Monday, December 29, 2008

New Weblog on Orgonomie

Peter Nasselstein, a writer, researcher, and long-time advocate for Wilhelm Reich and orgonomy, has recently started a new weblog.  Below is his announcement.  There aren't many blogs honestly dealing with orgonomic ideas, so if the readers know of other ones, please leave us a comment about it.

# dies ist der letzte NACHRICHTENBRIEF, der per Email

versandt wird. Zukünftige Nachrichtenbriefe werden nur noch

online veröffentlicht auf dem Blog:

Thank you for all your hard work.
Enjoy your information.
Is there anyway to change the german to english in your new link.

Babblefish does allow for translations of entire sites. See here:

There are ways to imbed a command for that into the webpage itself, but we are amateurs at html code here. You should email Peter Nasselstein from his contact info at that blog, maybe he has other ideas.

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