Saturday, February 02, 2013

James DeMeo Lectures & Seminars for 2013, and More

James DeMeo Lectures & Seminars for 2013, and More

2013 will be a busy year at the Orgone Biophysical Research lab (OBRL).  Aside from research activity and writing, with a new book in process (see below), I've been invited to give lectures at conferences or universities both in the USA and internationally.  A special weekend Seminar may also be organized at OBRL.

A preliminary list with details on these events, which range from June through October, and regionally from California to Italy, is given at the OBRL Events page:

More details will be posted up as we learn them.

New Book in the works:   

In Defence of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years War of Mainstream Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Natural Scientists, by James DeMeo

This title will be available hopefully by April, and will be announced via the OBRL News emails and blog.

Did You Miss our Last Newsletter?

OBRL Newsletter #25 (from Dec. 2012) is available, with back issues of all prior newsletters, from here:

Of particular interest is the new article:

"In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: An Open Response to Nature and the Scientific /Medical Community"  by DeMeo J, et al., in  Water: An Interdisciplinary Research Journal, V.4, p.72-81, 2012.

The "et al" includes a list of 24 professional scientists and scholars from around the world, a resounding affirmation and Standing Up for Wilhelm Reich, against a particularly nasty bit of slander in Nature magazine.  See the fifth item down on the above webpage.  Available for viewing in your browser, or as a PDF download for sharing.


If you are able, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, which provides support for my work, allowing for such public outreach and educational events, as well as for the scientific research program.

Thank you, for your interest and support.

James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL

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