Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New Books of Interest, for Your Education, your Library or Gifting

New Books of Interest, for Your Library or Gifting

Please support working scientists and scholars investigating and confirming the findings of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich.

I'll start with one of my own new books, forthcoming in late December or January 2015.

* Das Orgonakkumulator-Handbuch: Wilhelm Reichs Entdeckung der Lebensenergie.  Rüstzeug für das 21. Jahrhundert zur Selbstheilung und allgemeinen Verbesserung der Lebensqualität, Mit vielen Bauanleitungen, by James DeMeo, PhD,  Natural Energy Works, Ashland, Oregon. Softcover  ~290 pages.  Illustrated.  All new translation of the Updated, Revised and Expanded 3rd English edition.  Over 100 pages of new material not found in the first German Edition (by Zweitausendeins), translated by a native German-speaker familiar with orgonomy.  Available in late December or January, but you can pre-purchase today with free shipping internationally, from the following weblink:
From today until the New Year, we also offer free shipping internationally on all editions of the Orgone Accumulator Handbook, to include the English, German, Spanish, Italian and Greek editions, found at that same above weblink -- scroll up or down.  Enter "OBRL FREE SHIPPING" in the comment section and we will delete the shipping charges, or make your PayPal payment minus the shipping.

* Wilhelm Reich, Biologist, by James Strick, PhD, Harvard University Press. Hardcover 450 pages.  Available in April 2015, but can be pre-purchased now from
James Strick has been working on this book for several years, reviewing Reich's early microbiological experiments in Oslo, Norway and later in the USA, detailing his excellent work and scientific priority on the larger "origins of life" question.  Once this book is available and we have read it, we will post out another notice along with a review.

* The Motions of Life: Was Einstein Really Modelling Brownian Movement? by Roberto Maglione.  Softcover 226 Pages.  Illustrated.  Was Einstein really modelling Brownian ,movement? The answer is NO. Einstein never modelled Brownian motion and Perrin never provided evidence for the validity of the molecular kinetic theory by resorting to the phenomenon observed by Brown. Wilhelm Reich is the only scientist that can be credited with having scientifically studied the phenomenon represented by Brownian active molecules, and can be considered the only one that furthered Brown's researches. Available for purchase today, with shipping in early December.
In the USA, for $22.95 plus shipping, from here:
Outside the USA, purchase from here, or from

* Pulsation: From Wilhelm Reich to Neurodynamic Psychotherapy, by Sean Haldane. Parmenides press, Softcover 254 pages.  $18.75  The author is a neurologist and long time supporter of Wilhelm Reich, though has developed his own therapeutic approach and openly questions orgone energy, from the standpoint of honest skepticism.   We have disagreements, but I enjoyed his book for its honest open inquiry and detail, presenting arguments that connect much of Reich's work to comparable concepts or discovery within the mainstream sciences.  I especially appreciate his uncompromised discussion of the orgasm function, of heterosexual genitality, something which even self-described "Pure Reichians" frequently bungle, in misguided efforts to be accommodate the never-satisfied PC crowd. A stimulating read.  Available for purchase today, in the USA from here:
or from other Amazon websites internationally.

* ALSO! Free Shipping Internationally on the following Natural Energy Works/OBRL titles until the New Year!

by James DeMeo:
Orgone Accumulator Handbook
Preliminary Analysis of Changes in Kansas Weather...
In Defense of Wilhelm Reich

by James Martin:
Wilhlem Reich and the Cold War

by Roberto Maglione:
Wilhelm Reich and the Healing of Atmospheres
Just enter the code:  "OBRL Free Shipping" in the comment box on check out.

And excellent gift for the young student, for friends and family, for your local public library, or just for yourself, if you haven't got them.

All other titles in the NEW/OBRL listings will have the usual shipping charges.



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