LED Bulbs Are a Rotten Alternative to Incandescents or Halogen Light Bulbs
In my Orgone Accumulator Handbook, I previously mentioned LED bulbs as a good alternative to incandescent or halogen light bulbs. Unfortunately, I must withdraw that endorsement, as further investigation has changed my mind. In fact LED bulbs give off considerable radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation, at levels equal to a cell phone, equal also to the Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs) or other long-tube fluorescent bulbs. This was not always the case. The very early LED bulbs I had here, for analysis, did not produce RF radiation in any significant quantities. Today, nearly all of them do.
What follows is a revised statement which will soon be changed in the English-language Handbook, with a corresponding change to be made in editions translated into other languages.
James DeMeo, PhD
The following statement should replace Pages 100-101 of the 2010 Revised Edition of the Orgone Accumulator Handbook:
E) Lighting: Regarding lighting, all kinds of fluorescent lighting, including both the long-tube variety and the small curly compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs or their LED cousins which are screwed into ordinary lamp sockets, should never be used near or in the same room as an orgone accumulator. Both CFL and LED bulbs especially give off significant radio frequencies (RF), in addition to 60-cycle powerline electronic disturbances. Most people spontaneously don't like the feeling or the light from these bulbs, without even being told. This warning also is valid for the "full spectrum" varieties of fluorescent tubes and CFL and LED bulbs, which in fact do not mirror the sun's natural frequencies. At the Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, I have made spectrographic readings of both the Sun's natural spectra and many different types of light-bulbs. All kinds of fluorescent lights, including the full-spectrum kinds of CFLs and LEDs, yield a very "spiky" and incomplete spectra by comparison (see pages 102-103). Fluorescent lights additionally have an agitating electromagnetic ballast with high-voltage cathodes that excite and disturb the orgone energy continuum.
The best possible type of lighting from both a bioenergetic and full-spectrum consideration, is the simple and economical clear-glass incandescent or halogen bulb. The unfrosted variety where you can see the filament through the clear glass is best. These bulbs closely duplicate the natural solar spectrum, and do not create oranur. Any waste-heat produced will merely warm your home, which is not a problem in cooler climates.
Energy-efficiency claims regarding CFL and LED bulbs also are considerably hyped, as it takes a lot of energy to produce them by comparison to a simple incandescent or halogen bulb, and most CFL and LED bulbs will burn out much quicker than advertised when subjected to normal on-off usage. You will also need several of them to equal the light intensity of an incandescent. Be skeptical of government and environmentalist claims on these issues.
Furthermore, the CFL bulbs contain toxic mercury, thus complicating disposal and presenting an environmental hazard. Also, some of the stronger CFL or LED bulbs now carry an RF emission warning on the packaging, which is a good indicator not to buy them. The non-continuous spiked color spectra of fluorescent tubes, CFL and LED bulbs often looks ghostly, or irritates the eyes, even if they fool you into thinking they might be similar to natural sunlight. "Old fashioned" incandescent or halogen bulbs remain the best lighting choice overall. In any case, Big Brother Government should not be dictating what kind of light bulbs you can or cannot use.
Technical Addendum:
Until recently, LED lighting appeared to develop into a much more life-friendly alternative to CFL. While today's LEDs are capable of long life and delivering high light output levels with very little power consumption, the bulbs need to be paired with a power regulation circuit to provide constant current sourcing to operate in our homes and offices, and that's where the problem comes in. In order to maintain the highest LED efficiency and longevity possible, these power regulation circuits operate at increasingly higher oscillating frequencies, with the result that both large and small LED lights on the market are today emitting microwave/radio frequencies in addition to an ever growing electromagnetic field. This is in addition to the problem of incomplete light spectra which does not duplicate the sun's spectra, but rather emits specific "spiked" frequencies which, when combined together, trick the eye into thinking it is seeing "white".
important article:
For a selection of light-bulb spectra compared to natural sunlight, see the OBRL Newsletter #20, February 2009, p.13-15:
If you want an excellent meter for measuring RF frequencies, to check out these issues yourself, see our Trifield 100XE or the EM2 Broadband RF meters. The Trifield is excellent for powerline frequencies, while the EM2 is best for radio frequencies as from these different toxic light bulbs, as well as cell towers and wifi. There are several new YouTube demos posted up on the appropriate page.
Measuring Household Electromagnetic Radiation
The Hot Zone
James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell
New book: "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists", by J.DeMeo