Friday, April 26, 2013

New Announcements and Forthcoming Books & Events

New Announcements and Forthcoming Books & Events

If you were wondering about the silence of the last weeks, it was for good reasons.

We are presently in the final stages for several new books, soon to be published.

Firstly, my own new book, in preparation for the last two years, will be typeset and available for purchase in about one month:

In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of
Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's
Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists
by James DeMeo

It is 280 pages with numerous illustrations. A more formal announcement will be posted out, with a copy of the book cover, Table of Contents and descriptive information, once it is available.

Also hopefully before the end of this year, there will be new Greek, Spanish and Italian translations of the Revised and Updated 2010 edition of my Orgone Accumulator Handbook.  Formal announcements on those will also go out later in the year.


I've noticed over the years, that every time there is some shocking Islamic terror attack in Europe or America, as recently happened in Boston, there is an increase of interest in my Saharasia book.  This is understandable, in that with all the other distractions we have in our lives, those life-or-death circumstances crash us back into the reality of the violent and dangerous condition of the world.  People become temporarily more emotionally alert, and some of them even begin searching out answers beyond the usual superficial analysis (or outright denial and cover-up) as presented in the mainstream media, or as found in political speeches. Saharasia can help in this regard.

Saharasia is essential for understanding the ancient and modern context of social violence and warfare, and especially the problem of Islamic terror which has been with us now for nearly 1400 years.  As my work demonstrated, Islamic terror has foundations within the ideology and creed of the Saharasian warrior-nomads of ancient times, as encoded today within child-rearing practices, sexual ideology and repressions, as demanded through various social institutions, laws, tribal customs and religious doctrines.  While other world religions and cultures have undergone their own Reformations, with freedom-oriented struggles against the power of religious autocracy, Islam has not yet done so, and seems to be a particularly tough nut to crack in that regards.

Saharasia details such foundational difficulties as firstly described by Wilhelm Reich regarding the serious sex-economic problems within Nazi Germany and Communist Russia.  My study on  Saharasia took the same key causal elements for creation of severe and traumatic human armoring, and armored societies, and reviews them for over 1100 individual world cultures.  All are identified by region on world maps, to review which cultures are less armored and more peaceful in character, versus which are more armored and violent, and hence are more likely to commit serious violence both within-culture, and against outside cultures.  It addresses serious issues in explicit regional geography, which are neglected by both the left-wing and right-wing in their approach to the contemporary madness afflicting our world.

Consequently, for about another week, we will be offering the 2006 full edition of Saharasia at a greatly reduced price of $9.95 plus shipping to anyplace in the world.  The  book normally retails for $39.95 and is similarly offered at that price on international websites.   This new offering is actually at our cost for printing, so if you wanted a copy but were hesitating, now is a good time to purchase.

Go here to order:


The online shopping cart will calculate shipping costs for the USA.  If you order from outside the USA, we would inform you by email of the shipping costs, before any charges were made to your card.  And since we now have a less costly way to ship this book to European destinations, it will be quite economical all around.

This is a special sale available only through our on-line shopping cart.  To take advantage of it, please use the weblink above.

Also soon to be announced, a new book by Peter Jones of the UK, on the subject of Reich's bion experiments, and the related works of Robert Brown and Bastian.

And in case you missed it, here's the link for our December 2012 OBRL Newsletter #25, previously announced.
Other back issues of the OBRL Newsletter are also still available for download from that same webpage.

Finally, don't forget the large international Conference on Reich and Orgonomy which will be held in Rome Italy later this year.  For the contacts and weblinks on that, see here:

Happy Springtime,

James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL

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