organizational efforts.
Thirdly, another major Conference, entitled Orgonomy Today was held in Chipping Village, Lancashire, United Kingdom, as organized by Peter Jones and his CORE (Centre for Orgonomic Research & Education) organization. This 7-day event allowed speaker's presentations mixed with demonstrations of apparatus and experimental orgonomic principles. A full-sized orgone accumulator was available, along with magnificent optics for viewing orgone energy movement in the atmosphere, as well as a microscope for viewing of simple bion preparations, and living blood. Seed charging in the orgone accumulator was demonstrated (with about a 30% boost in the orgone-charged group as compared to the control), along with the Life-Energy Meter, a To-T apparatus, darkroom visualization of orgone energy lumination, and other essentials. The last two days were devoted to a special session on New Research In Orgonomy, with a more compressed lineup of speakers, A booklet of Abstracts of presented papers was made available, and also is now posted to internet as a PDF download:
A big thanks to Peter Jones for his warm hospitality, and apparently single-handed effort in organizing this Conference.
Oiy! And the year is not even over yet. See Note #1, above, for the lectures and seminars still forthcoming in Europe.
3. New Article on "The Suppression of Dissent..." by J. DeMeo, posted to the OBRL website
The following article was written in the 1990s, presented to several academic societies (without affect), but recently dusted-off and posted to the OBRL internet site:
The Suppression of Dissent and Innovative Ideas In Science and Medicine,
by James DeMeo
4. Abstracts of Presented Papers, from the 2007 Orgonomy Today Conference, and New Research In Orgonomy Session, available as PDF download.
In case you missed the prior announcements, here:
5. My Recent Letter to New Scientist Magazine
Regarding their published article "Rainfall Records Could Warn of War".
Basically this was a confirmation of a part of my Saharasia findings as made in the early 1980s.
But unlikely they will print the letter, so following is the full text.
June 2007
Dear Editors,
Thank you for publishing the article "Rainfall records could warn of war" by Jim Giles, in your issue #2606 of 2 June 2007, but in fact this is not any "new" finding. In the early 1980s, I produced what was then (and probably still is) the most comprehensive global cross-cultural and geographically-explicit analysis of human social violence and war, with an examination of prevailing climate conditions for the 1170 different societies evaluated in my study. World maps were made of various social factors, and contrasted to known climate types. I used a collection of variables as established by the anthropologists and psychologists, on violence towards children and women, measures of social hierarchy demanding violence for their enforcement such as slavery and castes and low-status for women, the presence of violent sexual mutilations directed at children and women, arranged marriage and male-dominance considerations, the existence of violence-advocating High Gods, and similar factors which usually are overlooked by those interested mainly in guns, bombs and tanks, but which reasoned opinion suggests are the foundations upon which the latter and more obvious forms of social violence and warfare spring forth.
What was most unusual in the findings was, that the most extremely violent armored patristic cultures identified in my study were nearly all found within the world's harshest desert climates. The few others could be explained by migrations out of the desert regions into moister climates, where violence tended to persist over generations due to the persistence of desert-formed social institutions, created within the original desert-homelands of those societies, and carried with them as they migrated or invaded and conquered the wetter desert-border regions. A review of archaeological evidence for warfare, on a time-line, also confirmed that the earliest evidence for social violence and warfare is found in those regions where human societies suffered during long epochs where lush forests and grasslands either slowly or dramatically converted, by agency of major climate change, into harsh deserts.
The most notable example of this was the creation of the large Saharasian desert belt (my term for the Sahara + Middle East + Central Asian deserts) starting around or shortly before c.4000 BCE. This vast climate change, one of the most dramatic to occur since the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, affected developing human societies across the Fertile Crescent and elsewhere. Before Saharasia existed, violence on Planet Earth was relatively isolated or non-existent. After Saharasia formed, violence became a dominant feature across that large territory, gradually spreading by outward-directed mass-migrations and invasions into other parts of the Old World, and farther on from there. But the geographical analysis demonstrates violence starting firstly and most dramatically within the desiccating Saharasian desert belt.*
I'm very pleased to learn about the findings of Marc Levy, Dan Esty and the IBC, but clearly it would not be correct to say that these issues failed to be appreciated or seriously studied significantly heretofore. It appears, in fact, that my earlier work has still not been superceded in its scope or implications. My work on Saharasia has been around and published in summary articles over 20 years, including in a major book.* Noteworthy also is, through the late 1980s when I still held my academic appointments, I repeatedly tried to bring my findings to the attention of government policy-makers, suggesting to them the social variables identified in my work which correlated so well with drought and desertification had a strong predictive value, allowing us to identify those nations and regions likely to "go violent" with their weapons, against either their own people, or other nations. My recommendations were treated with smug politeness, but never taken seriously. Of course, 9-11 happened since then, and while terribly un-PC given how we are not supposed to be critical of other cultures (whatever happened to "National Character Studies" as developed during WW-II?!), most everyone accepts that peoples from the Saharasian Desert Belt are the major principles engaged in global terrorism, and Empire-building through violent means.
