Friday, February 13, 2009

Redraft on "Astronaut Blues"

Some weeks ago, a notice was posted to the OBRL website on a new article:

The Blue-Glowing Astronauts:
Solar Glare? Lunar Dust? Water Vapor? Camera Smudges?
Or the RF/Electrically-Excited Human Orgone (Life) Energy Field?
by James DeMeo, PhD

Shortly afterwards, a blogger-internet group called "Bad Astronomy" picked it up and subjected the article so some mild criticisms, but also some of the typical skeptic-ridicule treatment.  Consequently, I decided to spend the extra time to fill in many details not in the first preliminary version.  I also undertook the lengthy procedure to review the entire internet-accessible archive of Apollo images, for every lunar landing (Apollo 11 through Apollo 17), and made some new findings from that procedure.

I can report, even more so today, the blue-glowing astronauts appear to provide evidence of a plasma-like excitation of the human orgone energy field, in the open space vacuum of the Lunar surface.  None of the standard explanations offered by mainstream science has stood firm against the evidence.

Those new details are now posted to the same article webpage, and so you might wish to have a second look, or a first-look if you didn't see it before.

Many new photos are given, plus:

* I discovered that a primary NASA photographer, who was assigned the job to render the original photos into digital form had noticed an exceptional amount of "blue-ness" in all the photos -- he stated this was some kind of "artifact" or "film degradation", which he "adjusted" so as to tone things down!!   So the original lunar photographs from the Apollo astronauts apparently were much more rich in blue colors.  He adjusted them to wipe out much of the blue.  I provide the pertinent citation and quotes from that photographer.

* I also discovered that Time-Life Corporation, which today is republishing back-issues of the old Life Magazine, on a print-on-demand basis, has also removed the "blue aura" from the astronaut on the cover of their 12 December 1969 issue.  Details and weblinks on that are also provided.

So it seems, those Blue Astronaut photos are some kind of "dirty pictures" which key people have been trying to tone down, flatten out and get rid of.  Consciously or not, they want to "erase the life energy" from the Apollo photographs, as well as from ordinary people's awareness.

In order to counter this trend, and as a fund-raiser, high resolution copies of the two most spectacular blue-glowing Apollo astronaut images are available in 8.5" x 11" prints, suitable for framing, from here:

Have a look, and enjoy.

As before, authentic critical review is always welcomed.

Best wishes,

James DeMeo, Ph.D.


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