Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Non-Islamic Valentine's Day

I'm deliberately waiting after Valentine's Day to post this out, so as not to cast a dark shadow on one of our nicer non-official secular celebrations.

Some readers have asked why I've not posted much on the Islamic Saharasian thing for awhile.  Have I changed my views?  Am I getting threatened by the Muslims?  No to both.

The simple fact is, one can only study and immerse one's self into such an ocean of repression and horror for so long, and you must pull back.  I became over-dosed with the Islamic Horror Show, as reported by various non-mainstream sources and reputable blogs and scholars, something which I experienced years ago in the research and writing of Saharasia.  One has to step back, and enjoy life.

But on another level, this also can be dangerous, because in the face of real threats such a contraction against the aggression of others insures their victory, and your own defeat.  Doing nothing is not a long-term option, and so I will occasionally be posting on that subject.  As with this one.

After having discovered the large Saharasian geographical pattern in human behavior, which over 6000+ years of history has acted as the volcano from which successive waves of patriarchal authoritarian invaders have poured forth to roll over the world, and wipe out or radically alter the social and character structures of softer and lesser-armored peoples around the world, I nevertheless expressed some optimism in my large book on that subject.  You might have to search for that optimism, however.  It is found, a bit of it, in the very last section on "Saharasia Today" (written c.1980) where I was hoping the contact with Western freedoms in the sexual and family realms might begin to influence the larger Islamic Saharasian cultures, to soften them up.  And to an exceedingly small extent it has.  However, as Samuel Adams once noted, in discussions on revolutions against an existing power structure: " does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."  This obviously worked in the American Revolution against the British Crown, but it also is factually the situation in reactionary political movements aiming to destroy democratic and freedom-oriented social structures, in their desire to seize power and form dictatorships.  Or, as with the Islamic world, to transform existing autocratic authoritarian dictatorships, or Islamic cultural enclaves living in relative freedom in Western cities, into increasingly totalitarian fiefdoms ruled by the most ruthless mullahs and other fanatics.

As a reminder of what the West is up against, the relentless nature of the Islamic Plague as it spreads globally, I present below a simple list of headlines as taken from "The Religion of Peace" (ROP) website,  which tracks such things systematically.  Not very pleasant reading, but better to know about it, than to remain passive eating soma and lotus.  You can go to the ROP site

As the ROP website reports, as of today, 14 February (Valentine's Day) there have been 10,550 deadly Islamic terror attacks around the world since 9-11, 2001.  In case you missed it, that is OVER TEN THOUSAND Islamo-fascist terror attacks!   Each of those attacks claimed anywhere from one to dozens of lives, all being distinguished from "ordinary" murders given their religiously-inspired nature, usually being assaults upon strangers -- especially civilians, women and children -- carried out with the typical Islamic Banzai scream, "Allahua Akbar".  And most went unreported in any significant measure in the Western press, which continues to play the dhimmi-slave to Islamic aspirations, living in a fantasy world, or being allied with political parties whose leaders believe they can make a gain by ignoring what's going on, or by making alliances with the same terror factions.  Geographically, these reports of terror attacks and murders have an almost exact Saharasian pattern, being most concentrated within Saharasia or its immediate borderlands, and most intensive and frequent where Muslims come into social contact with non-Muslims.  It has become axiomatic, that most of the worlds "conflict hot-spots" are characterized by angry Muslims who cannot get along with their neighbors, unless those neighbors are slaves or subordinated subjects.  Dhimmis.

Returning to Valentine's Day, it is a good reminder of the stark sex-economic differences between Saharasian Muslims, and the rest of the world.  Valentine's Day, a holiday celebrating love, has caught on globally.  Everywhere in the world except within Islam, where the fanatics are trying to squash it out of existence, because even within Islam many ordinary people retain the feelings of love, and would like more of it. The authorities disagree, and want less of it.  Robert Spencer has an article about it in Human Events, from which I give one short quote:
No Valentines For You!
by Robert Spencer
..snip... in at least some parts of the Islamic world the dour spirit of the Ayatollah Khomeini is alive and well. For it was Khomeini, a man who took pains to make sure he was never photographed smiling, who once gave vent to this classic statement of religion-based dyspepsia: "Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious." Likewise the jihad theorist Sayyid Qutb, after an unhappy sojourn in America in the late 1940s, complained about that Americans even "go to church for carousal and enjoyment, or, as they call it in their language, 'fun.'"

