Saturday, February 04, 2012

Record Cold Erodes Warmist Claims

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Following the recent record cold temps and snowfalls in Alaska...

Villagers scramble for fuel in Europe's big chill
Hungarian villagers were scavenging for coal with their bare hands on Thursday as a blast of Siberian air killed scores in Eastern Europe and looked set to keep its icy grip on the continent for another week.
At least 139 people have died across Eastern Europe and Germany since the cold snap began, interrupting what had been an unusually mild European winter. ....

Snow falls in Rome for the first time in 26 YEARS as -36c temperatures across eastern Europe send death toll to 150
Snow fell in Rome today for the first time in 26 years as freezing temperatures took the death toll across Europe to more than 150.
The Italian capital is usually blessed by a moderate climate but the snowfall prompted authorities stop visitors from entering the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill, the former home of Rome's ancient emperors. ...

UPDATE:  Italy Crippled by Winter Storm; Snow in Naples
A winter storm battered much of Italy, bringing arctic temperatures to the north and snow as far south as Naples, disrupting transport and commerce across the country.  ...

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