Saturday, September 12, 2009

More Cooling... Anecdote?... or Pattern?

NOAA: Summer Temperature Below Average for U.S.
September 10, 2009
The average June-August 2009 summer temperature for the contiguous United States was below average - the 34th coolest on record, according to a preliminary analysis by NOAA's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. August was also below the long-term average. The analysis is based on records dating back to 1895. 
U.S. Temperature Highlights - Summer

High resolution (Credit: NOAA)
        *       For the 2009 summer, the average temperature of 71.7 degrees F was 0.4 degree F below the 20th Century average. The 2008 average summer temperature was 72.7 degrees F.
        *       A recurring upper level trough held the June-August temperatures down in the central states, where Michigan experienced its fifth, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and South Dakota their seventh, Nebraska its eighth, and Iowa its ninth coolest summer. By contrast, Florida had its fourth warmest summer, while Washington and Texas experienced their eighth and ninth warmest, respectively.
        *       The Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota region experienced its sixth coolest summer on record. Only the Northwest averaged above normal temperatures.

<snip> ... more on the NOAA webpage - see link above

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