The full article is very much worth the read, about how various bastions of Islamo-fascism around the world are sending out the police to root out this latest form of "Western degeneracy", as if the heart-shaped card of Cupid was much, much worse than educating your children to become suicide bombers.  Saudi Arabia even banned red colors, and not out of anti-communism, giving the phrase "better dead than red" a new meaning:
Saudi Arabia Bans Valentine's Day 
By Deborah Weiss | Friday, February 15, 2008
America's "friend" in the War on Terror, Saudi Arabia, banned Valentine's Day. The Commission on the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, otherwise known as the Religious Police, even banned the color red on February 14th because of its association with the holiday.
Buying, selling, wearing, or displaying anything red including red roses, clothes, wrapping paper, teddy bears and gift boxes were all illegal on this holiday for those in love. A few days prior to Valentine's Day, flower shops and other stores were warned that they must remove all red items from their shelves. The Religious Police made it clear that they were going to monitor the stores on Valentine's Day to ensure they were not shelving anything displaying the forbidden color. The holiday is illegal because it is considered "un-Islamic". Government authorities let it be known that they were not going to tolerate any public displays of affection on February 14th. Though they claimed that Valentine's Day promotes prohibited relations between unmarried men and women, public expressions of affection between married couples on that date was equally prohibited.

So Valentine's Day love-cards are banned.  Red roses are banned.  Giving candy is banned (except if it is to celebrate a suicide bomber who just killed some Jews, or Iraqi schoolgirls.)  Just as open expressions of heterosexual love are also banned.  No hand-holding between boys and girls, or men and women, and no kissing, even of the cheeks.  That's preserved only between men, or between women, the latter of whom must be cloaked under heavy curtains to conceal their sexuality as well.  And on it goes.  Anywhere there is joy in the Islamic world, except when celebrating the latest atrocity or "martyr", then the religious fanatics will be against it.  And they explain "why", with twisted mouths and psychotic eyes, that "sexual love is an abomination to Allah".  Etc.  Valentine's Day, a day for lovers, is considered the "Devil's Day" by the life-hating, woman-hating, love-hating and death-worshiping Islamists.  I'm sure some of the Popes and Christian preachers, and rabbis and Hindu holy-men also feel the same way, as must also have the Aztec heart-choppers and African impalers... but honestly it has been many hundreds of years since we had to worry about those groups doing anything approximating what the Muslims are doing globally every day of the week (so please don't email back with the typical moral-equivalence).  Since those non-Islamic fanatics don't hold political power like the Muslims do in Saharasian nations, they cannot put much muscle behind their personal demons.  We have the chance, for the first times in 6000 years, to put those demons OUT of the world.  Except within Islam, which is going to be a much tougher nut to crack.

Read the list below, and be glad you live where you do, which is for most everyone reading this, not within an Islamic nation, and consider how your Valentine's Day might be under the rule of the Mullahs or their hard-leftist comrades, who seem to have no problem whatsoever with bringing Sharia Law into the West.

One last thing.  In solidarity with the Danish cartoonists who are still under death threats and attacks for daring to make their postings, a number of internet sites and blogs have once again began publishing one or more of the Muhammed cartoons, with a public call for more public printing of the same.  Muslims are now rioting in Denmark because of this -- burning cars, expressions of street-rage, yelling "death to this" and "death to that", etc.  Read this:
Denmark Burning
Muslim "youths" have continued rioting across Denmark, with violence in its fourth day and a photographer for Jyllands Posten newspaper being beaten in the street. Jyllands Posten is the publication that printed the infamous Muhammad cartoons in September of 2005 that led to uproar across Europe and the Muslim world. Seventeen Danish papers reprinted the cartoons in response to news that an immigrant Islamist terror cell had been apprehended plotting the murder of one of the cartoonists.
Violence has been reported in immigrant areas of Copenhagen and Aarhus, with mobs of "youths" burning vehicles and garbage receptacles. Seventeen were arrested in Copehnhagen.

The MSM is again mostly not reporting any of this, or they are scolding the cartoonists once again.  How dare they.  Yes, and also how dare women to walk in Muslim neighborhoods without the veil.  When they are beaten up and gang-raped, obviously it was their own fault.  Same with the Jews who get knifed or beaten to a pulp, somebody should have told them, that Jewishness also is an "offense against Islam".  And if you eat a hamburger on the street during Ramadan, you should make certain no Muslims are nearby, as you will offend them.  And no more piggy-banks either.

