Sunday, May 11, 2014

Countering Wikipedia Disinformation

Countering Wikipedia Disinformation, and more.

Here are a few interesting survival websites.  By "survival", I don't mean stocking up food or preparing for a global apocalypse.  But these could save you from a personal apocalypse.

The Immunity Resource Foundation
An Information Base on the Scientific and Medical Issues
Challenging the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis

Notice the key word "challenging".  As contrasted to "meekly or blindly going along with".

Here's another, very much related, to how you get your information about such things, about science, medicine, or just about the world?  About Wilhelm Reich?  Too many trust "Wikipedia", when in fact it is the least trustworthy information source on internet.

Wikipedia Slanders and Disinformation
About Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy

And this one is interesting, one of the first mainstream exposures of a large and growing problem, which we also know well from Reich's work on the question of oranur effects due to low-level EMF.

Search for a Golden Cage

Spread the word.

James DeMeo, PhD
Director of OBRL

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
- George Orwell

New book:  "In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant Physicians and Natural Scientists", by J.DeMeo


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