Monday, March 03, 2008

OBRL Quarterly #18, March 2008

OBRL-News/Blog Version

OBRL Quarterly Newsletter #18
March 2008

This is the infrequent, Quarterly Newsletter from the
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL) in Ashland, Oregon, USA.

Please responsibly re-post and distribute to other interested persons, groups and websites.

James DeMeo, Ph.D., Director of OBRL

Topical notices below:

1.  Wintertime Research at OBRL
2.  OBRL Summer Seminar for 2008
3. Seeking Used (or New) Computer Equipment
4. Lectures & Seminars of 2007 & 2008
5.  Seeking Volunteers for French, Arabic, Farsi Translations of Saharasia Article.
6.  New DVD Production Available - John Ott: Exploring the Spectrum
7.  Once Again, Another 2007 OBRL Publication
8.  Note and Warning about Pirate Editions
9.  Once More, About the OBRL On-Line Bookstore
10.  Please review our Fundraising Letter, from Dec. 2007
11. Due to the high costs of printing and mailing email is today our primary notification method.


Special Note:  One Million Hits on the OBRL Website.  We are not sure what it means exactly, but without paying much attention, last week the meter for the OBRL website rolled past the one-million mark.

1. Wintertime Research at OBRL: Director's Report

Several of our subscribers asked how we could cope with all the heavy snows this Winter, and how the research program was developing under such conditions, how the orgone accumulators functioned, etc.

Firstly, the Winter snow broke all local records for Southern Oregon, and the entire West Coast has exceptionally good rains and snows this rainy season.  When the lab roof was being constructed back in 1995, we considered the local building codes to be possibly excessively over-cautious, as they were engineered for what would be a 10' snow load.  This year was not so intensive, but from 5' to 6' of snow, more than 1.5 meters did accumulate at the Greensprings center, sufficient to reach shoulder-high.

Several of the outbuildings on the property, notably the Orgone Energy Darkroom, had their roofs propped up from the inside, with heavy timber, as their construction was nothing sufficient to withstand such a heavy load.  In the end, even the timber props were not sufficient, and a local worker was hired to shovel them off.  On our private residence, stalactites and stalagmites composed of solid ice developed along the eaves, merging to make solid pillars of ice stretching over a 12' vertical drop, being nearly 3' (one meter) in diameter.  An ice-dam also formed along the northern roof edges, which do not get Winter sunlight, slowlyl drooping down to form a solid ice sheet which literally blocked the view out one of the large windows -- it had to be chipped away with a pick-axe.

Since this sounds unbelievable, photos were made, and a small collection of them are posted here:

One of the unanticipated new construction jobs for this Spring and Summer will be to repair small damages to the various roofs.

Regarding research, for major long-term experimental projects have been proceeding in the lab, which includes two new ones recently started.
1) Our on-going To-T experiment continued, though was plagued by the power-outages which shut down the automatic temperature recording computer.  More unexpectedly, the To-T shelter was fully covered over with snow, turning it into an igloo.  This produced some strange effects upon the readings, about which I will have more to say at a later point.
2) The on-going OR-charged GM/Neutron Counter experiment continued also, and it continues to yield from 1000 to 3500 CPM.
3) One new experiment was initiated, investigating the properties of orgone-charge photovoltaic cells.
4) Another new experiment is a somewhat primitive but potentially important experiment to attempt detection of the Miller ether-drift signal in stationary GPS plots of a fixed location.  The presence of an ether-drift would yield a systematic Sidereal-Day displacement of the exact plot of the fixed location, rather than the anticipated one of merely random variables.  Data plots are being gathered with a top-line Garmin GPS unit, with USB output to computer for data gathering each minute over 48 hours, twice a month.  This experiment will continue over a full calendar year, after which analysis of results can take place.

The first two points of research discussed above have already been discussed in more detail in prior OBRL internet postings.  See these websites for more details:

Progress on our new book-publishing efforts was diminished a bit over Winter, given the attention which had to be given towards snow removal, but this is now overcome and we are now back on track.

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Director of OBRL

2. OBRL Summer Seminar for 2008.

* A 5-day Laboratory Seminar on General Orgonomy (Sex-Economy and Orgone Biophysics) led by James DeMeo, will be held at the OBRL Greensprings Center in Summer 2008, from 2-6 August, Saturday through the following Wednesday.  An Open House Social will be held on Friday afternoon and evening, August 1st, just before the Seminar, with an optional field trip to Crater Lake on Thursday August 7th, after the Seminar.  The program will consist of a mix of lectures and open discussions, with demonstrations of apparatus and orgone energy phenomenon using the facilities of OBRL.