Clearly the Islamo-fascist youth gangs, orchestrated by the Mullah-Generals, are making it clear they will NOT accept Western laws or freedoms of the press, or of speech, nor free behavior by any of their neighbor infidels, wherever they can use raw muscle and threats to get their way.  They simply ignore our laws, or abuse them as a weapon against efforts to expose their hate-speech and violence (as with the Canadians censoring down Mark Steyn, or the Dutch or Italian dhimmis suppressing Hirsi Ali or Oriana Fallaci.  Or they use brute force against selected targets, to remind everyone what happens to dissenters and uppity women, precisely because the local governing authorities are too weak-minded and weak-kneed to use existing police powers to protect their own citizens against this kind of theocratic mob violence.  If it were a Christian mob rioting in the streets, they would have already tear-gassed and clubbed them into submission.  But for Muslims, Oh, we cannot be too kind!  So the street violence goes on night after night, over years in fact in France, and it is considered a "peaceful night" when only a hundred cars are burned, rather than a thousand.

I also post one of the more "offensive" (but accurate) of the Danish cartoons here -- Mr. Bomb-Head Muhammed -- just to show how ridiculous and benign is this sketching in relation to the murderous outrage being expressed on the streets of Europe.  I do so in solidarity with the Danes, and invite everyone to pass this Muhammed cartoon widely in internet emails, blogs, websites, etc.  If Muslims get their way, to demand special treatment and "respect" on this matter, to have such cartoons banished from public spaces, then soon enough we will be told to "buzz off" whenever a young girl has her throat sliced open in the middle of the street within Islamic enclaves.  Already this sort of things is happening -- gang rapes, beatings, car burnings, and Mullahs telling the local police to "buzz off".  And where Muslims are a part of the police forces, the problem gets compounded, as seen in the UK today where runaway girls -- running away from forced-arranged rape-marriages, from genital mutilations, or threats of honor murdering by their male relatives -- are being forcibly returned to the same oppressive homes and mosques by Islamic cops.  Isn't that how it began in the Third Reich also?  Where SA goons smashed Jewish businesses and engaged in street murders, while the German police stood by, doing nothing except laughing?  The Muslims joining Western police forces may have taken training and oaths to uphold the Constitutional Law of the UK or USA, but too often they make it absolutely clear that their first and foremost loyalties are to the Koran, and to their local Muslim fellows.  Islamic police in the West are thereby slowly emerging as the new Sharia Enforcers, the arrival of the dreaded Mukbarat, the Religious Police, right on the streets of Western cities, and about which nobody in power does anything except to make one apology after another for the worst of the fanatics.  And it is already here in Dearborne, Michigan and a few other places in the USA, where Muslim cab drivers refuse to take people with dogs, or carrying liquor.  Europe is much farther down this path than the Americas, and seems lost to eventual Islamic rule by the demographic figures, unless there is some authentic and strong-willed defense of Western freedoms by our leaders.  Otherwise, at some point we will instead observe the resurgence of anti-immigrant sentiments with overtones of the Vikings or Saxons -- with Civil War.  Europeans will hardly believe it, and I have many friends in Europe who hold strong contrary opinions.  But they uniformly resist to spend any time reviewing the "facts on the ground", about the demographic growth of Islamic populations over non-Islamic "native Europeans".  The birth rates are perhaps 20 to 1 in favor of the Muslims, and they are not assimilating Western values.  Rather, they are importing the values of Cairo, Damascus, Kabul, and Mecca.

If Muslims can screech and burn and have mob rule in the streets over a cartoon, then certainly the wholesale banishment of free press and free speech will not be far behind.  With only 50 years having passed since the burning of Wilhelm Reich's books, by medical/journalist mobs with only 1/10th the venom and pathos of the Islamic mobs, and with the vast majority of scientists, doctors and ordinary people merely uttering "ho-hum" when his books were thrown into the bonfires, then alarm bells ought to be ringing loudly.  Instead, the majority continues eating lotus and soma.  The ordinary character-neurotic individual of the West, with their own sexual frustrations and often ungratified or pathological sexuality, has a greater potential to hook-up with the woman-hating, sexually-twisted love-haters of Islam, than to resist their Emotional Plague and fight on the side of sexual freedom and happiness.  The current struggle is, at its core, a struggle in favor of, or against, sexual happiness and love.

Happy Non-Islamic Valentine's Day.

James DeMeo


List taken from
as of 14 Feb. 2008.  Go to that website to access the links to these various articles.

