Monday, October 22, 2007

The Future Is Drying Up

Consider this article posted below in the context of desert-spreading, of the atmosphere over the gigantic Saharasian Desert Belt expanding outwards to the Americas, to Asia and across the Pacific to the Americas, and you have the same data explained by a completely different theory than CO2 greenhouse.  Of course, this is heresy, as the blame then goes to the overpopulated regions of Saharasia, their abusive land-use practices over millennia -- deforestation, agricultural burning, wood-grubbing, overgrazing, etc. -- rather than CO2-producing activities per se.  Here you can see this process on-going every day:
And at this time of year, the phenomenon is at a low ebb.  Wait until mid-winter or summer to see it double in size.

So they finally have got the symptoms of "drying up" part correct, but still miss the deeper underlying causal mechanisms.  This is much like modern medicine, having the symptomology all clearly defined, but the underlying causes very often totally off-the-mark.  And if the Gore-CO2 hysteria catches on, perhaps all the old-line climatologists who are skeptical will be fired with their books into the incinerators, like Wilhelm Reich, and we can then look forward to decades of accelerating drought, fires, heat-waves, etc., but nothing done except to spend billions to reduce CO2 emissions, while ignoring the massive problems within and around Saharasia, which will result in exactly nothing.  Saharasia is the "elephant in the living room" which nobody sees, or wants to see, in spite of its massive social, international, and climatological impacts.

James DeMeo


The Future Is Drying Up

from the New York Times (Registration Required)

Scientists sometimes refer to the effect a hotter world will have on this
country's fresh water as the other water problem, because global warming
more commonly evokes the specter of rising oceans submerging our great
coastal cities.

By comparison, the steady decrease in mountain snowpack - the loss of the
deep accumulation of high-altitude winter snow that melts each spring to
provide the American West with most of its water - seems to be a more
modest worry. But not all researchers agree with this ranking of dangers.

Last May, for instance, Steven Chu, a Nobel laureate and the director of
the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ... remarked that diminished
supplies of fresh water might prove a far more serious problem than slowly
rising seas. When I met with Chu last summer in Berkeley, the snowpack in
the Sierra Nevada, which provides most of the water for Northern
California, was at its lowest level in 20 years.

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