Monday, May 20, 2013

Global Chill Already Cometh?

Global Chill Already Cometh? 

Intensive work at OBRL has prevented the usual commentary and postings.  However, the recent tragedy of massive tornado strikes in the Midwest, with political speeches claiming this is the result of "global warming" deserves giving the matter some attention.

First, a nice blue-glowing cloud picture, details about which are also given below:

To continue, I have no idea what the devotees to the "CO2-Warming" theory of climate changes are saying -- probably continuing with the same old mantra -- but this last winter has been exceptionally cold for most of the Northern Hemisphere, with records broken as to bitter cold temps and massive snowfalls across Europe, Asia and Alaska.

For example:

Cold Wave hits China, coldest in 30 years.
An internet search on "China Bitter Cold 2013" will bring up more of the same, indicating this was not just a one-time episode.

Moscow Cold, Snow, 50 year records broken.
An internet search on "Moscow cold snow records broken 2013" or "Russia..." will show more of the same.  Here's a few reports from April 2013:

Alaska longest snow season on record, breaking a 30 year past record.

Europe also hit by record cold, snows:

Darkest Winter (lack of sun due to incessant clouds, snow, rain) for Germany in 43 years.
Very nice blue-glowing clouds picture at this website, reproduced above.

Ooops we must correct that, it is the Darkest Winter ever recorded for Germany:

OK, having said all that, it is true that "weather is not climate", even though climate is produced by the averaged aggregate of measured weather data.  So what are the averages saying?

Finally the more scientifically inclined members of the "warming" community are admitting that something is not correct with their theories.  As documented here:

Has Global Warming Come to a Halt?
Note the trends on this website:  From 1950 to 1975 approx., no basic change in global temps.  From 1980 to 1998, a warming trend.  Then from 1998 to today, global temperatures have leveled off.    Note the graph of El-Nino/La-NiƱa events, and how the peaks give rise to global changes.  Likewise the small volcanic symbols, indicating sun-blocking dusts in the upper atmosphere.  This particular website takes the "warmist" view, so even this begrudging admission is remarkable.  Some of the weblinks on this page are rather outrageous in unscientific claim-making, rather like cheer-leaders for a football team, as if scientific conclusions needed cheer-leading to "win" -- of course this is cheerleading for Billions in grant money, for "their side".  Whatever happened to old-fashioned scientific investigation, and allowing the truth to fall where it may?

Here's more, the British met office being a bit more reliable than the American NOAA or the cherry-picked "consensus" community of "scientists" whomever that is supposed to be.  The last time the IPCC made such surveys, they included all kinds of leftist political hacks and "activists" from neo-Marxist environmental groups. "Climate Deniers" were of course excluded from such surveys.

Global Warming stopped 16 years ago, Met Office.
16 years ago was what?  1997-1998  The worst El Nino on record, highest global temps from that, but not from CO2 emissions.

Even the die-hard Leftist BBC finally admits, sort of, that well, maybe, POSSIBLY, their theory on warming isn't panning out as it should:

Then of course, the major radical-left politicians weigh in on the issue:

Team Obama calls global warming doubters 'crazy'
Mygod, are we now supposed to bow to the King's Hat?  (If you don't know what that means, then you really have been under-educated.  Look it up.)   Yeah, it is the global warming critics who are the untrustworthy people, not the political hacks in Washington DC.

And just in case you think the recent disastrous tornado outbreak has something to do with global warming, just go back a few decades and the same mainstreamers today pushing the "warming" scenario as the cause of weather catastrophes were then blaming "global cooling":

1975 : Tornado Outbreaks Blamed On Global Cooling

In fact, the Little Ice Age was a time of many weather disasters, globally failed crops, famines and epidemic diseases, wars and government collapse.  Definitely not so good as the Medieval Warm Period, which was still warmer on average than anything we have experienced in the last 1000 years!   The MWP was a time of excellent crops, economic boom, abundance and plenty, fewer wars, with extra money to finance voyages of exploration, massive architectural projects, works of art, and so on.

This modern "climate change" fascism would have you believe otherwise, and this means, well, just ignore all those reports given above.  Erase them from your memory, even if you experienced such bitter cold.  That kind of intellectual fascism as pushed by the "warmers" is playing out exactly as happened with government, industry and academic support for nuclear power reactors back in the same 1970s.  No matter what the evidence, they KNEW nuclear power plants were "safe, cheap, efficient", etc., even though all evidence showed it was unsafe, expensive and inefficient.  So dissenting professors were fired, academic journals censored papers revealing the dangers, Big Lies were told in Science and Nature and by all the political hacks and "journalists" in the newspapers and on TV.  The dissenters were either silenced or pilloried, just as today are the dissenters to the CO2 theory of warming.  It took the disasters of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima to keep the Atomic Power Vampire sealed in its crypt.  What disasters will be necessary to put an end to the intensive planning for increased warming, when in fact we should be putting more attention to the cold side of things.

We have yet another cold blast of winter headed into the Pacific Northwest just as I write this, in the latter part of May.  Maybe a chilly brush, or a big dump of snow.  Who can say?   No clear idea what lays ahead, except that it won't be like what is predicted out of Washington DC.  Prepare accordingly.

James DeMeo, PhD

Greetings Mr DeMeo,

Thank you for your informative post and collation of links.

But, you might be interested in the latest "settled science" in the land of Oz, or, Australia.

Here in Oz, our leading climate scientists have officially announced that weather is NOW climate:

"A few years ago, talking about weather and climate change in the same breath was a cardinal sin for scientists.

Now it has become impossible to have a conversation about the weather without discussing wider climate trends, according to researchers who prepared the Australian Climate Commission's latest report."

Of course, this only applies to hot days.

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