James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Ashland, Oregon, USA
(formerly on the faculty of geography, Illinois State University, University of Miami)
* James DeMeo: "Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child-Abuse, Sex-Repression, Social Violence and War, in the Deserts of the Old World", Natural Energy, 1998. For details, citations and purchasing weblinks, see:
2nd Edition of Saharasia -- If you did not get the word...
If you haven't yet got the 2nd Edition of Saharasia, with numerous additions to the already-excellent 1st Edition, it can be obtained via here:
Links are also given there for Amazon.com, which can provide the book to overseas destinations at shipping rates substantially lower than what we can offer. However, we do offer Saharasia at a 40% discount (plus shipping) to individuals and groups, when ordered in quantities of four or more going to the same address.
This webpage also provides downloadable PDFs of the 2nd Edition "Preface" and "Update on Saharasia" Appendix article, so you don't have to re-purchase the full book unless you desire. It also provides summary articles about the Saharasia discovery in English, Spanish, German, Turkish and Greek. We also seek volunteers who could make French, Polish, Italian and Arabic translations of this same summary article, for internet-posting.
6. New Book: Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres
We are again pleased to announce a new book by Roberto Maglione. Here's the description as it appears in our on-line catalog:
* WILHELM REICH AND THE HEALING OF ATMOSPHERES: Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification, by Roberto Maglione. Translated from the original Italian, with a Foreword by James DeMeo. A scientific overview of Reich's discovery and applications of Cosmic Orgone Engineering, or "cloudbusting" as it is more popularly known. Covers Reich's experiments, and those of his associates and followers: Richard Blasband, Jerome Eden, and James DeMeo, among others. Experiments in the USA, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, all with positive results supportive of Reich's original claims. Comprehensive with numerous photos, diagrams, graphs and full citation-lists. 121 pp. $39.00 Softcover
Orders can be placed via this weblink:
7. Work In Progress At OBRL
... pretty much the same as our last Newsletter, but significant nonetheless...
* Work continues on round-the-clock monitoring of the thermal anomaly in the orgone accumulator, or To-T. Of special note is the observation of a definite increase in the To-T readings starting around mid-March, the time of the Spring Equinox, when the Earth moves into what appears to be a strong streaming or pulse of energy in space. We also more recently are observing a slight increase in these To-T readings during periods of Full and New Moon.
* Also with continued monitoring, anomalous readings are developing from our orgone-charged GM/neutron counter, which soars episodically to several thousand CPM. A control unit, of identical construction, but not orgone-charged, gives typical readings of 0-2 CPM.
* Our archive project continues, with transfers being made of OBRL's considerable archive of old VHS, U-Matic and Hi-8 videotapes onto digital DVDs, for long-term storage. The VHS collection is nearly finished, but much remains to be done. A section of the laboratory building, in the attic section under the observatory, has been set aside for this purpose.
* OBRL was organizing for a major cloudbusting project in Australia, scheduled for a start-up in mid-May of this year. However, a few weeks before the departure date, natural rains began falling on their own. The project was then cancelled. We wish to thank all those who offered to assist on this project, specifically Mr. Tom DiFerdinando of New York, and Chip Wilkins of Tennessee, as well as Dean Davidson, Sam Doust, and Stephen Shanahan of Australia. Likewise a number of presently-unnamed Australian farmers who offered their facilities to this project. It was an exciting prospect for us to go "down under", but it is always best when nature provides on her own. And frankly, we would have felt a bit funny to arrive in Australia for a drought-ending project, with rains falling all around as we got off the airplane. In fact, many areas of Australia experienced mild flooding, so it really became unnecessary, and a point of relief for everyone. The meteorologists in Australia were somewhat caught by surprise by this change, which appeared timed to an unexpected conversion of the Pacific El Niño back towards more normal temperature conditions. Australia then experienced quite a cold, rainy and snowy period, from around mid-May and lasting for several months. While this did not benefit all the various droughty regions, it truly made a big difference.
8. About the Growing "Orgone" Nonsense on Global Internet
Once again, see here: http://www.orgonelab.org/OrgoneNonsense.htm
9. Please review our on-line Fundraising Letter...
and respond with a donation if you are able.
10. Due to the high costs of printing and mailing...
email is today our primary notification method.
If you appreciate getting these materials and have not done so already, and to get "plugged in" to our announcements, please subscribe to OBRL-News or the less-frequent OBRL-Quarterly using the links near the bottom of the OBRL homepage.
The same information presented on the more-frequent OBRL-News is also posted to the OBRL-News Blog, which you can visit at your leisure, here:
If you received this Newsletter in error, and do not want it, a simple return email requesting to be removed is all that is necessary. Our email address is a real one, and all requests are read by a living human being, and will be promptly honored and attended to.
Thanks very much for your attention and support.
James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA