Thursday, May 06, 2010

FDA - You have "No Absolute RightŠto Any Particular Food" Or "Bodily and Physical Health"

A squalid bunch, these FDA dictators and book-burners.

Food Regulators As Benign Dictators-FDA Says It Could Be Tougher on Raw Milk; Anyway, "No Absolute RightŠto Any Particular Food" Or "Bodily and Physical Health" 

... In recounting its version of the history of food safety and regulation, the brief concludes, "There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular kind of food." The basis? "Comprehensive federal regulation of the food supply has been in effect at least since Congress enacted the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906Š Thus, plaintiffs' claim to a fundamental privacy interest in obtaining 'foods of their own choice' for themselves and their families is without merit." ...

The FDA bureaucrats and lawyers had to reach back to pre-Constitutional European Royal Decrees, when citizens did not exist, only "subjects", to justify that opinion.

The only way to stop this nonsense is to slash the Federal budget to half or less of what they now get.  No matter what they say or promise, the more money you put into the hands of Congress and the Fed (or States) the more trouble they will make for everyone.  Unfortunately, we are going in exactly the opposite direction.


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