Topics to be covered will include (as humanly possible and as time allows):
* Reich's sex-economic findings, and DeMeo's confirming evaluation study: Saharasia.
* Bioelectrical experiments and environmental bio-fields.
* Microscopical investigations of bions and bion preparations.
* Orgone accumulator construction principles.
* Orgone accumulator seed-sprouting experiments.
* Orgone accumulator physical measurements and demonstrations: To-T, Electroscopical phenomena, water evaporation and surface tension.
* Observations in the Orgone Energy Accumulator Darkroom (room-sized accumulator) and of atmospheric orgone energy phenomena.
* Oranur physics and chemistry: Direct work with a cloud-chamber, studying background and low-level radioactive minerals.
* Orgone-charged vacuum tubes (VACOR) and orgone energy lumination.
* The Orgone Energy Field Meter, and similar devices.
* The Orgone Energy Motor: What is known, and unknown.
* Astronomical and orgone-energy observations in the OBRL Greensprings Observatory, with 16" Meade Richey-Cretein telescope, 3" aperture "battleship binoculars", and H-alpha filter Solar telescope and Solarscope.
* Differentiation between Reich's authentic biography and orgone energy discovery, and the various "orgone gadgets" and falsifiers.
* Field Trip on August 7th to Crater Lake National Park (optional, and weather permitting).

More details and registration information is found on the Events page:

3. Seeking Used (or New) Computer Equipment

All the experiments noted in point #1, above, use automatic data-recording computer systems.  They run 24 hours a day, constantly, all year long with only rare periods of shut-down.  They are very reliable devices, mostly Macintosh LapTop portables, which are oranur-quiet and pretty rugged.  However, they do break down occasionally, so we are always on the look-out for used items in good repair.  We also need a new computer work-station with a computer of higher processing speed, for digital archive transfers of our old video and audio tapes.  We are also seeking a color laser printer, and a standard B&W or color photocopy machine to replace our own aging fleet.  If you have working LapTop or DeskTop computer equipment no longer needed, either Macintosh or Window's computer systems, and wish to donate them to OBRL, we would be pleased to know the details. Such donations are tax-deductible for the fair market value.

4. Lectures & Seminars of 2007 and 2008.

In the last OBRL Quarterly Newsletter, I reported on a series of lectures given during 2007.  Those conference trips and lectures were extremely rewarding experiences, but consumed so much time and expenses, I decided that for 2008, to dramatically limit lecture travel.  This year, I will give the OBRL Summer Seminar, and there might be one or two other events on the West Coast, but no more.  Research will occupy more time than Educational events this year.  J.D.

5.  Seeking Volunteers for French, Arabic, Farsi, and other World Language Translations of the Saharasia Summary Article.

The discovery of the Saharasian geographical pattern in human behavior, which was founded upon Wilhelm Reich's sex-economic theory and discoveries, continues to gather interest.  While the major book on this subject remains available only in English, the English-language Summary Article (see: is already translated into German, Spanish, Greek and Turkish, with a summary-abstract in French.  We are seeking someone to undertake a complete French translation of the Summary Article, and also to expand the outreach into Saharasia itself, by translations into Arabic, Farsi (Persian), and other major world languages.  We cannot pay anything significant for such work, but we can offer a bit of cash, as well as books and free admissions into OBRL seminars in exchange.  Anyone with such language skills and interests is invited to contact OBRL.

6.  New DVD Production Available - John Ott: Exploring the Spectrum: The Effects of Natural and Artificial Light on Living Organisms

Many of you will know of the pioneering work of John Nash Ott, on the role of light-frequency and low-level radiations on health and light.  His book "Health and Light" was a best-seller, and most people familiar with Reich's work in orgone biophysics know that Ott's experiments provide indirect confirmation of mild oranur effects upon plants and people.  Ott's time-lapse movies showed clear behavior reactions of plants, insects, laboratory mice and school children to the low-level radiations emitted by television sets, fluorescent lights and other radiating devices.  Heralded by parents and professionals of more holisitic outlooks, Ott was largely ignored by mainstream science and medicine.  He also argued forcefully about the health-benefits of natural low-level ultraviolet radiation, and the problem of "mal-illumination".  This is an all new digitally-remastered DVD production of the original Ott movie tapes, which previously were available only in VHS.  For more information, and to order copies, see here:

