Thursday, February 18, 2010

Generational Theft

How much do you owe?   And your kids, and grand-kids?  And for what?

Deliberately steering the Ship of State onto the rocks.

While the majoritarians applaud.....

(see the graphic from this link, hopefully it transfers)
More details...

The deficits under Bush were hotly criticized.  Good.  But the Obama deficit spending is maybe 4 - 10 times as much, depending upon how things go over the coming years.  Most of this money... where is it going? ....  to what ends?

The Tax Man Cometh..... and already people are discovering even if you earn as little as $1000 per month, or $12K per year, you will see a significant tax increase.

Lie upon lie upon lie....

Is this what's behind it?

The Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Destruction

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