Saturday, January 05, 2013

Is the "Big Chill" On?

Is the "Big Chill" On? 

Whatever the self-proclaimed experts in Washington DC, or their "top dog" academic followers in the King's Court have to say, in most cases it is a good bet the exact opposite is true.  So while they have been pushing "CO2 global warming" hysteria as a means to ramp up new Wall Street gambling opportunities, and to add more tax burden and social controls onto the backs of every working person, Ma Nature has been cooking up her own home-brew.  Following the last note on super-cold December conditions in Russia and Alaska, (
now comes new reports that China is plunging into record cold deep freeze:

Brrr! China's coldest winter in decades at new low:

China chills hit 28-year low, trapping ships in ice

This report also, from a correspondent in Arizona (on 5 Jan.2013):

It is 12 (deg. F. or -11 C.) here in the Verde Valley of Arizona, early for this year all ready coldest day last year was 10.  After 9-10 days of 19 many homes had frozen pipes in the Sedona area..........we have doubled up on our heaters on the colder walls..

The remarkable thing about these reports is, that they come so early in Winter.  If these reports happened in mid-February, they would not appear so unusual.  Unfortunately, we only just now enter January, and the worst of winter has yet to show its face.

Stay tuned, and keep warm.

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