7.  Once Again, Another 2007 OBRL Publication.

* WILHELM REICH AND THE HEALING OF ATMOSPHERES: Modern Techniques for the Abatement of Desertification, by Roberto Maglione.  It can be purchased from here:

8.  Note and Warning About Pirate Editions

Several persons contacted OBRL over the last several months, complaining that a pirated PDF version of James DeMeo's Orgone Accumulator Handbook which they downloaded "free" from internet contained a computer virus.  We were quadruply shocked at this news.  Firstly, because we never authorized any PDF version of any of our publications, secondly that someone had taken the time and effort to make such a PDF version, third that they would insert a malicious virus into the PDF, and fourth, that anyone participating in criminal theft of our books would have the brass to call us up and complain about their computer being hacked!  From the limited information we have, the virus is a "sleeper" which lurks in the background and scans your hard drive for credit card, passwords and other personal information. When you connect to internet, the virus sends your information off somewhere, to whom we don't know.   For the record: There are no legal or authorized PDF versions of our books, and anyone who downloads or shares such a file on-line does so at their own risk.  Additionally, this constitutes criminal theft, no different than if you walked into our Center, and took copies of books off the shelf without paying.  Since book sales pay for a lot of our bills, we obviously do not take kindly to this sort of thing, and the specter of someone taking the time to scan and make such a PDF of our books suggests yet another "dirty trick" directed against orgone research, an effort to destroy the financial basis of our existence, coupled with a thumb in the eye of those who rise to the bait.  We ask that anyone observing a company or individual selling PDF version of any of our books to kindly let us know about it, as we are preparing legal complaints against several sources which we were able to track down.

9.  Once More, About the OBRL On-Line Bookstore.

Natural Energy Works, the mail-order and on-line bookstore for OBRL, has a selection of books on innovative scientific discoveries & heresies, avoiding the usual mystical mumbo-jumbo, all by solid research scientist, including works by Wilhelm Reich, James DeMeo, Harold Burr, Giorgio Piccardi... a "Who's Who" list of the "banished and nearly forgotten scientists" of the 20th Century, whose work will hopefully guide the 21st.  Also a great selection of electromagnetic field meters, the new Experimental Life Energy Meter, and much more.  Come browse at your leisure and get those items you always wanted.

10.  Please review our Fundraising Letter, from Dec. 2007.

You can also review the following letter at our website, which contains a lot of interesting photographs of the OBRL facilities and work, here:
OBRL Funding Request - December 2007
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Special Announcement
Beginning OBRL's Fourth Decade of Work
Dear Friend of Orgonomy, and of OBRL,
Please Support our Research and Educational Efforts.
At this time of year, I wish to thank those of you who have already supported OBRL, and ask those of you who have not to please consider it now.  Please consider the scope of work-efforts which have been supported and organized through OBRL over the last 30 years, projects which have made a real difference.

I started OBRL in 1978, as an idea at the time when I was a university student and young professor, undertaking open investigations of Wilhelm Reich's pioneering work.  A few donors friendly to my work-efforts, plus my own out-of-pocket contributions helped with critical equipment purchases.  OBRL then existed only in a suitcase, as a dream, and it followed me, as I changed employment to other universities, where eventually small laboratory space was developed and supported through OBRL.  With help from interested donors, I undertook a number of important drought-abatement operations in the USA, using Reich's CORE methods, and my Saharasia research project developed, eventually into a major book which today is helping to bring Reich's sex-economic findings into open discussion within the academic world.  You can get a summary overview of my Saharasia findings and book by accessing these websites:
In the 1980s, as many of my friends know, I was subject to a malicious smear campaign by Emotional Plague journalists, "skeptic club" members, and hostile academics.  These attacks lasted for more than 15 years, and were complete with malicious hate-mail to family, friends and professional associates, with terrible smear attacks against my name and work in magazines and newspapers, and even threats against my life and home.  It was nothing so severe as what Wilhelm Reich suffered, but the result was to tarnish my work as "too controversial" for the academic world, where my work had been otherwise exemplary. I was subsequently excommunicated from full-time academic teaching, and the subject of my research findings placed into the modern-day Index Expurgatorius.  In some ways, I should thank those hate-mongers, as this gave me the freedom and inspiration to work fully independent of the constraints of the universities.  That freedom was necessary to build up OBRL.
By 1988, moving to the West Coast USA, I began independently writing and teaching, and OBRL grew to become the vehicle for sustaining my work, and developing the Greensprings Center near Ashland, Oregon.  I was asked by persons in regions suffering from terrible droughts to come and help out, using Reich's CORE methods which I had been researching successfully at the universities, and OBRL became the vehicle for funding of those operations.  When my articles and books on orgonomic life-energy subjects elicited panic-reactions or scorn from academic reviewers, they were published through OBRL, and got an even larger circulation than in the academic journals. While the angry academics banished me from using their laboratories or getting research funding for experimental equipment, and blockaded my contact with "their" students, OBRL helped to construct an important new high-altitude laboratory and seminar building in the forest at over 4000 ft. elevation, with exceptionally clean air and excellent orgone-energetic conditions allowing study of basic life-energetic processes.  And "their" students, the brightest and the best, came to study at OBRL.  Strong orgone energy accumulators and a large Orgone Energy Darkroom were constructed at the Greensprings Center, something not possible to do in more contaminated environments given the hazards of toxic energetic reactions.  Many of Reich's most critical experiments have since been reproduced here, verified with excellent results, while others are in planning for the future.

