Thursday, November 19, 2009

Orgonomy Seminar NYC, Dec.5th.

Courtesy Announcement

Saturday, December 5th 2009: One Day Seminar:

Orgone therapy: Past, Present and Future

Offered by The Institute for the Study of the Work of
                                          Wilhelm Reich


Dr. Philip W. Bennett: "From the memoir, Growing Up with Wilhelm Reich: reflections on therapy with Dr. Sobey."

Philip Bennett, PhD, is a semi-retired college professor, currently teaching in the Graduate School of Education at Fairfield University, in Connecticut.

Dr. Harry Lewis: "The development of Orgone Therapy - an historical account" & "An overview of Orgone practice: with case vignettes."

Harry Lewis, EdD, is an orgone therapist in private practice and the co-director of The Institute for the Study of the Work of Wilhelm Reich.  He has been a member of the faculty at the New School for Social Research for the past twenty-five years.

Dr. Daniel Schiff: "The theory and practice of Orgone Therapy" & "Orgone therapy - portrait of a therapy session."          

Daniel Schiff, Ph.D. is a psychologist in private practice in Portland, Oregon, & co-director (with Dr. Lewis) of The Institute for the Study of The Work of Wilhelm Reich.

Dr. Eric Weitzner: "Wilhelm Reich's legacy and contemporary psychotherapy"

Eric Weitzner, M.D., was trained as a psychiatrist, orgone therapist and psychoanalyst, and is currently practicing in New York City"

Group Discussion - Panel: "Everything you wanted to know about orgone therapy and can finally ask."


Date:  Saturday, December 5, 2009     Time:  9:30 AM - 5:30PM.

Location:  Village Community School, 272 W 10th Street (Between Greenwich and Washington Streets), New York, NY. 10014.

Fee: Prior to 11/30: general public: $70; students and those requesting a scholarship: $50.
On the day of the seminar: general public: $80; students and those requesting a scholarship: $60.

To Register:  Call Dr. Harry Lewis at (212) 675-6592, or e-mail him at

Updated Information may be found on
The Institute for the Study of the Work of Wilhelm Reich website:

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