Auroras at the Tree Tops?
A new report with theoretical implications for Reich's findings on orgone energy:
Sounds of northern lights are born close to ground
"Our research proved that, during the occurrence of the northern lights, people can hear natural auroral sounds related to what they see. In the past, researchers thought that the aurora borealis was too far away for people to hear the sounds it made. This is true. However, our research proves that the source of the sounds that are associated with the aurora borealis we see is likely caused by the same energetic particles from the sun that create the northern lights far away in the sky. These particles or the geomagnetic disturbance produced by them seem to create sound much closer to the ground," said Professor Unto K. Laine from Aalto University.
Details about how the auroral sounds are created are still a mystery. The sounds do not occur regularly when the northern lights are seen. The recorded, unamplified sounds can be similar to crackles or muffled bangs which last for only a short period of time. Other people who have heard the auroral sounds have described them as distant noise and sputter. Because of these different descriptions, researchers suspect that there are several mechanisms behind the formation of these auroral sounds. These sounds are so soft that one has to listen very carefully to hear them and to distinguish them from the ambient noise.
This report confirms that the aurora can make sounds which come from close to the ground, heard by direct and ordinary acoustics. This also validates my own position on the matter, as held since at least 2001, and presented publicly on the following webpage:
Auroras At the Treetops: Ground Level Auroras
On the basis of numerous eye-witness reports, it appears the aurora can occur near to ground-level where the sounds are generated, even if this violates the long-held "ionization" theory.
Here is an interesting quote from a trained scientist working in the Arctic, which mirrors many other similar reports as given on the above web-page.
Scientist observes and describes loud, ground-level aurora:
"In March 1897, I was making a trip over the portage from Behring Sea to Anvik, on the Yukon River. By getting an early start on the last day we could reach Anvik before dark, so we got on the way about three o'clock in the morning. We noticed an arc form of auroral glow on the northern horizon, which seemed very quiet. Before long the shafts of color began to shoot from it toward the zenith, and in a few minutes the entire heavens were aglow with soft, golden, iridescent lights, so bright that they cast a deep shadow under the dogs and sled as we traveled along. The stratum of rarefied atmosphere producing this display, evidently was very low, for it settled down over us until the natural horizon was obscured; in fact it created its own horizon. The activities appeared to be just above the tree-tops. The intermingling and rapid shifting of the golden waves and shafts were easily distinguished. The crackling, swishing sound of the sparks seemed to be immediately around us, which was very distinct and so all-pervading as to have no location of direction. The intensity of the display lasted for about half an hour, and then gradually faded away into higher altitudes. This was the most unusual display witnessed during several years of northern experience.
These low displays and crackling sound of the Aurora are questioned by the advocates of most all theories, as these features cannot be reconciled with them. However, they are absolute facts as could be evidence by every person who has spent a winter in the north."
From: Polar Electric Theory of the Aurora Borealis-Australis and Terrestrial Magnetism, by N. V. Hendricks, Adrian, Michigan, 1945.
(Copies available from here: )
I also once made a personal observation which appears similar to that as reported by Hendricks, given above, but in a more unusual context. As taken from my website on this issue:
I can relate my own direct observation on this issue, made during a jet-flight to Europe in the 1990s, via the polar route from San Francisco over Canada at around 10,000 meters elevation. It was during wintertime at night, when all was fully dark outside. I observed out the window what initially appeared to be a solid line of thunderstorms with intermittent rain coming down to the ground. Upon consideration, however, I realized these were too gigantic to be thunderstorms, which would in any case not be easily visible during the dark night. In fact I was viewing a streaming portion of the gently-glowing aurora from the side, and from a great distance away. The part I confused with the "thunderstorm line" was the main body of the aurora. However, the "rain" was in fact portions of the aurora which clearly reached down to the ground level, though in a broken manner. Unfortunately at the time I had no camera to record it.
