Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Blue Astronaut Photos

Most people on the OBRL-News lists have seen the beautiful photo of the blue-glowing astronaut on the cover of my Orgone Accumulator Handbook, which comes from the Apollo 12 mission.

Last year I did some digging into NASA archives and together with some things recommended by a friend in Australia, can now give two more examples, one being a still photo of a second "glowing astronaut" walking on the moon, the other some blue-glowing things on a "lunar rover" videotape.

I've written a paper on it, addressing the orthodox theories, and giving my own ideas, here:
A few people have also asked where they can purchase this photo, so as a fund-raiser we are now selling high-quality 8" x 12" prints of the best two photos via our on-line catalog:

Scroll down to the lower right side for link to the Blue Astronaut Photos.


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