Saturday, June 27, 2009
New Resources on Health Hazards of Low-Level Electromagnetic Exposure
EMF Refugee - Yahoo Group
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2009 21:50:35 +0700
Subject: EMR-Updates: June 26th, 2009 (Part One)
From: Paul Doyon <>
EMR-Updates: June 26th, 2009 (Part One)
International Coalition for an Electromagnetic-Safe Planet (IC-ESP)
Education! Awareness! Support! Action!
- AJudge Bans a GSM Phome Mast Because of the Health Hazard
- Kamionki: Photos of an Environmental and Health Scandal
- June Issue of EMR and Health Now Available
- A New Short Clip About EMR Emitted by WiFi Routers
- FDA Protects Your Pets >From Mercury, But Not You -- Until Now
- Cindy Sage on the Australian EMF Standard
- Eileen O'Connor's Response to John Lincoln on the Draft Australian Standard
- In Japan It's Raining Tadpoles
- Minister Clement Says Residents Concerns "Not Valid."
- Protection Against Radiation from Cell Phone Masts
- InterPhone DECT Flaws Highlighted by New Swiss Study
- WiMax Turns Metro Atlanta Into Giant Wireless Hotspot
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