This sort of observation poses serious theoretical problems for orthodox aurora physics, as it would require the same geomagnetic or electrical "plasma" mechanism which they believe creates the auroral at high altitudes, to somehow stretch all the way down into the lower atmosphere, in a manner by which acoustic signals could be generated. And there's no proof at all that geomagnetism or electrical fields at the levels being measured at ground levels could accomplish such a feat. What is required is some kind of energetic force which can "grab hold" of the atmosphere and move it around, or compress it such that sound waves are generated in the audible frequencies.
My own hypothesis is based upon Wilhelm Reich's original ideas that the aurora phenomenon is an expression of excited orgone energy, as a life-energetic phenomenon of orgonotic currents streaming and pulsing in the upper atmosphere. Reich's theory accounts for the life-like movements of the aurora, and one is reminded how the term "plasma" was originally coined by Irving Langmuir around 1927, because of the frequently lifelike, self-organizing behavior observed in aurora phenomenon, as well as for what's seen inside electrically- or magnetically-excited high vacuum tubes. Energy motions within Langmuirs vacuum tubes, excited by high tension electricity or magnetic fields, appeared very much like the aurora, but also was similar to the motions of living protoplasm, which led him to propose the "plasma" term. Classical biology still has no understanding how fluid living protoplasm can move about with apparent deliberation, and yet have no brains, nerves or muscles by which to do so. Aurora movements also sometimes resemble the motions of smooth muscle tissue, which can generate wave phenomenon across entire surfaces. Observations of such things is what led Reich to investigate the matter from a life-energetic perspective. The fluidic life-energy, the orgone energy, which also exists in a free state in the atmosphere, can change in its charge density, however, and thereby convert from a mass-free to a more condensed state. In so doing, the orgone can bind to the air molecules just as it can to internal cellular fluids or tissues, putting them into motion. We know this also from Reich's theory on atmospheric motions in the lower atmosphere which are confirmed in the cloudbusting work. The cosmic life-energy moves, and then only afterwards, matter is put into motion. But it also appears at work in the aurora. Reich detailed all this very well in the book Cosmic Superimposition.
Following this line of reasoning, and with sufficient orgonotic charge and excitation, there is no reason why the aurora would not occasionally occur at much lower altitudes, close to the Earth's surface, without the necessity for "ionization" or the partial vacuum which ionization demands. And by the observations, we are led to speculate that this same process could then produce audible sounds at the same lower altitudes. The sound-wave portions of this new understanding of the aurora are now empirically confirmed by scientists, who still have problems accepting what many eye-witnesses report on the frequent ground-level auroras which accompany those sounds. They always assume the visible portion of the aurora must be ("has to be") at very high altitudes. But from Reich's findings, which I can directly confirm and expand upon a bit, we know there are alternative ways to look at the problem.
Some validation of this point came from observations from Reich's vacor experiments (orgone-charged vacuum tubes) which have been replicated at OBRL. Normally such a vacuum tube will create visible light glowing only if an electrical tension of perhaps 600 hundred volts is applied to it. Reich was able to get his tubes to create the same glow at much lower voltages. At my own laboratory, we are now able to create a similar glow in orgone-charged vacuum tubes merely by being hand-stroking them, even though the human hand carries only a few hundred millivolts of charge. Not everyone can do it. The hands must carry a sufficient charge, and not be characterized by "sweaty palms". Grounding the electrodes in all sorts of manners, to earth-ground, to the person doing the stroking of the tube, between the two electrodes of the tube, etc., does not extinguish the phenomenon. So it is not "electrical" in the usual sense. I've already published a report on this phenomenon, "Photographing the Orgone Energy", in Heretic's Notebook, Pulse of the Planet #5, p. 254-255.
Mainstream science slowly catches up to Reich. Maybe some day it will be possible to publish the above theoretical understanding within a mainstream science journal, for open debate, rather than only within our laboratory newsletter.
James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL
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