Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Saharasia: Response to Criticism

Over the years, interest in my Saharasia research and findings have grown.  In the process, I have occasionally received rational criticism of my findings in ways which actually were helpful and strengthened the findings, or which were based upon misunderstandings that could be easily corrected.  A few of the reactions, however, have been terribly malicious.  Some of the latter reactions, with misrepresentations about a presentation I made to the 2003 Congress on Matriarchal Studies, are now appearing on websites and e-groups.  Here are two Response articles which address those issues and provide clarifications, setting the record straight.

Maps From the Ethnographic Atlas Data
A Defense of the Cross-Cultural Codes and Data Base of G. P. Murdock
and the Quadruple-Blind Control Procedures Used in my Saharasia Research.
by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

The First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies in Luxemburg, 2003
Personal Observations and Reflections
And a Response to Criticism
by James DeMeo, PhD

Readers are requested to circulate these to whatever appropriate e-lists they belong to.

Thank you,

James DeMeo

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Greensprings Center
Natural Energy Works
Ashland, Oregon, USA
e-mail:   demeo(at)mind.net

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