Saturday, March 19, 2011

Update #3 on Reactor Accident/Fallout on West Coast


NOTE: Midnight 19 March: Earlier today we measured radiation levels from a snow sample collected on 18 March, which showed more than double what was recorded for normal background. The readings for both the snow sample and the background were compiled from several long run averages, which suggested a significant elevated level of radiation. However, the sample rapidly lost its radioactivity, returning to background levels within a few hours, which is a confusing anomaly. Evaluations made on samples of snow falling today, 19 March, do not show elevated readings, so we must chalk this up to being anomalous and unexplained.

At present there are no elevated readings to be observed at our location.


NOTE: 3:30 PM 19 March -- we are now picking up what appears to be significant radiation in recent snowfall. An analysis of this is underway, but this is new information that should be considered against what is written below, which was before these newer measurements were made. More info shortly in another report.


11:30 hrs 19 March 2011, Saturday Morning

According to the two citizen's networks independently monitoring nuclear radiation, there is nothing above normal going on related to the Japanese reactor accidents.

According to our GM detectors here at the OBRL Greensprings location, in SW Oregon at 4300' elevation -- which are not integrated into those networks (our internet-connection is too haphazard) -- only background counts have been recorded over the full period of monitoring, starting more than a week ago.

The continued low readings from two independent sources is good news, though we must be alert for potential increases over the next week, as the atmosphere on the West Coast today is only that which was over Japan at the start of their terrible crisis with the earthquake and tsunami.  Several of their reactors went critical over the following week, and so that atmosphere has not yet arrived to the West Coast.

As noted previously, the Pacific Ocean is very large, and the discharges of radioactive smokes and gasses in Japan were almost entirely confined into the lower atmosphere, the troposphere.  This means, that air will be subjected to a lot of stormy weather and scrubbing as it moves across the Pacific.  With luck, the worst of it will have rained out long before that atmosphere arrives into North America.

The major loss of live is still the terrible earthquake and tsunami which took so many lives in Japan.   And the worst of the atomic radiation effects are so far confined to Japan, hitting them badly, and may continue doing so over months or years.  That point should not be lost.

Another point that should not be lost, in the current efforts in some political quarters to apologize for and defend nuclear power plants, with the goal to construct more of them in the USA and elsewhere, is the long history of lying, cover-ups, suppression and fudging of data, and other forms of deception by the nuclear industry and its claimed-scientific defenders.  A lot of these problems were predicted and avoidable.   See here:

A similar or even longer list of problems and cover-ups could be made for American or European atomic reactors.  Should a strong earthquake occur near to any other atomic plant, in North America or Europe, expect similar problems -- which is a good enough reason why they ought not to have been built in the first place.  If you have an earthquake and explosion at a coal or oil-fired power facility, you have to repair things, but this business of evacuating giant areas and repair-crews going on suicide missions and such, it makes even more outrageous the efforts by some to pooh-pooh the dangers of these fantastically-complicated and constantly breaking-down atomic monstrosities.

I would remind everyone that back issues of our journal Pulse of the Planet carried multiple articles on unusual atmospheric and biological reactions at other atomic power accidents, such as near Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, and also following atomic bomb tests.  The articles of Mitzuru Katagiri, for example.  If you are interested in the subject of oranur effects from atomic reactions -- which unlike the particles detected by GM counters, cannot be shielded -- then you should get those for review.  They are available here:

We also have a special photocopy reprint available which gathers those reports into one single publication:

Reprints of scholarly articles and reports from back issues of Pulse of the Planet journal, by Katagiri, Whiteford, Kato, DeMeo and Nagy, addressing this important issue.  Documents the reality of what Reich called "oranur" as observed by eye-witnesses to nuclear accidents, as well as phenomena which can only be explained by the existence of a radiation-irritated atmospheric/planetary energy continuum.  An essential tool for anyone concerned about nuclear issues.

This particular webpage also has books on the issues of low-level radiation.

Finally, a source of webcams for the Fukushima reactor region:

James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL

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