Female Bombers Use 'Pregnancy Prosthetics' to Hide Explosives?
Arab Militias Rape 10-Year-Old Girl in Attack on African Village...
Iran One Step Closer to Enriching Uranium...
European Muslim Praises Stoning, Awarded $1 Million...
Iranian Kurd (Almost) Survives Torture...
(UK) Shop-Owners Fined for Selling Feces-Laced Cake...
Palestinians Burn Joseph's Tomb
Dutch Dhimmis Re-brand Lent as 'Christian Ramadan'...
Australian Jihadis Planned Attacks on Soccer Games...
Woman's Marriage to Cousin Turns Out Badly...
Iraqi Children Killed with Poisoned Cake...
Hindu, Christian, Sikh Blood Saves Muslim Girl...
Honor Killing Suspected in Push from Balcony (Sweden)...
Arrests in Plot to Kill 73-Year-Old Danish Cartoonist...
al-Qaeda Threatens Murder if Singer Performs Valentines Day...
(Canada) Terror Suspect Mulled Using Snowballs to Kill Infidels...
Islamic Terror Paying Off in Thailand...
Pal. Childrens TV: "I Will Finish Off the Jews and Eat Them'...
Hindu Girl Abducted, Gang-Raped in Bangladesh...
Religious Police Ban Red Roses Ahead of Valentines Day...
Turkey PM Tells German Turks 'Assimilation is a Crime'...
Controversial Muslim to Leave Pentagon Job...
'Religious Education' Class Proves Explosive...
al-Qaeda Admits 'Crisis' Following Sunni 'Betrayal'...
Turkey Still Enforcing Turkish-Only Surname Policy...
Canadian Taxpayers Subsidize Muslim Polygamy...
Christian Boy Kidnapped for Trying to Marry Muslim...
Arson Destroys Tennessee Mosque...
Sudan Arrests 2 Islamists in Killing of US Diplomat...
8-Year-Old Israeli Boy Loses Leg Following Hamas Attack...
Beheading in London?...
(UK) Parents Nervous as Trained Suicide Bomber Attends School...
(UK) Warning on 'Inbreeding' Could Stoke Muslim Tension...
Iran Defends Amputations - Compares to Gangrene Surgery...
(Nigeria) Three Dead as Muslims Riot over 'Insulting' Leaflet...
Muslim Kids Tell Gay Father they Hope the 'First Stone' Kills Him...
Poll: Archbishop Called Bigger Threat than Abu Hamza (2 to 1)...
Son Eludes Jail by Claiming Father's Gitmo 'Trauma'...
133 Women Slain for UnIslamic Activities in Basra...
Woman Agrees to Plant Bomb for Marriage Proposal...
Sharia Approved in Texas...
Concerned about Her 'Character', Father Chops Daughter to Pieces
(US) Muslim Student Threatens Ex-Muslim Speaker...
British Police Allow Sharia Court to Deal with Stabbing...
Iran: Death to Homosexuals (But Free Sex Change Operations)...
Jailed Islamist Claims Gay Nurse is a 'Human Rights' Violation...
Hamas Seizes Food Bound for Humanitarian Agency...
Brutal Attacks on Civilians Finally 'Tarnishing' al-Qaeda's Popularity in the Muslim World?...
Hamas: We're Permitted to Lie...
Anglican Bishop Crosses Boss on Issue of Sharia Law in the UK...
Egypt Threatens to 'Break Legs' if Palestinians Cross Border...
(UK) Man 'Grooms' 3-Year-Old Daughter to Marry Terrorist...
Hamas Claims Suicide Bomber Killed 73-Year-Old Woman in 'Self-Defense'...
Archbishop: Sharia in the UK is 'Unavoidable'...
Cries of Havoc as London Mayor Lets Slip a 'Shiite' Joke...
Ayatollah Advises Abused Women to 'Hit Back'...
Yahoo Bans 'Allah'...
Another 'Bali' Foiled in India...
(Bangladesh) Riots Over Qur'anic Soccer Balls Lead to Ban...
Hamas Planned Abduction of Egyptian Soldiers...
No Censorship: Wikipedia Stands up to Islamists...
(UK) Cleric Warned British Troops Would 'Rape and Kill' Iraqis...
Flirting Man Released (Indon.)...
al-Qaeda Teaches Children to Kidnap and Kill...
Muslim Tennis Star Defies Clerics, Dresses as She Pleases
Malaysian Christians Demand End to Bible Confiscations...
CAIR Silent on Down's Syndrome Attack but Blasts Ex-Terrorists...
Clerics Upset as Ahmadinejad Violates Fatwa on Puppies...
British Clerics Preach Martyrdom
Radical Muslims for Obama?...
Elderly Woman Burned to Death for Leaving Islam...
Woman Strip-Searched by Moral Police for Sitting in Starbucks with Non-Relative Man...
Christians Clearly Second-Class Citizens in Pakistan...
Magazine Gets Death Threats Over Gay Wedding Article...
Pakistan Cricket Captain Victim of 'Bait and Switch'?...
(Iran) Sisters Face Stoning for Adultery...
