Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Female Genital Mutilation Rampant in Britain
MARCH 17, 2009
Female Genital Mutilation Rampant in Britain - Free Reconstructive Surgery Offered
The UK taxpayers will now be paying thousands of pounds to provide free surgery for women who have been the victims of female genital mutilation. Advertisements will be placed so that women who have suffered through this abomination to their sexuality can hear of and take advantage of the program.
So why has female castration, which has been illegal in Britain since 1985, now being inflicted upon women and young girls in epidemic proportions? The answer, though deceptively left out of the below/last article, is clear = the huge increase in muslim immigrants into Great Britain and the subsequent high birth rate their immigration brings.
*snip* (yikes! no pun intended)
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