Since this is a web-blog dealing with the work of Wilhelm Reich, and my own cross-cultural research, both of which go deep into issues of human sexuality, I'll assume nobody on the list is going to wilt or faint at exposure of some pretty alarming and horrific facts about sexuality in the Islamic world. The following item, of which I only give the first paragraph, is a six-part scholarly overview by Abul Kasem, of sexual life within Islamic culture, as dictated by the Koran and Hadiths. As such, it basically reflects the sexuality of the Arab warrior nomads straight out of the hard desert core of Arabia. These were the warrior nomads who were Muhammed's support base, who took his ideas and spread outwards over the centuries to conquer, loot, rape, pillage, forcibly convert, and demand that their social institutions and cruel practices be adopted by all within their reach. It was not the first such outbreak from the desert-cores of Saharasia, but it was one of the most dramatic and systematically life-changing for the softer cultures who were overrun. What is presented here, as in Reich's works, and in my Saharasia, constitutes the "why" behind the immense hatred of the non-believer and infidel, the desire to conquer over them and obliterate all those who generally have a much more tolerant and pleasurable sexual life. It is the reason why the devoted Muslim male is driven to fits of lust and murder upon merely observing a woman walking down the street without being made invisible, covered with a carpet. And why in nearly all other cultures, the sight of a beautiful woman elicits more primitive but generally harmless "wolf whistles" and smiling looks from males suffering from only a milder sex-repression. The one man wants to kill such a woman, the other wants to embrace her. And there is a antithetical set of emotions in the women of the two culture types, as I outline in my armored-patrist and unarmored-matrist variables.
It is difficult to be declarative, but while author Kasem has a great deal of material absolutely correct, some of my own sources suggest much higher levels of boy pedophilia, as well as anal intercourse across the Muslim world. Little boys get dressed up as girls, and are sexually abused, as are teenage boys in some cases. Girls may remain forbidden objects, and none of it is classified as "homosexuality", which is defined only when consenting adolescents or men of the same age partner up. Those males are at risk for hanging or stoning, as are "sinful" girls and women. Severe male genital mutliations also exist across the Muslim world, far beyond anything imaginable in the Western-"medical" or Jewish tradition. While much more of an argument is usually made about female genital mutilations, which are indeed horrific, some of the more horrific male mutilations, such as where skin is stripped from the entire length of a man's member, did exist in the Red Sea regions, for example, up into the early 1900s. This may underlay part of the hysterically impotent attitudes, and immense hatred of females -- where the boys are raised in the comfortable world of the women until puberty, at which point they are literally thrown out into the "man's world", the mothers literally handing over the boys to the adult men for sodomy and mutilation -- as seen in such fantastically cruel and barbaric nations like Sudan, or the land of the "perfumed barbarians", in Saudi Arabia. Also read my
Saharasia for background material.
Also keep in mind, the reason I post this out, rather than merely filing it away for eventual inclusion into a book later on, is because time is getting short, and I for one do NOT wish to see the Western world collapse down into these kinds of Islamic practices. The only way to prevent that, is to throw up a powerful brake and barrier to every thing and person who is promoting the Islamic way of life -- which means, the Islamic sexual practices as much as anything else. J.D.
Hat tip to D.M. Murdock for this link.
Sex and sexuality in Islam
By Abul Kasem
Part 1 of 6
[A word of caution: This article contains sexually explicit terms and coarse language that may offend many readers. The author will not take any responsibility in the event any reader may become upset reading this essay. My request to them: please do refrain from reading this essay if you are likely to be offended. You have been forewarned.]
There is more to sex in Islam than meets the eye. Do you care to know that sex is the biggest taboo in Islam? It is a topic that is fraught with fear and seldom discussed by the followers of Islam, except when they are in trouble or when they go to a foreign/infidel country to 'enjoy' women there. Islam pretends as if sexual organs do not exit either in a male or in a female. A woman is covered from head to toe just to hide her 'awra,' which is the Islamic vocabulary for the part of body that arouses sexual desire in a man, or the 'shame' of her. Thus, sexual organs are shameful parts of a body! It is a great insult to a woman to depict her entire body as shameful. It is also a great insult to all men. Why? Because, this gives the impression that men are like beasts that are on the street, just on the lookout there for women to prowl on for sex. This is completely nonsense. While living in an infidel country, I have watched millions of kufur women dressed in very decent as well as not so decent dresses. However, never have I seen a single man jump on a woman in the street to copulate with her, despite her mode of dressing being aphrodisiac or in plain word 'sexy.' The Islamic concept of sex is based on Bedouin Arab culture, that is barbaric and uncivilized, to say the least, when compared to today's world. This is because sex is so a 'dirty' word and it is so 'severely' restricted in Islam that as a inquisitive person I became extremely interested in it and devoured any written material that dealt with sex in Islam. To my surprise, I found that so little information is available, although there are tons and tons of books on Tafseer, ahadith Sharia, fiqh and the list goes on for all other branches of Islamic studies. Therefore, I had to write from scratch without much help from Islamic/other sources. Another big surprise for me was that the restrictions on sex for men in Islam are just superficial. There are countless loopholes in Islamic rules, so much so that it is possible for a Muslim man, whether married or not, to have uninterruptible supply of sex if he so desires. But he must know the rules of the game very well, if not, then he may fall into a great torment. There are many secrets and untold provisions for sex in Islam that very few Mullahs will tell.
Read the rest at the author's given website.