The OBRL Greensprings Center also hosted many weekend seminars and conferences, wherein students and professionals come for education and direct study of orgone energy phenomenon, for education on the basics of orgonomy, to see the bions and experience the orgone accumulator, to get the facts on my Saharasia findings as regarding the Origins of Armoring or Origins of Violence question (which matches Reich's findings exactly, but with new aspects), and so forth.  In short, all the functions of some future  "University Department of Orgonomic Research" which was never allowed so far, is today being carried forward at the OBRL Greensprings Center in a direct and uncompromised manner -- education, research, and social applications.

OBRL has published five issues of our small but respected journal "Pulse of the Planet", as well as my "Saharasia" and several other books, plus maintaining informative internet sites and an E-Newsletter, with many materials available in multiple world languages.  OBRL maintains a truly international correspondence, with the growing number of people interested in this new knowledge.  The OBRL website provides a listing of my own publications, which also demonstrate an excellent record of accomplishment, especially in moving Reich's name and orgonomic science out of the shadows and into more mainstream scientific venues. See here:

OBRL also hosts an on-line Bibliography on Orgonomy which I developed starting back in 1985, which allows anyone, world-wide, to search out Wilhelm Reich's publications, as well as the bulk of authentic materials devoted to Reich by other scientists and clinicians.
You can review these and other accomplishments supported through OBRL, or events in which OBRL helped support, at these weblinks:
- "Report on OBRL Summer 2003 Educational Events"
- New Research in Orgonomy Conferences, Paper Abstract Booklets

- "OBRL Progress Report, Summer 2006"
On the eve of OBRL's fourth decade of existence, I have compiled a summary-list of old and new projects in the works, our plans for continued expansion of research activity, educational outreach, and facilities.  For example:

* Building Projects at the Greensprings Center:  Since 1995, and almost every year since, the OBRL Greensprings Center has hosted lively seminars and educational events, including the 2005 New Research in Orgonomy Conference, held outdoors under the trees on a specially-constructed stage.  However, there is a need to expand our laboratory-seminar building by extending the first-floor to accommodate a larger group of people, and to thereby make the Laboratory usable for seminars during the rainy and snowy winter months.  This will also provide more laboratory space.  Already this summer 2007, a small storage-building which doubles as a student cabin, with a generous sleeping loft, was constructed.  An older storage out-building on the property will also be converted into a livable workspace.