(UK) Trial Continues in Vicious Claw Hammer Attack...
Muslim Convert Slurs Bali Bomb Victims as Pedophiles, Addicts...
Suicide Bombers Use Families as Human Shields...
(Sweden) Girl Pushed from Balcony - Suspected Honor Killing
Gazans Celebrate Murder of Isreali Woman at Shopping Mall...
Malaysia Confiscates Bibles...
Britian to Fight Terrorists with Political Correctness...
(UK) Muslim Dogfighting Rings...
600 Suicide Bombers Waiting to Strike Fellow Pakistanis...
'Youths' Stone Jews at Holocaust Memorial...
Europe: Half of Anti-Semitic Attacks by Muslims...
Taliban Terror Leader: 'My Religion Compels Me to Fight'...
Family of Teen Invited Men to Rape Her (Sharia Marriage)...
Bosnian Muslims Rally Behind Jihadists...
British Taxpayers Forced to Subsidize Multiple Wives...
Muslim Uses British Welfare to Fund Jihad against British Troops
(UK) Muslim Police Thwarting Honor Killing Crackdown...
Islam Vs. Hygiene as Female Muslim Medics Disregard Rules...
MPAC-UK Openly Promotes Jihad, Anti-Semitism (again)...
French Mufti Proposes Moratorium on Separation of Religion and State...
Missing Doctor Declared 9/11 Victim...
al-Qaeda Used Women with Downs Syndrome to Kill 73...
Music Teacher to be Stoned to Death for Affair with Student...
Bishop Who Warned of 'No-Go' Areas Receives Death Threats...
(India) Muslim MP Murders Hindu MP...
Iran Mulls Executing Alcoholic...
Valentine's Day Called 'The Devil's Trap'...
Egyptian Judge Rules: No One Leaves Islam'...
Hindu Widow Denied Dead Son's Insurance by Islamic Law...
Christians a Persecuted Minority in Jerusalem...
Bill Clinton Smacks Down 9/11 Conspiracy Theory...
UN: Blasts Arab Rights Charter Fails Women & Children...
al-Qaeda Claims Deal with Yemen...
(US) Muslims Irate as Airport 'Islamic Center' Shut Down...
Arab Nations Eye Control of US Companies...
Fatwa on Botox Treatments...
Malaysia Extremists Advocate Tattooing Kafirs for ID...
Obama: I Would Organize Muslim Summit...
Light Sentence for Child Rapists in '100% Muslim' Maldives...
Afghan Lawmakers Praise Death Sentence for Islam 'Blasphemer'
Freedom Fighters Decapitate Afghan Road Workers...
Freedom Fighters Take Out Three Iraqi Children...
Killing Canadians 'Best Way' - Toronto Student...
(Oslo) 'Muhammad' Most Popular Boy's Name..
Muslim Kidnappers Claim to Have Killed Christian Boy...
Reporter: Arafat's 9/11 Blood Donation was Faked...
Afghan Women Rally on Behalf of Kidnapped American Woman...
Future Looking Bleak for Afghan Fortune Tellers...
Iran: A Muslim's 'Duty' to Attack Western Citizens...
Hindu Hacked to Death by Religion of Peace...
Teenaged Christian Harvested for Organs (Pakistan)...
17-Year-Old Girl Strangled to Death for 'Shaming' Family...
Malaysia Bans 11 Islam Books...
Nigerian Woman Beheaded by Saudi Arabia...
Sweden Awards Women $3000 for Being Told to Remove Veils...
Deadly Shiite Riots Intended to Provoke Lebanese Civil War...
Obama Aide Wants Negotiations with Terrorists...
Plotters Wanted to Kill Muslim Soldier 'Like a Pig' (UK)...
(US) Jihadi Professor Loses Appeal...
(Italy) Mayor Who Compared Israel to Nazis is Dissed by Rabbi
Iran Shuts Down 'Immoral' Women's Magazine...
al-Qaeda Turns Children into Human Bombs...
'Islamic Crowd' Invades Hospital to Stop Autopsy (Australia)...
(UK) Muslim Illegal Blames 'Black Magic' for Knifing Spree...
Family Stabbed to Death by Freedom Fighters...
Iran to US & Europe: If You Support Israel We will Kill You...
Britons Quitting Britain in Record Numbers...
Arrested al-Qaeda Planned Suicide Attacks Across Europe...
Counselor Talks of Hamas Attack on Schoolchildren...
Monkey Waits by Owner's Body after Deadly Attack...
(NY) 'Date with an Imam' Ends in $50 Million Lawsuit...
Europeans Having Second Thoughts on Islam...
'Ex-Lover' Seeks Millions to Sell Out 'Disturbed' Britney...
Malaysian Minorities Seek End to 'Body Snatching'...
(UK)Sheikh Brags That He Can 'Buy the Law'...
Sharia Compliant Cosmetics Hit European Counters...
(UK) Man Charged with Child Cruelty over Ashura Rites...
Iran Considers Gender-Specific Textbooks for Schools...
Bangladeshi Islamists Indicted for 1971 Massacre...

