Wednesday, January 11, 2012
New Slander from an Old Emotional Pest
Joel Carlinsky, Agent Provacateur and Liar
James DeMeo 12.01.2012 - 06:51
Assuming anybody wastes time to read Mr. Carlinsky's lies, as the target of his abuse, I should like to say the following:
1. I'm a life-long political moderate and old-fashioned liberal who loathes the Nazis and everything they stand for. One could search my writings forever and never find one sentence that even remotely supports them, much less directly so. My websites, for the curious, are here:
2. I am known in the USA as a supporter and scientific investigator of the writings and research of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich, whom all educated people in Germany, especially those from the left, will know as having also been an anti-Nazi freedom fighter, who fled to the USA to escape European fascism. He wrote the important books "Mass Psychology of Fascism", "People in Trouble", "The Sexual Revolution", and so on. My own major book, "Saharasia" (you can get it from, is formulated in a similar direction, but with a global cross-cultural evaluation. It is decidedly pro-freedom, pro-woman, and pro-sexuality, and since it covers pre-historical and historical events prior to 1900, it does not deal with the Nazi fascists. Read it to learn more.
3. Mr. Carlinsky, meanwhile, has a long history of attacking and denigrating the work and person of Wilhelm Reich, and of myself especially. He appears to have some mental condition, a fixation about Reich which drives him to alternatively attack Reich and every scholar or scientist who takes Reich's work seriously, and then to misportray himself as a big supporter of Reich. He was imprisoned for burglary of the Wilhelm Reich Museum years ago, and made threats to burglarize the homes of people supporting Reich's work, or to kill them. He also has working relations with members of the American "skeptics clubs" who make war against every new idea, especially against natural healing methods, and so Carlinsky is basically supporting the same people who threw Reich into prison and burned his books in the USA. A full exposition of his angry and disruptive actions can be found here:
Open Letter on Joel Carlinsky and the Organized "Skeptics" War Against American Orgonomy Disinformation: Joel Carlinsky, CSICOP and Orgonomy
That is all I care to say about this creepy character, except to say also that his associates who try to hide themselves, such as Mr. Petros Evdokas of Cyprus who posted up this trashy slander and defamation for Mr. Carlinsky, are well known to us and will also be publicly exposed.
James DeMeo, PhD
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