Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Medical Journal Article Debunking "Infectious HIV"

A new article was published in a major Italian medical journal critical of the "infectious HIV" theory of AIDS (yes, it is only a theory, and not a very good or accurate one), with the lead author being Dr. Peter Duesberg, of the Department of Cell Biology at UC Berkeley.

The paper carries the provocative and fully accurate title:

AIDS since 1984: No evidence for a new, viral epidemic - not even in Africa
Peter H. Duesberg, et al.
Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Vol.116, n.2: 73-92, 2011

Available for free downloading as a PDF from here:
or here:

There also is a new paper reviewing the controversy on the Nature website. Here:

The Nature item carries references to a few additional papers published by the AIDS Critics.

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