..... But Wait!  There's More.....

Articles & Commentary
Saudis Still Ban Valentines Day  (CBN)
"The only red flowing in the streets of Saudi Arabia this Valentine's Day will be blood from the occasional public execution."

Islam, Britain  (Washington Times)
What 'rule of law'? The only rule now is to bring your own law with you.

Islam and the War on Free Expression  (Family Security Matters)
Westerners will simply need to relinquish some of their freedoms in order to accommodate Islam. In return, they will get a few more years of peace.

What Israel Tolerates  (PMW)
(Video) What other nation would put up with indiscriminate rocket attacks on their children?

Playing Dumb on Terror  (Washington Times)
We will not defeat Jihad with political correctness.

Sharia Not Just about Stonings and Amputations  (CNS)
Islamic law is also about inheritance, banking, and the legal value of a woman's testimony. . . to give a few examples.

The Terrorist Cancer  (Family Security Matters)
Is appeasement a good strategy for dealing with cancer?

Fiddling While Islam Takes Control  (MIchNews)
"The inroads Muslims are making in the western world are achieved inch-by-inch so the changes become difficult for westerners to fully comprehend and to recognize. . ."

Second Thoughts on Sharia  (Barnabas Fund)
Best to read the fine print before signing on to Islamic law. There are consequences for women and others which have worked hard to attain rights in the West that Sharia would quickly erode.

Islamic Multiculturalism  (FrontPage Magazine)
A sarcastic title for a very powerful article on the incompatibility of Western multiculturalism and the Islamic mandate for absolute domination.

Pat Condell on Sharia and the Archbishop  (YouTube)
The blunt British speaker takes on the latest controversy.

Dhimmi or Just Dim?  (The Spectator)
Breaking down the backtracking bishop and suggesting that he get off his knees.

Are We Already Living as Dhimmis?  (Canada Free Press)
Isn't the first law of Islam already being implemented: Thou Shalt Not Criticize Islam?

Sharia in Saudi - UK Next?  (World War 4 Report)
The Archbishop really needs to get out more. We suggest a trip to Saudi Arabia.

The American Election and Islam  (FrontPage Magazine)
The most important issue in the coming election may be the one that neither candidate will mention.

Why the West is Best  (City Journal)
Ibn Warraq's response to Tariq Ramadan, the Muslim cleric who insists that Islam is best (even while preferring to live in the West).

Shahida: Brides of Allah  (Hollywood Reporter)
A short review of what sounds like a terrific documentary on failed female suicide bombers (women trying to make it in a man's world).

CAIR's Hometown Paper  (National Review)
The NY Times does its best to hide the violent ties of a domestic supremacist group.

When Christian Leaders Promote Dhimmitude  (Culture Watch)
Many good reasons why Sharia is bad for the West (and why a particular Archbishop is on course to be named our Dhimwit of the month).

Did Women's Status Improve With Islam?  (Faith Freedom)
Even according to the Hadith, Islam put women in their place (and not a very good one).

Pick Your Poison  (Pajamas Media)
Sunni Saudi Arabia or Shiite Iran. . . Time to pick a side?

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