A New Greek-Language Translation of the
3rd Revised Edition of the
Orgone Accumulator Handbook:
Wilhelm Reich's Life Energy Discoveries
and Healing Tools for the 21st Century,
with Construction Plans.
by James DeMeo, PhD
Translated by Thanassis Mandafounis
GREEK TRANSLATION of the 3rd Revised and Updated Edition.
This All New 2013 Edition replaces an earlier Greek translation of the older 1989 edition of the Handbook, with 100+ additional pages of new and updated information, many new graphics, including a new chapter on Living Water, and an Appendix on the Cosmic Ether of Space. Construction Plans and all other chapters remain but with additional detail on new findings within the Science of Orgonomy.
Or go to the appropriate page from the
Natural Energy Works website, and scroll down to the section on the
Orgone Accumulator Handbook.
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Since Greek characters do not replicate in this email, please read the book title and description from the front and back covers of the new edition. You can download larger images of the covers from these links:
Front Cover:
Rear Cover, with book description:
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A new Italian and Spanish translation will be forthcoming before the End of November.