Wednesday, March 16, 2011

UPDATE on Reactor Accident in Japan - 16 March Early AM

UPDATE on Reactor Accident in Japan and
Possible USA Rad-Fallout

01:00 hrs 16 March 2010, Wednesday early AM.

The news out of Japan continues to be horrible, and you can consult various websites for information on that.  I find the Drudge Report to be most balanced, in presenting weblinks from both government and non-government sources:

Right now they have various reports on the situation in Japan, plus conflicting opinions from all around about whether or not to dose up on potassium iodide or other iodine supplements.  Make your own decision -- we have the stuff here, and as a precaution are taking small doses.  There's lots of info on internet about that, so inform yourself.  We won't enter into that discussion.

What about measured radiation levels?

Firstly, a prior Bulletin gave a wrong web address for a citizen's radiation monitoring network webpage.  Here is the correct one:

Here is another website from the Austrian Zentral Anstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, a weather-forecasting group which provides a world-map developed from computer model forecasts, for the hypothetical global movement of Cesium 137 contamination from a point-source in NE Japan.

Caution is advised on how to interpret this map!  It does not present directly-measured data on radiation in the atmosphere.  It is a computer model which assumes a certain amount of radioactive contamination being emitted in NE Japan, and then uses existing meteorological data to plot where the hypothetical amounts of assumed nuclear radiation would be blown.  Now, this is a reasonable procedure, but assumes quite a lot, notably that they really know how much atomic radiation was injected into the atmosphere, and at what levels in the atmosphere, and that the radioactive material is persisting in the atmosphere and not being significantly diluted or rained out, or falling out by gravity.  So it needs some verification by actual measurements of radiation "on the ground" or in sampling aircraft.

We can nevertheless view this map as a cautionary indicator, that the atmosphere over NE Japan at the time of the accident is now making its way into the USA West Coast.  But so far, we have no indications from measurements here, nor at the above noted Radiation Network, that there are actually higher counts of radiation above normal background being detected.  We have only a few sampling stations to go on.  If someone hears of higher radiation counts, actual measurements from reliable sources, then please share the info.

Radiation levels here in Southern Oregon at our facility remain at background levels only -- counts around 20 cpm, which is nothing out of the ordinary.

Our OR-charged geiger counters, which detect the oranur-effects noted by Reich (which is a different component of atomic radiation, of an entirely different nature, and cannot be shielded) are also showing nothing extraordinary, as compared to what they were yielding during the weeks before the Japanese accident.

If this situation changes, a report will go out immediately.

Thanks to all who shared information for this report.  Please continue to send in your suggestions.

James DeMeo, PhD
Ashland, Oregon, USA

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