Friday, November 20, 2009
More Fraud From "Climate Change Experts"
Hacked e-mails reveal global-warming fraud?
The letter dated Oct. 29 reads in part: "You have recently received a letter from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), purporting to convey a 'consensus' of the scientific community that immediate and drastic action is needed to avert a climatic catastrophe. . .
Energy-saving bulbs use up to 80% less electricity than traditional bulbs
Energy-efficient light bulbs lose on average 22% of their brightness over their lifetime, a study has found.
In some cases they emit just 60% as much light as traditional models which are being phased out of shops, it says.
The study in Engineering and Technology magazine concluded that consumers were being misled by the bulbs' packaging.
Of the 18 energy-saving bulbs tested over 10,000 hours by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, three stopped altogether. ...
Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out
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