* Experimental Projects on around-the-clock automated To-T and Geiger-Muller counter reactions continue, but the equipment is constantly overtaxed, and in need of periodic maintenance and replacement.  I hope to expand these important experiments to include automated systems for measuring electroscopical discharge rates, and other novel experiments pioneered by Reich.  Some preliminary experimental work on the 19th Century "cosmic ether-drift" question is also under discussion, using modern equipment and new approaches already published in recent years.  See my article on the Miller ether-drift experiments for mention of some of these:
An older experiment on Living Water, or water-structuring inside the orgone accumulator, using surface tension and spectroscopical parameters, was pushed into the background over the last several years, without progress.  Those experiments will also be revived and approached with new energy in 2008.
* CORE Research and Applications: With the growth of political instability in the world's great desert regions, I've retreated from efforts aimed at desert-greening, being quite content with the marvelous results from the 1990s work undertaken in Israel, Namibia and Eritrea.  Those experiments generously confirmed Reich's ideas on the desert-greening abilities of the CORE methods.  You can review a summary of those results here:
Consequently, OBRL is today focusing attention with CORE-cloudbusting efforts only in the stable democratic nations. All such efforts continue to be developed in cooperation with the CORE Network, which today has an international outreach.
* OBRL Publishing Projects in the coming years:  In the planning stages are the following new books:
- New Research in Orgonomy, Proceedings from two conferences held in 2005 and 2007, respectively as sponsored by OBRL at the Greensprings Center, and by CORE in Chipping, Lancashire, UK. (Pulse of the Planet #6)
- Greening Deserts: my long-delayed book on CORE-Cloudbusting work, with an overview of modern problems in climatology.
- Saharasia Since 1900: A survey of sex-economic conditions in the modern world, using nation-state data as gathered by international agencies like the UN or WHO, to address the relative levels of human armoring and violence-potential around the world, with new maps, taking up from the anthropological time-line where the original Saharasia book left off.
- New Experiments on the Cosmic Ether-Drift: A review of the work of Miller, Michelson-Pease-Pearson, Galaev, Cahill, and others indicating this is a real and demonstrated ether, similar to Reich's orgone energy, which has been suppressed by the politics of science.
- Suppressed and (Nearly) Forgotten Scientific Innovators of the 20th Century: A chapter-by-chapter review and theoretical integration of the works of scientists such as Wilhelm Reich, Frank Brown, Giorgio Piccardi, Dayton Miller, Halton Arp, Harold Hillman, Royal Rife, Jacques Benveniste, Peter Duesberg, Robert O. Becker, Immanuel Velikovsky, Hannes Alfven, Louis Kervran, Bjorn Nordenstrom, Michel Gauquelin, Harold Burr, and others.
* Continuing the Digital Archive Project:  Our collection of old U-matic, VHS and Hi-8 tapes continue to be transferred into digital format for long-term storage, but this process was temporarily halted in anticipation of new "Blu-Ray" high density DVD recording equipment.  The research materials I've gathered over these many years, which also include archival information from others, are of great importance to history, and they must be preserved optimally.
These and other experimental efforts will continue at OBRL, and they all require a constant infusion of funds for equipment and supplies, as well as for considerable out-of-pocket expenses.  For this, our network of donors is called upon to help out as they can, as the barriers to full participation of orgonomic research in the mainstream scientific institutions are still ever-present, with many prejudices remaining in the "old guard".  Thankfully, however, a younger generation of scientists and professionals is moving into the scientific and medical institutions, armed with the facts about Reich's work, educated in part by such institutions as OBRL.
Your Support is Needed Now

In order for OBRL to remain a thriving enterprise, we depend on friends and contacts such as you, and this is where you can make a difference.  Please consider helping to fund these ongoing research and educational projects.  Such a donation would make a meaningful holiday gift.  And if you cannot make a donation, then consider to purchase OBRL's publications, which also provides overall support to the work-efforts.

Donating online is easy and secure and also keeps our administrative costs down.  To contribute right now, visit
You can indicate the amount you wish to contribute.
OBRL is a 501(c)(3) status organization, and your donation to OBRL is tax-deductible.  Please also consider to remember OBRL in your bequests.
You can also send a check to OBRL:
PO Box 1148
Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
Thanks once again, and have a wonderful Christmas, Hannuka, New Year, and holiday,
James DeMeo, PhD
Director and Founder of OBRL
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory
Since 1978
Ashland, Oregon, USA

11. Due to the high costs of printing and mailing,
email is today our primary notification method. 

If you appreciate getting these materials and have not done so already, and to get "plugged in" to our announcements, please subscribe to OBRL-News or the less-frequent OBRL-Quarterly using the links near the bottom of the OBRL homepage.
The same information presented on the more-frequent OBRL-News is also posted to the OBRL-News Blog, which you can visit at your leisure, here:

If you received this Newsletter in error, and do not want it, a simple return email requesting to be removed is all that is necessary.  Our email address is a real one, and all requests are read by a living human being, and will be promptly honored and attended to.

Thanks very much for your attention and support.

James DeMeo, Ph.D.
Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA

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