Saturday, April 26, 2008

Global Warming Swindle, Update

"The Great Global Warming Swindle" and other excellent documentary DVDs on the same subject are now available as something aside from pirate editions.

See here for example:

This website not only offers the original DVD which was shown in the UK some months back, but another entitled "Apocalypse No: Why Global Warming is not a global crisis", a lecture-debate at Cambridge University.   The website also offers several interesting YouTube clips, such as:

John Stossel's report on Global Warming
Congressman Barton with Al Gore at a Congressional Hearing
Dr. Patrick Michael and Jerry Taylor - Some Inconvenient Facts on Global Warming
EPA Chief Vows to Probe Global Warming Email Threat

All of this material was assembled and published before the dramatic cooling of global temperatures as observed during 2007, so keep that in mind.



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