Monday, October 15, 2007
European Lectures by DeMeo on Wilhelm Reich, Orgonomy, New Research, Saharasia - Soon!
* Paris, France: 26-28 October 2007
Friday evening lecture and Saturday-Sunday seminars with James DeMeo.
Weekend Seminars, 10:00 - 18:00 hrs by James DeMeo:
Saturday: Sex-economy, Origins of Violence, Early Peaceful Societies, Saharasia
Sunday: Orgone (Life) Energy, the Accumulator, Orgone Field Meter, Cosmic Superimposition, Drought and Dor, Cloudbusting.
* The Saturday-Sunday seminars will be held at a different location from the lecture.
* English with French translation for the Friday evening lecture. Seminars with translations only of key or unclear points, some English is recommended. If you are interested to attend the seminars, please let us know as soon as possible, as the number of participants will determine the size of the room needed for rental.
* The Friday evening Lecture will be free of charge, but a fee of 50 Euro will be charged for the Saturday-Sunday seminars (the fee covers both days). More details will be provided as they become available.
* For more information, contact: Dr. Klaus Heimann, tel. 0561.05.92.70, or
* Valencia, Spain: 2-5 November 2007
Friday Opening Ceremony at the University of Valencia, Cloister of the La Nau building.
Saturday-Sunday-Monday events at the Hotel Astoria, Plza. de Rodrigo Botet 5.
James DeMeo will present one major lecture on Saturday morning, Nov.3rd, in English with Spanish translations, as part of this larger event. A special 6-hour seminar will also be given by James DeMeo, on Sunday Evening and Monday Morning, Nov.4-5. Other speakers include Morton Herskowitz and Michel Odent. For more details, see here:
Wednesday PM Lecture: Neue experimentelle Bestätigungen der Reichschen Orgonphysik (New experimental corroborations of Reichian Orgone Physics) by James DeMeo
Thursday PM Lecture: Historische Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Gewalt: Die Saharasia-These (Historical Origins and Diffusion of Violence: The Saharasia Thesis), by James DeMeo
Times: 18.00 - 21.15 Uhr, in der Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, Badensche Str. 50/51, 10825 Berlin-Schöneberg
Nähe U-Bahnhof Bayerischer Platz
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